InnerSelf Newsletter: October 11, 2020
Image by Simon D'Arcy 

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

Life is a journey and, as most journeys, comes with its ups and downs. And just like day always follows night, so do our personal daily experiences go from dark to light, and back and forth. However, we are not subject to a timetable set by nature or by others, thus we get to choose how fast or how high we climb on the stairway of life and enlightenment. This week we bring you articles to assist you in "lighting" up your experience of life..

We start with Ervin Laszlo who invites us on the path of "Going From Incoherence, Competition, and Chaos to “Holotropism”". Then Will T. Wilkinson asks us to reflect on the following question: "What's Your End Game?" Lesley Phillips, provides assistance in "Connecting with Your Life Purpose, Personal Goals, and Free Will". 

And nature and the planetary forces also assist in our journey. this week. We are offered: "Wild Love: This Supermoon is New..." in which Sarah Varcas writes: "In the dark of this moon we can experience a deepened sense of our innate power as we contemplate the strength that lies at our core: the unyielding life-force shared with all beings everywhere. In the weeks to come we can nurture and nourish this connection to our sovereign self, which can be diminished by nothing and no one, however fearful or disempowered we may feel. The ripples emanating from this moon, together with Mercury’s current retrograde passage through Scorpio, set the scene for the final three months of this year, illuminating the issues, blessings and challenges laid before us."

We are realizing that our journey is not a passive one. It is a journey that requires our attention, our presence, and our participation through conscious choices. We may have, in the past, seen the outward drama as something that had nothing to do with us, but now that we are coming to realize our connection and oneness with all, we know that there is no such thing as a non-participant. Even doing nothing is doing something...

Pierre Pradervand shares his wisdom in "When Contemplation and Spirituality Meet Social Activism" and Amit Goswami proposes "A Real Solution for the Political Crisis: An Integrative Quantum Worldview". We are all participating in this ongoing program, the stage play of "Life on Earth". We all have a role to play. What is yours? There are no inessential roles. Each of us is a piece of the puzzle, a drop that makes up the cosmic ocean, and another step on the staircase to attain or create "heaven on earth" right here and now. Together, with Love, we can do it!

Additional insights and advice come from Pam Younghans in this week's "Astrological Journal"  in which she writes: "Clearly, it is more important than ever that we have our spiritual toolbox handy this week. Find ways to transcend the drama and trauma, and take special care of your physical needs with healthy food, plenty of rest, and your favorite form of movement or exercise. Options may include daily (or more often!) meditation, walks in nature, disconnecting from mainstream media, deep breathing, taking everything one step at a time, and having faith in the higher outcome, no matter how things may appear on the surface at this time."

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"


***** articles and videos added daily *****

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Going From Incoherence, Competition, and Chaos to “Holotropism”

Written by Ervin Laszlo

Going From Incoherence, Competition, and Chaos to “Holotropism”
The coherence-building process in the universe is a real but subtle process. In the contemporary world it is often diverted and dominated by existential, more directly survival-oriented forces and impulses. These forces and impulses tend to be self-centered and competitive.

What's Your End Game?

Written by Will T. Wilkinson

What's Your End Game?
Movies that suck for an hour then end well are remembered as good movies. Those that are decent for an hour but suck at the end take their place in history as bad movies. So, how is your life going to end?

Connecting with Your Life Purpose, Personal Goals, and Free Will

Written by Lesley Phillips, PhD

Connecting with Your Life Purpose, Personal Goals, and Free Will
I started asking the crowds who came to my workshops two questions: “Who believes they have a life purpose?” and “Who knows what their purpose is?” Without exception, everyone believed they had a purpose yet only a small fraction knew what it was.

Wild Love: This Supermoon is New in Libra, October 16, 2020

Written by Sarah Varcas

Wild Love: This Supermoon is New in Libra, October 16, 2020
In the dark of this moon we can experience a deepened sense of our innate power as we contemplate the strength that lies at our core: the unyielding life-force shared with all beings everywhere. In the weeks to come we can nurture and nourish this connection to our sovereign self...

