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Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
Perhaps the most important question for each of us to answer is "Who Am I?" or as a collective of humanity, "Who Are We?". The debate has long raged... are humans essentially good or evil, of the light or of the darkness? And as with most questions, the importance of the answer is not in the past but in the present: Who are we being now? Are we living as beings of love and light? Are our actions based on motivations of love or motivations of fear and belief in the lack of love in its many manifestations? And as with most things, the answer is not set in stone but depends on our day-to-day, or moment-to-moment, actions, thoughts and choices.
This week we reflect on the question "who am I" and start off with the insights of astrologer Sarah Varcas in "Renewing the Future with an Intense Full Moon, Honesty, and Change". Yet perhaps the question to answer is not so much Who Are We? as who do we believe we are? What is our opinion and perception of who we are? Our belief of self influences all our actions... do we think we are worthless (sinners), powerless (victims), incapable of change (genetics or habits)... or are we aware that we can do anything we set ourselves to accomplish... What is stopping us may be our own self-opinion and we look at "Why So Many Of Us Became Imposters: The Role Of Society". However, the good news is that no matter how we have perceived ourselves in the past, we can change our actions and our beliefs as evidenced in "If My Dad Can Do It... Believing in Signs from the Spirit World".
And in this life we are living, both individually and collectively, we are a result of our past and of the actions that have taken place before. We are assisted in seeing that clearly in "Everything Is Connected and Forms The Process". Fortunately the power to change our behavior and our life is in our hands and we can step forth by "Creating Personal Freedom: The Truth of Personal Power". In this week's Astrological Journal, Pam Younghans shares about the energies of this week: "...we'll want to pay attention to where and how we tend to give our power away." Pam closes her weekly overview with these words: "...we ultimately will be able to convert lead into gold. The process is already well underway."
So we might ask, where do I go from here? Charles Eisenstein sheds light on the bigger picture in "The Old Story Is Breaking Down and Our Dormant Humanity Is Awakening" as does Marianne Williamson in a presentation at the University of New Hampshire shared in my article "We'd Better Politicize Love: "First We Feed The Children" - Marianne Williamson".
The overall take-away is that the future is in our hands and we have more power than we may have previously believed. Each breath we take brings a new opportunity and another chance to move ahead in the direction of our greater vision for ourselves and for humanity.
Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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***** articles and videos added daily *****
Renewing the Future with an Intense Full Moon, Honesty, and Change
Written by Sarah Varcas
This is an intense moon which highlights the power struggles that can readily occur in the course of everyday life. With Mars now journeying through Libra and Mercury preparing to turn retrograde in Scorpio at the month end, relationships may be up in the air, challenging us to greater clarity of communication and more penetrating honesty.
Why So Many Of Us Became Imposters: The Role Of Society
Written by Dr. Sandi Mann
What is the role of society and what are the psychological reasons that are likely to make some people prone to feeling fake or phony? Understanding these factors will help you to recognize why you may have developed your own feelings of imposterism and to appreciate that this is not your fault; it is not a weakness or failing to have Imposter Syndrome.
If My Dad Can Do It... Believing in Signs from the Spirit World
Written by Bill Philipps
Anytime I had ever talked about receiving signs or other information from the spirit world, Dad laughed, joked, or scoffed. For personal and religious reasons, he never could understand why I had passed on a surefire career as an opera singer in favor of one as a psychic medium.
Everything Is Connected and Forms "The Process"
Written by Darren Cockburn
Everything is connected to form The Process. You can prove this for yourself with some simple examples. I’m assuming you’re dressed right now as you read this book. Look at the clothes you’re wearing. How did they get there? Probably because you dressed yourself earlier in the day. Getting dressed was a process.
Creating Personal Freedom: The Truth of Personal Power
Written by Carla Marie Manly
Women and men have incredible personal power yet often don't realize their own multifaceted power or know how to use it appropriately. The understanding of power is often limited to behaviors that involve being controlling, aggressive, or having influence over others. Personal power has nothing to do with these traits...
The Old Story Is Breaking Down and Our Dormant Humanity Is Awakening
Written by Charles Eisenstein
Do you look toward the future with a mixture of dread, yes, but also a kind of positive anticipation? When a big crisis looms, a superstorm or financial crisis, is there a part of you that says, “Bring it on!” hoping it might free us from our collective entrapment in a system that serves no one (not even its elites)?
