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Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
These days we are living in mini-bubbles... in our own homes, at work, and in public, and possibly in our own mind and with our own emotions. However, living in a bubble, or feeling like we are somehow cut off from others, does not mean that we stop living, growing, and moving forward. We can thrive in times of challenge. Many people can testify that their greatest progress in life came because of a challenge of some kind.
So how do we thrive when going through trauma or life challenges? This week, our authors help us reflect on how to do that. We start with Lawrence Doochin who offers "3 Steps to Pull Yourself into the Now and Overcome Fear". We then move on to Christine Arylo and "How To Shift Away from Overwhelm, Burnout, and Self-Sacrifice".
Malcolm Stern writes about "Thriving In The Face of Deep Instability" and Sarah Varcas brings astrological insights in "Mercury Retrograde Revelations: Everything Still to Play For! ".
Throughout these times, the outside world keeps on keeping on, and changes are taking place in the political world and the realms of consciousness. Amit Goswami expands our perception of these two areas in "Plutocracy vs. Meritocracy vs. the Evolutionary Movement of Consciousness".
We complete the featured articles of the week, with Hersch Wilson and an excerpt from his book Firefighter Zen: "When The Caring Leaves... and When It Comes Back". All in all, we are reminded that life is full of cycles, of ups and downs, of times of joy and of sadness, of living "full-out' and then taking time to rest and recharge.
We are well-served to remember that "this too shall pass" and that everything that happens is a step on the ladder of consciousness and human evolution. As we do our best to live from our heart and listen to our intuition, we are guided to the what, when, where, why, and who of our next steps and our next experiences. We can thrive even in the midst of madness, of illness, of confusion, of frustration, etc. etc.
The only limitations that matter are the ones we place on our own self, on our own mind, on our own heart. As we release all limits from being the loving being we truly are, then life will take shape and we will be creating the future we desire.
As Pam Younghans states in this week's "Astrological Journal":
"WE ARE CROSSING a bridge into a new reality – a world so new that we cannot yet visualize what it might look like, or even conceive exactly how we will get there. Our task at this point is not to presume to know each step we will take in the journey, but to focus on how we want to feel as we step into that new landscape, and what we can imagine as the best of all worlds manifesting."
So let's not get discouraged... or if we do, let's remember to pick ourselves back up and look to the light and love within our heart and within the heart of others, and take the next step, and the next, and the next, and move closer and closer to the loving world we wish to create and live in.
Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap and links to all the articles that were added to the website during the week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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***** articles and videos added daily *****
3 Steps to Pull Yourself into the Now and Overcome Fear
Written by Lawrence Doochin
Our minds are constantly in the past, focusing on our memories; or in the future, focusing on our expectations. But both of these states of mind are breeding grounds for fear. If we can pull our attention back to the present moment, the fear subsides. Here’s how to shift into ...
How To Shift Away from Overwhelm, Burnout, and Self-Sacrifice
Written by Christine Arylo
The first step in changing what’s not working for you is awareness — becoming conscious of what you are currently blind to. You simply cannot change what you cannot see. But when you do see what was previously hidden, you gain the power to change it.
Thriving In The Face of Deep Instability
Written by Malcolm Stern
It is our challenge to find strength and meaning in the tragedies, fears and confusions that confront us. In discovering ways of dealing with those inevitable events, we have the possibility of alchemizing our experience, turning the base metal of our pain into the gold of wisdom, understanding, enrichment and purpose.
Mercury Retrograde Revelations: Everything Still to Play For!
Written by Sarah Varcas
Mercury in Scorpio will not rest until the very root of a matter is exposed. It challenges us to seek out hidden agendas and obscured facts, resisting the misdirections cast by those who prefer we (or they) remain in the dark. When retrograde, this Mercury pursues truths so profoundly obscured...
Plutocracy vs. Meritocracy vs. the Evolutionary Movement of Consciousness
Written by Amit Goswami, Ph.D.
To summarize, we are at a crossroads. There is the old-world perspective of feudalism—rule by a king in cahoots with a religious oligarchy. Following this perspective ends up in a dictatorship supported by a plutocracy and oligarchy.
