Image by Michael Schwarzenberger
Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self
We might have previously thought that we needed fixing, that we were damaged souls, but the truth is that we don't need fixing, we simply need cleaning, clearing, cleansing. We're like a window or a mirror that has been accumulating dirt and dust for years. We can't see through it any longer to the radiance that is within. So we need to get in touch with our inner being, our inner light, our inner love, and choose to focus and support that energy, and refuse to carry the darkness any longer -- whether the darkness exists in our cravings, our negative beliefs, the influences that we are under, our doubts and fears, and the doubts and fears of others... Once we let all of that go and only allow what is for our highest good into our life and into our heart, then life takes on a whole new clarity and dimension.
Whenever I find myself in a situation that is "iffy" whether in energy or safety, I affirm that "I only allow in my life and in my body and in my Being that which is for my Highest Good." This creates a pulsing energy, a shield, that pushes away those forces that would do me harm -- in thought, in emotion, or in the physical being. I enourage you to adopt this statement, attitude, affirmation as well: "I only allow in my Life that which is for my Highest Good."
So, we are not broken, we don't need fixing. We simply need a good spring cleaning, and clearing out the clutter in our minds, the blockages in our body, and the darkness in our heart. Then the path will reveal itself in its full clarity and light. Happy travels on your life's journey!
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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell and Robert Jennings
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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