We'd Better Politicize Love: "First We Feed The Children" - Marianne Williamson
Written by Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf
As Marianne Williamson expresses in her presentation, for a species to survive, the children must thrive. In most animal species, the mother becomes ferocious when her children are threatened -- think of a mama bear and her cubs. Well... our children are threatened...
The World's Best Smart Cities Don't Just Adopt New Technology, They Make It Work For People
by Arturo Bris
Cities are fast becoming “smart”, and the impact on people’s lives can be immense. Singapore’s smart traffic cameras…
Why Ending The Secrecy of Confession Is So Controversial For The Catholic Church
by Mathew Schmalz
Following sexual abuse scandals in the Catholic Church, there is a worldwide push to end the guarantee of secrecy of…
What Is A Healthy Blood Pressure?
by Sandra Jones and Matthew Lancaster
More than 7m people in the UK have high blood pressure; it is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease and…
Emotions And Experiences, Not More Data, Could Be The Antidote For Fake News
by David Knights and Torkild Thanem
At a time when public debate around the world is suffering from a collision between facts and “alternative facts”…
How Coal Mines Can Be Closed Without Destroying Livelihoods
by Owen Douglas and Kieran Harrahill
Countries across the globe are trying to wind down coal production. While this will help in the battle against climate…
Why People Choose Medically-Assisted Death Revealed Through Conversations With Nurses
by Barbara Pesut and Sally Thorne
Since Canada legalized Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) in 2016, as of Oct. 31, 2018, more than 6,700 Canadians have…
Could Future Buildings Be Made With Bone and Eggshells?
by Michelle Oyen
As the world grapples with climate change, we urgently need to find ways of reducing our CO? emissions. Sectors which…
Power Plants Needn't Be Ugly – Let's Make Them Green and Beautiful
by Nicole Porter
Energy suppliers often refer to their industry as being caught in a “trilemma”, as people demand electricity that is…
What's So Wrong About Lying In A Job Interview
by G. James Lemoine
Getting a new job is tough. I know this not just because of my own research as a professor studying the intersection of…
Would You Stand Up To An Oppressive Regime or Would You Conform?
by Nick Chater
Margaret Atwood’s novel, The Handmaid’s Tale, described the horror of the authoritarian regime of Gilead. In this…
Why More Mental Health Care Won't Stop The Gun Epidemic
by Tom Wickizer, et al
Guns exact a heavy toll on the American public every day. On the average day, around 100 people die from a gun death.…
Does Destiny Shape Your Decisions? Your Answer Could Affect Your Marriage Satisfaction
by Wang-Sheng Lee
Married couples make a number of important decisions together, such as where to live, what type of house to buy, how…
How Unschoolers Control Their Education With Self-directed Learning
by Kerry McDonald
The factory model of education is outdated, so what's next? - Conventional schooling was largely designed with an…
How To Spot A Liar
by Pamela Meyer
On any given day we're lied to from 10 to 200 times, and the clues to detect those lie can be subtle and…
How The US Could Afford Medicare For All
by Gerald Friedman
Health care is Americans’ number-one priority, based on recent polls, so it’s no wonder it’s been a hot topic in the…
Growing A Garden Can Also Bloom Eco-Resilient, Cross-Cultural, Food-Sovereign Communities
by Ranjan Datta
About eight years ago, 10 families (including mine) and others started a small community garden in Saskatoon.
Smart Drugs: All-natural Brain Enhancers Made By Mother Nature
by Dave Asprey
Can nicotine keep Alzheimer's at bay? Dave Asprey explains how natural drugs can create super humans.
The Vegans Are Coming! What's Fuelling The Interest In Plant-Based Eating?
by Matthew Ruby and Tani Khara
Between the rise of plant-based sausages and veggie burgers that “bleed”, vegan protesters at supermarkets, and Disney…
To Fix Food Waste, We Have To Think Bigger
by Karin Higgins
Focus on the big, structural issues that result in food waste, rather than exclusively blaming individual actions, say…
Can Nature Repair The Planet From Climate Change?
by The Economist
A closer look at one of the most familiar responses offered to the climate crisis.
