Image by Arek Socha
Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
Our first featured article this week asks the question: where do we go from here? Good question, and one we need to ask ourselves daily, if not every moment of every day.
We've perhaps become too complacent with our lives... things have been running somewhat smoothly... not perfectly mind you, but "good enough" so that we haven't been inspired to make big changes. But we are now starting to realize that we we are perhaps on a train that was going smoothly but headed to the wrong destination.
Our first featured article "Humanity and The Money Game... Where Do We Go From Here? is the first chapter of Eileen Workman's book, Sacred Economics. Now those two words, sacred and economics, have not been used jointly in a long time, if ever. And that's part of the "wrong track" we've been on. For too long, we have split our lives in two... the "business" or "job" part, and then the "personal" or "spiritual" part. As if we are two separate persons, and what one does during the day at work has nothing to do with who "really" we are.
Our second featured article, "The Power of Women: Healing The World With Feminine Energy", continues us on the exploration of the "wrong track" we've been on. Feminine energy has been denigrated for centuries (or is it millennia?). This energy resides in both men and women -- it is the creative side, the nurturing aspect, the loving and caring energy... definitely not the dog eat dog side of us. This is another road that needs a new direction, or perhaps where we open a new door to a different way of being. We are now realizing that "the end justifies the means" approach is not the one that best serves humanity and the planet.
Even in our perception of relationships and soulmates, we have had a "restricted" perception. Barry Vissell shares a more spiritual viewpoint of soulmates in his article, "Saints and Soulmates: Francis and Clare of Assisi".
So... the question remains... where do we go from here? Some might say we need to become introspective and listen within. This is true, yet we must also balance that with the external path of taking action. Inspiration without action is nothing. Good intentions without good deeds are empty. We are reminded, in our 4th featured article, that "Meditation Is Only The First Step".
A lot of our personal as well as our society's problems are rooted in patterns or ingrained behaviors. Dr. Michael Cotton informs us, in "Your Stone Age Brain Is Eating You Alive", that our behavior patterns date back to the Paleolithic era. We are still running on automatic pilot and letting our primitive brain, with its primal survival mechanism, make our decisions for us.
So where DO we go from here? Our final featured article, "Finding Your People and Building Your Community", recommends finding and joining with others who will support your highest vision of yourself and of the world. We don't have to "go it alone". While it takes "two to tango" it may take a whole village to heal our lives, and our planet.
We need to gain clarity as to where we've beem headed, and then change direction as needed. We may have to course-correct numerous times along the way, and that's OK. They say the first step is the hardest... but when we know that there are others "out there" who are also choosing a better future, a better reality, and a better outcome, it may give us the strength we need to also take that first step, and then the next, and the next.
You are not alone in your journey... many are walking along with you whether you are aware of them or not. We are all on a quest, seeking to create a better world, one where harmony and balance and love are the ruling energies. And it starts with each one of us... So, I invite you to ask yourself... where do I go from here?
Please scroll down to read the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also to find the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, loving, and purpose-full week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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NEW ARTICLES and VIDEOS THIS WEEK articles each day...
Humanity and The Money Game... Where Do We Go From Here?
Written by Eileen Workman
At this stage of the money game we’re operating under an “every man for himself” style of play. We’re taught that the end justifies the means, that it’s a dog-eat-dog reality, that might makes right and it’s a winner-take-all kind of world. We’re taught that winners never quit and quitters never win, and that only the strongest and fittest among us survive.
The Power of Women: Healing The World With Feminine Energy
Written by Lee Harris
The world will come into balance through the leadership of women. It will come back into balance the more the feminine energies are allowed to be, without censorship or limitation. This will also occur as men come to fully understand the divine feminine and reclaim this power for themselves.
Saints and Soulmates: Francis and Clare of Assisi
Written by Barry Vissell
As we write in The Shared Heart, "The real soulmate is a state of consciousness, not a person." That being said, there can also be an outer soulmate, or life partner, an ancient connection with another soul where the primary purpose is serving together, blessing the earth together, more than simply loving one another.
Meditation Is Only The First Step
Written by Dr. Miguel Farias and Dr. Catherine Wikholm
A Benedictine monk had used almost exactly the same words as a Hindu ascetic – Swami Ambikananda had also mentioned that we could meditate for 22 hours a day but that during those two remaining hours all kinds of un-enlightened selfish actions were possible. (It also brought to mind a prisoner I’d met who told me that he had been a Buddhist for years and meditated daily – but was nevertheless in prison for recently committing a violent armed robbery.)
Your Stone Age Brain Is Eating You Alive
Written by Michael Cotton, D.C.
Unlike the Paleolithic woman, the 21st-century human has a higher brain designed for transcendence. Newer areas of her brain, when awakened, can fill her with gratitude and awe and wonder at this marvelous world. However, her new brain is rarely if ever awake because the unconscious lower brain that is trying to unconsciously protect her from falsely perceived danger in her world, is eating her alive!