When Contemplation and Spirituality Meet Social Activism

Written by Pierre Pradervand

When Contemplation and Action Meet
It is my deep conviction that any meaningful religious or spiritual approach must also really address the key issue of today – and that is a world that works for all. Disparities and inequalities in income and opportunities are become so huge, environmental degradation is advancing so rapidly, that unless we create a world that works for ALL (and this includes the environment)...

A Real Solution for the Political Crisis: An Integrative Quantum Worldview

Written by Amit Goswami, Ph.D.

A Real Solution for the Political Crisis in America: Integrative Quantum Worldview
When Donald Trump was elected President of the United States in 2016, every politically aware progressive American came to understand that there was a crisis in American politics like never before. But if you are a student of history or if you cared deeply for progressivity in your country, you could have predicted this crisis three decades ago...

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Additional Articles this Week:

The Obesity Paradox: Why Obese Patients Fare Better Than Others After Heart Surgery

The Obesity Paradox: Why Obese Patients Fare Better Than Others After Heart Surgery

by Ana Johnson and Joel Parlow

The World Health Organization has declared obesity to be a global epidemic that “threatens to overwhelm both developed…

Why Is It So Hard For Atheists To Get Voted In To Congress?

Why Is It So Hard For Atheists To Get Voted In To Congress?

by Phil Zuckerman

In this era of increasing diversity and the breaking of long-rigid political-demographic barriers, there is no…

How This Circadian Rhythm Liver Gene Helps The Body Keep Working Smoothly After Late Nights And Midnight Snacks

How This Circadian Rhythm Liver Gene Helps The Body Keep Working Smoothly After Late Nights And Midnight Snacks

by David Ray et al

Every living human is controlled by an internal “clock” which drives our circadian rhythm – the natural internal…

God, Plagues and Pestilence – What History Can Teach Us About Living Through A Pandemic

God, Plagues and Pestilence – What History Can Teach Us About Living Through A Pandemic

by Robyn J. Whitaker

Most of us are living through a year that is unprecedented in our lifetimes. Too young to remember the Spanish flu,…

Is The Coronavirus Cure Worse Than The Disease?

Is The Coronavirus Cure Worse Than The Disease?

by Danny Dorling

In the conquest of Mount Everest anything less than 100% success is failure, but in most communicable diseases we are…

Why Friendships Are Falling Apart Over Politics

Why Friendships Are Falling Apart Over Politics

by Melanie Green

Former Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Antonin Scalia were on opposite sides of the political spectrum.…

sense of our innate power as we contemplate the strength that…

Young People's Mental Health Deteriorated The Most During The Pandemic, Study Finds

Young People's Mental Health Deteriorated The Most During The Pandemic, Study Finds

by Kathryn Abel and Matthias Pierce

Public health responses to the pandemic have focused on preventing the spread of the virus, limiting the number of…

How A Sexy Mindset Makes Partners Seem Hotter

How A Sexy Mindset Makes Partners Seem Hotter

by Sandra Knispel

We see possible romantic partners as a lot more attractive if we have what scientists call “a sexy mindset,” according…

Belly Fat Linked to Higher Risk of Premature Death, Regardless of Your Weight

Belly Fat Linked to Higher Risk of Premature Death, Regardless of Your Weight

by Rebecca Dumbell

It’s well known that carrying extra fat around your waist can be harmful to your health, bringing greater risk of…

How Large Class Sizes During The Pandemic Are A Triple Whammy

How Large Class Sizes During The Pandemic Are A Triple Whammy

by Chris Bauch et al

Formulating school and childcare centre reopening plans in North America this fall has been a daunting task, as both…

Wildfire Smoke Is Laced With Toxic Chemicals – Here's How They Got There

Wildfire Smoke Is Laced With Toxic Chemicals – Here's How They Got There

by Joshua S. Fu

When you breathe in smoke from a wildfire, you’re probably inhaling more toxic chemicals than you realize.

How Covid-19 Will Change Holiday Shopping

How Covid-19 Will Change Holiday Shopping

by Caroline Brooks

Autumn has just gotten underway, but retailers are already hard at work preparing for the 2020 holiday shopping season,…

An Effective Climate Change Solution May Lie In Rocks Beneath Our Feet

An Effective Climate Change Solution May Lie In Rocks Beneath Our Feet

by Benjamin Z. Houlton

Why has Earth’s climate remained so stable over geological time? The answer just might rock you.

