Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
This week we "celebrate" Halloween... a time where things appear as they are not. And this concept applies to much of our lives as well: Things are not always as they seem. We start with a look at our pet friends and how they feel about being "disguised" with clothes, with Nancy Windheart's "How Do Animals Feel About Clothes and Costumes?"
Another area where things are not as they seem comes to light in "Energy Cannot Be Destroyed; It Can Only Be Transformed", as well as in "To Reincarnate or Not to Reincarnate: Dogs, Humans and Consciousness"
And we also discover that our challenges and struggles come with a message and meaning, which are oftentimes camouflaged as problems; yet you can "Leverage Your Strengths and Find Meaning in Struggles". Ervin Lazlo shares how things are changing, evolving and again are not as they have seemed to be in the past in "A New Paradigm Shift Is Underway Today in Physics and Consciousness"
And to help discover the hidden messages and meanings in our life experiences, we have two astrological articles this week. The first by Sarah Varcas, "Healing Revelations: New Moon in Scorpio and Mercury Retrograde" and our weekly astrological journal with Pam Younghan's "Astrological Journal for the Week" where Pam shares "...we will need to be flexible and willing to release attachments to old forms and values."
And we wrap up the featured articles this week, with an article I wrote, "Hey! They're Playing Our Song".
And of course we have numerous new articles this week as well. Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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***** articles and videos added daily *****
How Do Animals Feel About Clothes and Costumes?
Written by Nancy Windheart
Many people will be celebrating Halloween here in the US…and around this time of year, I often get questions about how our companion animals feel about wearing clothes and costumes...
Energy Cannot Be Destroyed; It Can Only Be Transformed
Written by Alan Seale
Much as we might like to, at the energy level, we can’t get rid of something we don’t like—a thought, a feeling, a belief, a circumstance, or a situation. The good news, however, is that we can transform it.
To Reincarnate or Not to Reincarnate: Dogs, Humans and Consciousness
Written by Elena Mannes
I had believed in reincarnation as a child. It was almost a knowing, as I recall. I once had a sense of a place and culture where I’d been many centuries ago, though no recollection of past lives. I just recall a frisson of recognition as I was reading a history book and came across a passage about Chichén Itzá, the pre-Columbian city built by the Mayans...
Leverage Your Strengths and Find Meaning in Struggles
Written by Marni Feuerman
Being on constant alert for danger has, at least from an evolutionary standpoint, helped us survive as a species. An unintended consequence is that it also has pushed us to have a negativity bias. Most people must make an effort to think positively instead of negatively.
A New Paradigm Shift Is Underway Today in Physics and Consciousness
Written by Ervin Laszlo and Pier Mario Biava, MD.
There is a widely discussed “paradigm shift” underway today. It brings a two-fold revolution—actually parallel strands of a radical “evolution.” First and most basically, an evolution in our understanding of the fundamental nature of the world.
Healing Revelations: New Moon in Scorpio and Mercury Retrograde
Written by Sarah Varcas
This moon marks an opportunity to stop and take stock, turn within and ask some probing questions about what’s really going on in the places we most struggle in our lives. Excuses won’t cut it now. Pussy-footing around the point won’t work. Honest answers are necessary.
Hey! They're Playing Our Song
Written by Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf
As much as I love silence, I also love music. Music uplifts me and speaks to me. Which is probably why the lyrics of a song are so important for me.

Feeding Frenzy: Public Breastfeeding Is Good For Us All
by Yvette Miller
The host of Sunrise breakfast television show, David Koch, aka Kochie, has stirred controversy by saying mothers should…

Do Flavored E-cigarettes Sweetly Lure Kids Into Vaping and Mislead Them To Dismiss Danger?
by Leah Ranney
New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced Sept. 15, 2019 that he plans to pursue emergency regulations to quickly ban the…

What Should You Eat To Help Your Brain Performance
by Tanya Lawlis
Exam time is quickly approaching for HSC and university students. While study is at the forefront, nutrition is often…

When Should My Child Start Speaking?
by Michelle St Clair and Vanessa Lloyd-Esenkaya
Children develop at varying rates in all sorts of ways, from when they take their first steps to when they understand…

Gut Microbes Can Get You Drunk And Damage Your Liver
by Bill Sullivan
Imagine that you’re a police officer. You spot a car ahead that is swerving all over the road. You pull the driver over…

Why Kids Are Good At Determining What To Teach Other Kids
by Flora Schwartz
From an early age, children can make decisions about what kinds of information to teach other kids, according to new…

How To Save Your Freedom Of Thought From Attack
by Simon McCarthy-Jones
Freedom of thought stands at a critical crossroads. Technological and psychological advances could be used to promote…

Five Ways Rudeness Can Actually Be A Positive Experience
by Amy Irwin and Ceri T Trevethan
From swearing to insults, most of us have experienced rudeness in some form or another at work, out in public or…