Finding Your People and Building Your Community
Written by Kourtney Whitehead
Living our beliefs and working whole will reveal who we truly are to the world. It will naturally attract the people that should be in our community. Yet, one of the hardest parts of building community is finding the space to let new people into our lives and letting others leave or play a diminished role.
How The Dalai Lama Is Chosen And Why China Wants To Appoint Its Own
by Brooke Schedneck
The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, the spiritual leader of Tibet, is turning 84 on July 6. With his advancing age, the…
Meet the Farmers Reclaiming Puerto Rico’s Agricultural History
by Carly Graf
In the shadow of Monte Pirucho, once a place of worship for the Taino tribe, Tara Rodríguez Besosa pulls a long, spiny…
To Remember More, Get More Consistent Sleep
by John Toon
Shifting sleep times and reduced sleep quality have a negative effect on the ability of older adults to recall…
How To Avoid Mistakes When Adopting A Dog
by Kevin Fryling
Psychologists who study how people pick their spouses have turned their attention to another important relationship…
10 Reasons Why Raised Bed Gardens are Best
by Self Sufficient Me
In this video, I give you my 10 top reasons why raised bed vegetable gardens are the best! And, how the raised bed…
How Toxic People Wage Emotional Warfare On Others
by Bill Eddy
Expect emotional warfare where there are high-conflict people.
Why Having Too Many Choices Makes Decisions Harder
by Bert Gambini
People faced with more options than they can effectively consider want to make a good decision, but feel unable to do…
Amazon Is Turning 25 – Here's A Look Back At How It Changed The World
by Venkatesh Shankar
A quarter of a century ago, on July 5, 1994, a company, which shared a name with the world’s largest river, was…
3 Easy Healthy Salad Recipes
by Clean & Delicious
These three new easy, healthy salad recipes are the perfect way to work more fresh, seasonal ingredients into your diet.
Empower A Girl, Transform A Community
by Kakenya Ntaiya
Kakenya Ntaiya turned her dream of getting an education into a movement to empower vulnerable girls and bring an end to…
8 Ways To Avoid Food Poisoning
by Patti Verbanas
Poison control experts have advice for how to avoid food poisoning at your BBQs and picnics.
This Reminder Brings Out Flexible Thinking In Kids
by Alison Jones
Reminding children of their many roles—friend, neighbor, and daughter, for example—can lead to better problem-solving…
Madonna Or Whore; Frigid Or A Slut: Why Women Are Still Bearing The Brunt Of Sexual Slurs
by Eva Cox
This is a long-standing tactic, based on sexist assumptions that women can be classified as either Madonna or whore…
Citing $69 Trillion Price Tag by 2100, Moody's Warns Central Banks of Far-Reaching Economic Damage of Climate Crisis
by Jessica Corbett
"There is no denying it: The longer we wait to take bold action to curb emissions, the higher the costs will be for all…
Power Naps And Meals Don't Always Help Shift Workers Make It Through The Night
by Siobhan Banks, et al
Take a nap. But not for long. Eat a meal. No, just eat a snack. This is some of the varied and often contradictory…
Is It Wrong To Protect Nature With Human Style Rights?
by Anna Grear
How can the law account for the value of complex, nonhuman entities such as rivers, lakes, forests and ecosystems?
Why Breastfeeding Has Been The Best Public Health Policy Throughout History
by Joan Y. Meek
Breastfeeding has long been the gold standard for infant nutrition. The American Academy of Pediatrics, American…
Climate Change Is Making Cities Sick And We Need To Act
by Malcolm Araos, et al
Urban Canadians are feeling the impact of climate change. Flooding in Quebec this spring damaged nearly 1,900 homes in…
Every Dog Has Its Day, But It's Not The Fourth Of July
by Christine Calder
The Fourth of July can be a miserable day for dogs. The fireworks make scaredy-cats out of many canines.
Are You Burnt Out At Work? Ask Yourself These 4 Questions
by Michael Musker
It’s normal to feel stressed at work from time to time. But for some people, the stress becomes all-consuming, leading…
Game On Climate Change Game On
by Laura Tenenbaum
Laura Faye Tenenbaum is the Senior Science Editor for the NASA’s Global Climate Change publication and a member of the…
4 Steps To Make Your Lawn A Wildlife Haven
by Adam Bates
If you could ask British insects about the habitats they prefer, they’d probably tell you that you can’t improve on…
How US Policy In Honduras Set The Stage For Today's Migration
by Joseph Nevins
Hondurans fleeing poverty and violence – who make up most of the participants of a “caravan” estimated at between 7,000…
Men Do See The Mess – They Just Aren't Judged For It The Way Women Are
by Sarah Thebaud, et al
On a typical day, men spend a third as much time cleaning as women. Does that make women beacons of cleanliness, while…
Companies And Governments Are Paying People To Get Healthy, And It Works
by Marc Mitchell
In many ways, we have never been less healthy. Nearly 100 million adults in the United States are obese.