How The Lockdown Has Changed Reading Habits

How The Lockdown Has Changed Reading Habits

by Abigail Boucher ety al

During times of crisis, people find themselves faced with lifestyle changes. One of the earliest and most noticeable…

5 Ways To Increase Needed Protein Intake As We Age

5 Ways To Increase Needed Protein Intake As We Age

by Katherine Appleton and Emmy van den Heuvel

Protein is an essential part of a healthy diet. It helps us build and maintain strong muscles and bones, helps us…

Finding Joy In These Current Times? Why It's Not Such An Absurd Idea, Really

Finding Joy In These Current Times? Why It's Not Such An Absurd Idea, Really

by Angela Gorrell

The year 2020 hasn’t been one to remember favorably – in fact, for a lot of people it has been an outright nightmare.…

A Transition To Working From Home Won't Slash Emissions Unless We Make Car-free Lifestyles Viable

A Transition To Working From Home Won't Slash Emissions Unless We Make Car-free Lifestyles Viable

by Hannah Budnitz

Even before the pandemic, the proportion of people working from home was slowly but steadily increasing. But COVID-19…

How Race and Gender Affect Who Looks Like A Winner

How Race and Gender Affect Who Looks Like A Winner

by Regina Bateson

When Americans go to the polls on Nov. 3, 2020, they will either re-elect President Donald Trump or vote in the…

Shrinking Glaciers Have Created A New Normal For Greenland's Ice Sheet

Shrinking Glaciers Have Created An Imbalance For Greenland's Ice Sheet

by Michalea King

Greenland is the largest island on Earth, and about 80% of it is covered by a giant sheet of ice. Slowly flowing…

How Does Being Bilingual Affect Your Brain?

How Does Being Bilingual Affect Your Brain?

by Vincent DeLuca

Research suggests that as you learn or regularly use a second language, it becomes constantly “active” alongside your…

Why Election Horse-Race Reporting Is Media Gold But Poison for Democracy

Why Election Horse-Race Reporting Is Media Gold But Poison for Democracy

by Richard Thomas et al

The 2020 US presidential election campaign is moving quickly and the news media are valiantly struggling to keep…

When Covid-19 Superspreaders Are Talking, Where You Sit In The Room Matters

When Covid-19 Superspreaders Are Talking, Where You Sit In The Room Matters

by Suresh Dhaniyala

It doesn’t take long for airborne coronavirus particles to make their way through a room. At first, only people sitting…

How 10 Billion People Could Live Well By 2050 Using As Much Energy As We Did 60 Years Ago

How 10 Billion People Could Live Well By 2050 Using As Much Energy As We Did 60 Years Ago

by Joel Millward-Hopkins

A larger population does make it harder to treat the environment in the right way. Fortunately, in new research we…

Montessori, Steiner or Reggio Emilia: Which Childcare Philosophy Is Best For Your Family?

Montessori, Steiner or Reggio Emilia: Which Childcare Philosophy Is Best For Your Family?

by Nadia Wilson-Ali and Marianne Knaus

Up to 90% of brain development occurs in the first five years of life. Early learning matters, and creates a solid…

Netflix's "The Social Dilemma" Highlights The Problem With Social Media, But What's The Solution?

Netflix's "The Social Dilemma" Highlights The Problem With Social Media, But What's The Solution?

by Belinda Barnet and Diana Bossio

Facebook has responded to Netflix documentary The Social Dilemma, saying it “buries the substance in sensationalism”.

4 Reasons Why Restoring Nature Is The Most Important Endeavor Of Our Time

4 Reasons Why Restoring Nature Is The Most Important Endeavor Of Our Time

by Jake M. Robinson

Ecosystem degradation is a global phenomenon. It is expected that by 2050, 95% of Earth’s land will be degraded. A…

10 Tips For Avoiding Scams When Shopping Online

10 Tips For Avoiding Scams When Shopping Online

by H. Colleen Sinclair

The holiday season is already a booming time for online shopping. The COVID-19 pandemic increases the likelihood that…

What Is Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome?