When The Caring Leaves... and When It Comes Back
Written by Hersch Wilson
It’s important to realize that everyone’s process — everyone’s sense of tragedy, loss, and grief — will be different. Some feel as if they are going crazy, or they feel absolutely lost. Some find handrails — like faith, community, a spouse — that keep them grounded. There is no one way.
Advice To Women To 'Lean In', Be More Confident... It Doesn't Help
by Leonora Risse
“Just be more confident, be more ambitious, be more like a man.” These are the words of advice given over and over to…
Why Schools Often Fail To Identify Gifted and Talented Students
by Marcia Gentry
About a decade ago, I was working with a large, urban school district on creating a gifted and talented program that…
In Defence of Jargon – It Might Be Infuriating But It Also Has Its Uses
by Andre Spicer
Anyone who tried to get their head around the financial crisis of 2008 soon found themselves drowning in an alphabet…
How Strong Is Your Grip? What Does It Tell You About Your Health?
by Adam Taylor
The human hand is remarkable. Not only does it allow us to throw, grab, climb and pick things up, it can also be a…
Are Individualistic Societies Worse At Responding To Pandemics?
by Tomasz Mickiewicz, et al.
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson recently suggested that coronavirus infections are higher in the UK than Germany or…
Why Vulnerable Workers Have Been Hit Hardest By The Pandemic
by rian McDonough
Deprived communities and the most vulnerable in society are bearing the brunt of hardship in the pandemic.
Distance Learning Makes It Harder For Kids To Exercise, Especially In Low-Income Communities
by Katelyn Esmonde and Keshia Pollack Porter
This fall hasn’t felt much like “back to school” for many children. Instead, many are staying at home and attending…
World Menopause Day: How Cultural Representations of 'The Change' Are Empowering Women
by Katy Shaw
In an episode of the comedy Absolutely Fabulous entitled “menopause”, Patsy starts to experience hot flashes and night…
Ballet Dancers Should Absolutely Think About Becoming Computer Programmers
by John Bryson
There has been quite a backlash since the UK government launched an advert encouraging dancers to think about…
How Do Pandemics End? History Suggests Diseases Fade But Are Almost Never Truly Gone
by Nükhet Varlik
When will the pandemic end? All these months in, with over 37 million COVID-19 cases and more than 1 million deaths…
Could Schrödinger's Cat Exist In Real Life?
by Stefan Forstner
Have you ever been in more than one place at the same time? If you’re much bigger than an atom, the answer will be no.
Why Donald Trump's Words Work... And What To Do About It
by Robert Danisch
As America chaotically careens toward election day with President Donald Trump fighting a COVID-19 infection, we should…
How Much Do Our Genes Restrict Free Will?
by Hannah Critchlow
Many of us believe we are masters of own destiny, but new research is revealing the extent to which our behaviour is…
Can We Actually Learn To Live With Coronavirus?
by Sarah Pitt
As we move into the last quarter of 2020, the virus that has defined this troubled year is showing no signs of going…
More Young Adults Are Living With Their Parents – But Is That Necessarily Bad?
by Jeffrey Arnett
When the Pew Research Center recently reported that the proportion of 18-to-29-year-old Americans who live with their…
3 Ways To Get Your Point Across While Wearing A Mask
by Cheryl Chambers
You wear your mask, keep six feet between yourself and others and are committed to safety. But the measures that help…
From Renaissance Portraits To Salvador Dalí, Artists Used Flies To Make A Point About Appearances
by Sally Hickson
After the October 7, 2020, vice-presidential debate in the United States, the fly that landed on Vice-President Mike…
PFAS 'Forever Chemicals' Are Widespread and Threaten Human Health
by Carol Kwiatkowsk
Like many inventions, the discovery of Teflon happened by accident. In 1938, chemists from Dupont (now Chemours) were…
Why You're More Likely To Lie For Your Boss
by Jennifer Jordan and Tim Vriend
We generally believe that it is a good thing to have strong relationships with the people we work for and those we…
How A Seaweed Extract Could Help Treat Type 1 Diabetes
by Katrina Wesencraft
Type 1 diabetes used to be a death sentence. After a diagnosis, patients were put on a starvation diet. The lucky ones…
Why Males May Have A Worse Response To Covid-19
by Meghan E. Rebuli
If you ask most women about how their male relatives, partners and friends respond to being sick, they’ll often tell…
by Roger Bales and Martha Conklin
As California contends with its worst wildfire season in history, it’s more evident than ever that land management…
by Wanyun Shao
When President Donald Trump announced he was leaving the hospital after being treated for COVID-19, he sent his…
by Thomas Woolley et al.