5 Best Vegetables for Your Edible Container Garden
by California Gardening
In today's episode we look at the five best vegetables you can grow in your vegetable container garden or edible…
How Social Narratives Stop Us From Being Happy
by Big Think
Many of us are trying to fit into existing roles that aren't specially crafted for us, and, as a result, we don't fit…
What Happens When A Country Drowns?
by Sarah M. Munoz
Global climate change is endangering small island countries, many of them developing nations, potentially harming their…
In Defense Of Ultra-Processed Foods
by Sylvain Charlebois and Janet Music
Ultra-processed foods, a label coined in research by a Brazilian pediatrician, have been targeted as a menace to…
How To Think Yourself Into A Fit Person
by Shaelyn Strachan
Many of us, aware of the benefits of exercise, try to stick to a routine, only to find our sneakers at the back of the…
Why Everyone Should Know Their Attachment Style
by Helen Dent
If you’ve suffered from anxiety, depression or relationship problems, a psychological theory called “attachment theory”…
Why Facts Are Not Always More Important Than Opinions
by Peter Ellerton
Which is more important, a fact or an opinion on any given subject? It might be tempting to say the fact.
Liberals And Conservatives Have Wildly Different TV-Viewing Habits – But These 5 Shows Bring Everyone Together
by Johanna Blakley
There’s been a lot of concern about how conservatives and liberals consume their news from sources that merely confirm…
Moon Practice Yoga With Adriene
by Yoga With Adriene
Join me for this sweet, 15 minute Moon Practice, perfect for anyone under any stress. This practice invites you to get…
Self-Command: Learn This Powerful Thinking Tool
by Emily Chamlee-Wright
When should you censor yourself, and when should you speak up? Emily Chamlee-Wright explains moral philosopher Adam…
Had Gestational Diabetes? 5 Things To Help Lower Your Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes
by Clare Collins, et al
Gestational diabetes is a specific type of diabetes that occurs in pregnancy.
How Do You Know That What You Know Is True?
by Peter Ellerton
How do you know what the weather will be like tomorrow? How do you know how old the Universe is? How do you know if you…
Parenting Practices Around The World Are Diverse And Not All About Attachment
by Sam Carr
Most parents would agree that parenting is extremely complex and challenging. What works for one child, might not work…
Are Sugar Substitutes Better Or Worse For Diabetes? For Weight Loss?
by Jamie Pitlick
Wandering through the grocery store, it is easy to be overwhelmed by the numerous brands and health claims on the…
How Will Future Generations Remember Our Time?
by David Korten
How will future generations remember our time? As the time when climate chaos, peak oil, and an unstable global economy…
'I'm Not A Traitor, You Are!' Political Argument From The Founding Fathers To Today's Partisans
by Jeffrey Selinger
These stories are, essentially, allegations of disloyalty. And they foretell national ruin if the other side achieves…
Demolish Your Front Fence. It Would Be An Act Of Radical Kindness
by Katherine Wilson
A few years ago, I reflected on years of doctoral field-notes documenting the homes of tinkerers — people with an…
Why Period Pain Shouldn't Make You Stop Exercising
by Leica Sarah Claydon-Mueller and Priya Kannan
Girls and women experiencing period pain often avoid physical activity, but our latest study suggests that doing…
Does Legalizing Marijuana Help Or Harm Americans?
by Liberty Vittert
The legalization of marijuana has been a topic of contention and confusion for both sides of the debate.
Too Much Theory Leads Economists To Bad Predictions
by Peter A Coclanis
Whether it was the physicist Niels Bohr or the baseball player Yogi Berra who said it – or, most likely, someone else…
Green Smothie Recipe For Health, Fitness And Weight Loss
by Clean & Delicious
My go-to green smoothie recipe is perfect for any type of health, fitness or weight loss goal. It's low in sugar and…
Want Citizens To Care About Climate Change?
by Abhishek Kar and Hisham Zerriffi
Climate scientists insist in a recent report that fundamental changes in how energy is consumed and supplied are…
How Working Long Hours Increases Your Chance Of Having A Stroke
by Libby Sander
These long hours are bad for our health. A new study from France has found that regularly working long days of ten…
What Happens After You Take Injured Wildlife To The Vet?
by Bronwyn Orr
Australia’s wildlife is unique and endearing, with many species found nowhere else in the world. Unfortunately, it…
The Difference Between Healthy And Unhealthy Love
by TED
In a talk about understanding and practicing the art of healthy relationships, Katie Hood reveals the five signs you…
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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