What Is Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome?

by Michael Musker

For many of us, becoming ill with a virus might put us on the couch for a week or two. It’s frustrating, but after…

How Make The Most of K-12 Digital Textbooks and Online Educational Tools

How Make The Most of K-12 Digital Textbooks and Online Educational Tools

by Kui Xie

Whether children are currently going to school in person, learning remotely or doing a mix of both, digital tools and…

What Doctors Know About Lingering Symptoms of Coronavirus

What Doctors Know About Lingering Symptoms of Coronavirus

by William Petri

With over 2 million cases in the U.S. since the coronavirus pandemic began in late December, there are now many people…

How To Hide From A Drone – The Subtle Art of Ghosting In The Age of Surveillance

How To Hide From A Drone – The Subtle Art of Ghosting In The Age of Surveillance

by Austin Choi-Fitzpatrick

Drones of all sizes are being used by environmental advocates to monitor deforestation, by conservationists to track…

Pope Francis Delivers New Teaching Aimed At Healing Divisions

Pope Francis Delivers New Teaching Aimed At Healing Divisions

by Maria Power

Pope Francis has delivered a message to the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics and people of goodwill everywhere which aims…

How Family Experience Shapes Diabetes Management

How Family Experience Shapes Diabetes Management

by Brian Consiglio

Watching another person experience diabetes influences type 2 diabetics’ self-management of blood sugar levels…

How Best To Combat Conspiracy Theories

How Best To Combat Conspiracy Theories

by Thomas Roulet

In the era of social media, conspiracy theories feel more prominent and prevalent than ever before.

Male Baboons With Female Pals Live Longer

Male Baboons With Female Pals Live Longer

by Robin Smith

Male baboons that have close female friends have higher rates of survival than those who don’t, a new study shows.

How Hindu Rituals Teach To Let Go of Deep Grief

How Hindu Rituals Teach To Let Go of Deep Grief

by Ketika Garg

Rituals can hold the core beliefs of a culture and provide a sense of control in an otherwise helpless situation. I…

Too Many Pictures Hinder Young Kids’ Learning To Read

Too Many Pictures Hinder Young Kids’ Learning To Read

by Stacy Kish

An overly busy page with extraneous images can draw the reader’s attention away from text, resulting in lower…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

 Astrological Journal for the Week

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


How and Why You Must Forgive Yourself, Completely

How and Why You Must Forgive Yourself, Completely

by Kent Nerburn

Most of us have some corner where we cannot forgive ourselves. Our hearts ache for the choices made or denied, and we…

You Can Grow Beyond Victim To Fulfill Your Destiny

You Can Grow Beyond Victim To Fulfill Your Destiny

by Alan Cohen

Andrea has been married four times, and divorced three. "I don't see myself as a four-time loser; I consider myself a…

Changing...Instantly: It's A Lot Easier Than You Think

Changing...Instantly: It's A Lot Easier Than You Think

by Ariel and Shya Kane

Mechanical behaviors are old ways of doing things that once worked, or appeared to have worked, in situations that were…

How Can We Find Rest, Renewal and Delight in Our Busy Lives?

How Can We Find Rest, Renewal and Delight in Our Busy Lives?

by Wayne Muller

Our culture invariably supposes that action and accomplishment are better than rest, that doing something -- anything…

Turn Work Into Play and Success Will Be Yours

Turn Work Into Play and Success Will Be Yours

by Ernest Wood

When purpose and pleasure are brought together work becomes play. Every bit of work done in this spirit strengthens the…

Why Geniuses Have Genius: The Power of Passion

Why Geniuses Have Genius: The Power of Passion

by Suzanne Falter

What geniuses do is straightforward enough — they recognize their gifts, and then they fully and completely embrace…

Learning to Process Emotions Safely and Successfully

Learning to Process Emotions Safely and Successfully

by Gary Reiss, LCSW

One of the biggest problems that people bring to therapy is not knowing what to do with a wide range of feelings…

Also check out the InnerSelf section, Remember Your Future, for articles dealing with issues that are related to you and the upcoming 2020 US election for President, Senate, etc.:


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