Why Americans Are Embracing Plant-based Meat Products
by Sheril Kirshenbaum and Douglas Buhler
By 2050, many scientists estimate that the world food supply will have to increase sharply from today’s level to meet…

What Is Sex Really For? It's More Than The Obvious Reasons
by Richard Gunderman
Few topics arouse as much interest and controversy as sex. This is hardly surprising. The biological continuance of the…

3 Reasons You Have Neck Pain
by Christian Worsfold
If you suffer from neck pain, you’re not alone. Spinal pain is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide and…

How Climate Scientists Are Letting Down Humanity With Their Approach To The Climate Crisis
by Wolfgang Knorr
As a climate scientist of more than 25 years, I’m proud of the work my profession has done in recent decades to alert…

How To Eat Fish Responsibly
by Jenny Weitzman
It now seems absurd that anyone once believed the ocean was inexhaustable: fish stocks are in dismal shape and…

How Memories Are Formed And Retrieved By The Brain
by Benjamin J. Griffiths and Simon Hanslmayr
Try to remember that last dinner you went out for. Perhaps you can remember the taste of that delicious pasta, the…

How Mister Rogers' Faith Shaped His Idea Of Children's Television
by L. Benjamin Rolsky
The beloved children’s television icon Fred Rogers – who is played by actor Tom Hanks in the upcoming film “A Beautiful…

5 Tips For Surviving In An Increasingly Uncertain World
by Jelena Kecmanovic
A recent study showed that North Americans are becoming less tolerant of uncertainty.

The Sustainable Future Town of Your Imagination
by Rob Hopkins
A walk into the future, in a British city where housing is sustainable, energy is locally owned, food is abundant, and…

Is Coconut Water Good For You?
by Alexandra Hansen
In recent years coconut water has left the palm-treed shores of tropical islands where tourists on lounge chairs stick…

Simple Rules To Make Your Memory Work Best For You
by Amina Youssef-Shalala
Have you ever thought about how your brain works when you study? Knowing this may improve your ability to retain and…

Why Some Psychic Tests Are Not Very Good
by Sonia Fernandez
Asking people to answer a question quickly and without thinking doesn’t get honest responses, especially if the quick…

Is Raw Food Safe For My Dogs And Me?
by University of Zürich
Raw food for dogs is a growing trend, but drug-resistant bacteria in the raw food can transfer to the pets—and to…

Where's The Proof In Science?
by Geraint Lewis
One word is rarely spoken or printed in science and that word is “proof”. In fact, science has little to do with…

Our World Is Getting Smaller: The Distance Between Us Is Shrinking
by Kristina Lerman
Has this happened to you? You strike up a conversation with a complete stranger, only to discover that you share…

How The Weather Is Being Politicized and Monetized
by John Oliver
John Oliver discusses the tension between the public and private worlds of predicting the weather.

Why You Shouldn't Use "Weather" And "Climate" Interchangeably
by Jennifer Fitchett
When January 2019 entered its third week, huge swathes of the US were blanketed with snow, and winter storm warnings…

How I Learned To Make Distraction Work For Me
by Sarah Stein Lubrano
Even today, 20 years after my childhood diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), I am still keenly…

An Inuit Approach To Cancer Care Promotes Self-Determination and Reconciliation
by Janet Jull and Inuit Medical Interpreter Team
For thousands of years, Inuit have adapted to the changes in their environment, and continue to find new and innovative…

How Mindfulness Can Help Kick Drug Addiction
by Maud Alobawone
Mindfulness techniques and methadone may reduce cravings and pain among people experiencing opioid addiction and…

Is Using Cannabis In Front Of Children Harmful?
by Berthelot Nicolas and Carl Lacharité
Public health agencies are warning parents about using cannabis in the presence of their children. However, parents who…

Why The Trump Presidency Is A Symptom Of Our Cultural Malaise
by Brendon O'Connor
During the 2016 US presidential campaign, people around the world were regularly reassured by election experts that…

How Diet May Reverse Kidney Disease
by Sonia Fernandez
Diet could hold the key to treating polycystic kidney disease, according to new research in rodents.

How The Climate Crisis Will Change Recreational Fishing
by Matt Shipman
Shoreline recreational fishing will likely be another casualty of climate change, according to new research.

Why The Civil Rights And Voting Rights Acts Still Face Huge Hurdles
by James Devitt
Despite the promise that the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts once held for American equality, signs of struggle and…

Do Our Possessions Actually Possess Us Instead Of We Possessing Them?
by Bruce Hood
Humans have a particularly strong and, at times, irrational obsession with possessions. Every year, car owners are…

Why Buying Green Is Good But Not Good Enough
by Alexis Blue
Materialism may influence us to choose “green buying” rather than not buying anything at all, research finds.

Canada's Liberals Make It Hard For Green Voters To Love Them
by Mark Winfield
The recent appearance in the province of Ontario of Premier Doug Ford’s anti-carbon pricing gas pump stickers…
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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