The Neuroscience of Motivation and How to Improve It
by Marco Travaglio
Motivation can be a hard thing to come by. Whether at home, at school or at work, most of us have been in a situation…
Confused About Your Cancer Risk From Eating Meat? Here's What The Figures Mean
by Dallas English and Terry Slevin
|This method of communicating risk led to confusion and some hostile reactions. Scientists can explain risks of cancer…
Yom Kippur Is A Time For Feasting As Well As Fasting
by Ted Merwin
It was the bag of Fritos that gave me away. As a secular Jewish kid whose family did not belong to a synagogue, I did…
Why Women’s Climate Leadership Is Vital
by Sarah Myhre, Ph.D.
Women’s leadership won’t be a panacea for the overwhelming whiteness of climate leadership, but it’s a starting place.
Two Reef Scientists Share Their Climate Grief
by Jon Brodie and Alana Grech
As I write this, much of inland eastern Australia is enduring what is likely to be the worst drought ever recorded.
A Little-Remembered Philosopher Translated The Mahatma's Ideas of Nonviolence For Americans
by John Charles Wooding
October 2, 2019 marked Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birthday. One of the 20th century’s most iconic figures, Gandhi’s legacy…
How Children Who Dread PE Lessons At School Can Be Given A Sporting Chance
by Kiara Lewis
For some school children, PE is the best lesson of the week – a chance to leave the desk behind, get outside, and enjoy…
Low Blood Pressure Could Be A Culprit In Dementia
by Kenneth McLeod
Decline in brain function often occurs as people age. People often worry that declining brain function is an inevitable…
Yes, We Still Need To Cut Down On Red And Processed Meat
by Clare Collins
Judging by some media headlines, you’d be forgiven for thinking researchers, clinicians and the Australian Dietary…
More Chronic Illness Uncovered After Medicaid Expansion
by Kara Gavin
Nearly one in three low-income people who enrolled in Michigan’s expanded Medicaid program discovered they had a…
The Gloves Are Off: Predatory Climate Deniers Are A Threat To Our Children
by Tim Flannery
In this age of rapidly melting glaciers, terrifying megafires and ever more puissant hurricanes, of acidifying and…
In Medieval England Magic Was A Service Industry Used By Rich and Poor Alike
by Tabitha Stanmore,
Chances are that when you hear the words “medieval magic”, the image of a witch will spring to mind: wizened old crones…
There’s A Simple Way To Make Healthy Food Appealing
by Nathan Collins
Highlighting the tastiness of healthy food can help us make better food choices, researchers report.
Beyond Coping: How to Find the Strength to Take on Climate Change
by Stephanie Van Hook
It’s hard to ignore not just the scientific reports, but also the on-the-ground reality of climate disruption.
Freedom Of Speech: A History From The Forbidden Fruit To Facebook
by Matthew Sharpe
Free speech is in the news. Not least because several leading universities have adopted a “model code” to protect it on…
5 Ways Meat Is Killing The Planet
by Francis Vergunst and Julian Savulescu
When we hear about the horrors of industrial livestock farming – the pollution, the waste, the miserable lives of…
When Big Companies Fund Academic Research, The Truth Often Comes Last
by Lisa Bero
Over the last two decades, industry funding for medical research has increased globally, while government and…
How I Learned To Stop Trying To Fit In
by Eloise Stark
My name is Eloise and I am many things at once: I am a graduate student at the University of Oxford; I am a tutor, a…
Air Pollution In Global Megacities Linked To Children's Cognitive Decline, Alzheimer's And Death
by Amedeo D'Angiulli
In megacities across the world, including Mexico City, Jakarta, New Delhi, Beijing, Los Angeles, Paris and London…
The Fast Track To A Life Well Lived Is Feeling Grateful
by David DeSteno
For the Ancient Greeks, virtue wasn’t a goal in and of itself, but rather a route to a life well lived. By being honest…
How Folk Medicines For Blood Pressure Work
by Anne Warde
Common herbs, including lavender, fennel, and chamomile, have a long history as folk medicines used to lower blood…
How To Prep Yourself For Flu Season
by Patti Verbanas
As the flu season gets started, what can you do to protect yourself and stay healthy?
Green Roofs Improve The Urban Environment – So Why Don't All Buildings Have Them?
by Michael Hardman and Nick Davies
Rooftops covered with grass, vegetable gardens and lush foliage are now a common sight in many cities around the world.
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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