During lockdown, travel restrictions caused car and public transport use to plummet across the UK. On April 12 2020…
How Researchers Are Preparing For The Coming Wave of Deepfake Propaganda
by John Sohrawardi and Matthew Wright
An investigative journalist receives a video from an anonymous whistleblower. It shows a candidate for president…
Obesity Has Become The New Normal But It's Still A Health Risk
by Tim Olds
Nike’s London store recently introduced a plus-sized mannequin to display its active clothing range which goes up to a…
Tinder Fails To Protect Women From Abuse. But When We Brush Off Dick Pics As A Laugh, So Do We
by Rosalie Gillett and Nicolas Suzor
An ABC investigation has highlighted the shocking threats of sexual assault women face when “matching” with people on…
How Can Cloth Stop A Tiny Virus? What’s The Best Fabric? Do They Protect The Wearer?
by Catherine Clase et al
Face masks reduce the spread of viruses passed on from respiratory secretions. While cloth masks are imperfect…
Richard Flanagan's The Living Sea of Waking Dreams Considers Griefs Big and Small
by Tony Hughes-d'Aeth
The Living Sea of Waking Dreams, Richard Flanagan’s eighth novel, is one of a slew of novels one expects to emerge from…
How Doing Good May Make People More Attractive
by Sara Konrath and Femida Handy
Giving is good for you. For years, researchers have been finding that people who support charities or volunteer for…
Why Some Hurricanes Stall and Why That Is So Hard To Forecast
by Kimberly Wood
A lot can go wrong when hurricanes stall. Their destructive winds last longer. The storm surge can stay high. And the…
Why Virtual Courtrooms May Threaten Justice
by Vincent Denaul
Since the beginning of the health crisis, courts in many countries have been making a technological shift. The number…
Two Of Us: Inside John Lennon's Incredible Songwriting Partnership With Paul McCartney
by Adam Behr
John Lennon was acutely aware of his place in the musical lineage, and the strengths and weaknesses of his own…
by Matthew Adams
More of us than ever are stuck indoors, whether we are working at home, self-isolating, or socially distancing from…
Experiencing Physical Pain Can Cause You To Overspend
by Eugene Y. Chan
Suffering from pain causes consumers to spend more money than they otherwise would – perhaps 20% more – according to…
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
Meditation Is What Happens Naturally When...
by Robert Landau
Exhaustive research has shown that meditation is an excellent antidote against stress, hyperactivity, and fear related…
Aging Gracefully and Healthily: Accepting and Loving Our Body
by Louise Hay
The ways in which we currently age have been programmed into us, and we have accepted this idea as a reality. We…
Finding Your Inner Teacher: Where Do You Start?
by Shakti Gawain
Once we've developed a relationship with our own inner teacher and guide, we have access to an unerring source of…
In This World of Distraction, Choose Careful Action and Intentional Awareness
by Ajahn Sumano Bhikkhu and Emily Popp
The world of distraction spins around and around, while moving continuously to keep itself amused and entertained. It…
Facing Pain and Grief with the Intention to Heal
by Deborah Morris Coryell
Intention is the ability to decide what it is we want to achieve and then setting out to achieve that goal. We use the…
Get Rid of Stress by Discovering and Living Your Spiritual Purpose
by Bruce D. Schneider, Ph.D.
Each soul incarnated into a specific form on earth for a unique purpose. Your journey is now and exists at this moment…
Taking the Risk to Listen and Be Heard with the Heart
by Rick Phillips
We may think that because of the development of the ability to see and hear into the far reaches of space that we must…
Also check out the InnerSelf section, Remember Your Future, for articles dealing with issues that are related to you and the upcoming 2020 US election for President, Senate, etc.
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