Image by Kristin McGill
Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
An essential part of creating happiness and peace of mind is honesty -- honesty with ourselves and integrity with others. This means living up to the truth of our true Self, and being willing to share and communicate vulnerably with others.
This week, we start off into the topic of honesty with Barry Vissell asking: "Where Has The Spark Gone? The Real Reason For Strained Sexual Relationships ". We continue with Jude Bijou sharing about "The Art of Caretaking: Critical "Things To Do" For People Caring ".
We then bring you an excerpt from Lora Cheadle's new book (Novembe 2019) "Flaunt!". The article is entitled in part, "...the Power of Shedding the Shoulds ", which is another aspect of honesty.
Discovering our inner truth is a powerful step in our happiness tool-kit as revealed in: "Beginning To See Within: The Ways of the World ". And of course, not being true to ourselves is a detriment to our sense of happiness, as shared in "The Trouble with Conformity: Trying To Fit In and Selling Ourselves Short ". The icing on the cake is "Having The Courage To Live Life and Ask For What You Need Or Want " brought to us by Amy Fish in this excerpt from her newly released book (Oct. 2019), "I Wanted Fries with That".
And Pam Younghans mentions in the "Astrological Journal for the Week"; ..the search for truth deepens on many levels, potentially leading us to life-changing realizations."
Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, some life-changing realizations, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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***** articles and videos added daily *****
Where Has The Spark Gone? The Real Reason For Strained Sexual Relationships
Written by Barry Vissell
Over the last four decades, Joyce and I have counseled many couples who are suffering with their sexual relationship. Most of these couples also feel disconnected from each other. They think they can improve their overall relationship by improving their sexual relationship. This is usually a mistake.
The Art of Caretaking: Critical "Things To Do" For People Caring
Written by Jude Bijou
Here are some questions and answers about caretaking and speaking up with those we serve, from a cancer diagnosis to dementia and all stops in-between.
Adulting: “Responsible Adulthood” and the Power of Shedding the Shoulds
Written by Lora Cheadle
Even though many of us had the illusion that reaching adulthood would mean we had achieved a sort of award-worthy final destination where we could live forevermore from a place of certainty and peace, knowing what to do and what to wear in every circumstance, this was probably not the case.
Beginning To See Within: The Ways of the World
Written by LouAnne Ludwig
He had not recognized that this had been the case all along with everyone he had met or known. Each person had a connection to each other through their God force, and Manuka was symbolizing that for him right before his eyes. Why haven’t I seen that before? Now it’s so clear that it’s as if I had always known it.
The Trouble with Conformity: Trying To Fit In and Selling Ourselves Short
Written by Mary S. Corning
From a very early age, I didn’t trust the norm. There was something about conformity that felt very unstable to me. I suppose my heart was such an active part of my perception that yielding it to someone else’s opinion did not seem to be a viable option.
Having The Courage To Live Life and Ask For What You Need Or Want
Written by Amy Fish
You need to have the courage to live life. This includes learning to ask for what you need or want. Sometimes you are out to correct an injustice or right a wrong; other times all you’re trying to do is order a side of fries.

Which Sports Are Best For Health and Long Life?
by Željko Pediši?
Millions of people around the world, including nearly 60% of Americans, Australians and Europeans, participate in…

California Is Living America's Dystopian Future
by Stephanie LeMenager
The Golden State is on fire, which means that an idea of American utopia is on fire, too.

Making Life-or-death Decisions Is Very Hard – Here's How We've Taught People To Do It Better
|by Laurence Alison and Neil Shortland
When faced with a rapidly advancing fire threatening a community, it can be hard to know how best to save lives.

Climate Change Means We Can't Keep Living and Working In Glass Houses
by David Coley
How do we go about designing buildings today for tomorrow’s weather? As the world warms and extreme weather becomes…

How To Be Fit In Your 60s and Beyond
by Julie Broderick
Ageing is inevitable and is influenced by many things – but keeping active can slow ageing and increase life expectancy.

How To Get People To Eat Ugly Vegetables, Weird Bugs, and Drink Sewage
by Nathan S Consedine
The “wrong” fruits and vegetables, the “wrong” animal parts, and the “wrong” animals inspire varying degrees of “yuck”.

How Science Is Using The Genetics Of Disease To Make Drugs Better
by Mark Lawler
Personalised medicine is the ability to tailor therapy to an individual patient so that, as it’s often put, the right…

While New Twitter Policy Will Ban Green Groups' Climate Ads, Looks Like ExxonMobil Can Still Pay to Promote Its Propaganda
by Jessica Corbett
"These Twitter ads aren't just any political issue ads—they epitomize the art," according to a Harvard researcher who…

Dogs Really Can Chase Away Loneliness
by Lauren Powell and Emmanuel Stamatakis
Feeling lonely? A dog may help. Our research out today confirms what many dog owners already know: dogs are great…

Writing And Reading Starts With Children's Hands-on Play
by Hetty Roessingh
Perhaps evolution’s most wondrous manifestation is visible in the unparalleled elegance and versatility in the design…

3 Reasons Midwest Farmers Hurt By The U.S.-China Trade War Still Support Trump
by Wendong Zhang, et al
America’s farmers have borne the brunt of China’s retaliation in the trade war that President Donald Trump launched in…

Why No Country Is Sufficiently Prepared The Climate Crisis
by Gabriel Recchia and Haydn Belfield
There’s little that the left and the right agree on these days. But surely one thing is beyond question: that national…

How Mengzi Came Up With Something Better Than The Golden Rule
by Eric Schwitzgebel
There’s something I don’t like about the ‘Golden Rule’, the admonition to do unto others as you would have others do…

It Takes A Lot Of Water To Feed Us, But Recycled Water Could Help
by Rachel Carey, et al
Australians eat a lot of water – the water that is used to produce our food. New findings from our Foodprint Melbourne…

How To Start Exercising If You're Out Of Shape
by Andrew Lavender
Perhaps your GP has recommended you exercise more, or you’ve had a recent health scare. Maybe your family’s been…

Australia's Hidden Opportunity To Cut Carbon Emissions, And Make Money In The Process
by Oscar Serrano, et al
It’s no secret that cutting down trees is a main driver of climate change. But a forgotten group of plants is…

Why Having Sex On The Mind Makes People Lie
by Harry Reis and Gurit Birnbaum
With sex on their minds, people are more likely to change their attitudes and engage in deceptive self-presentation,…

Some People Benefit From Being Naturally Mentally Tough, But It Can Be Taught To Those Who Aren't
by Peter Clough
The saying that “whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” is simplistic, disingenuous, and potentially destructive.

Why More Kids Don’t Play Outside
by Maura Kepper
Moms in low-income neighborhoods say physical and social barriers in their neighborhoods discourage them from allowing…

How Low-Carb Diet Coaching Boosts Health For People With Diabetes
by William Yancy
For people with difficult-to-control diabetes, adding intensive weight management counseling to group medical visits…

How Brain Size May Predispose People To Drinking More
by Ryan Bogdan
Reduced brain size may suggest a genetic predisposition towards heavier alcohol consumption, according to new research.

A New Generation Of Leaders Understands That Individual Actions Won’t Fix Our Environmental Problems
by David Soll
By defining environmental citizenship as responsible consumption, sustainability advocates downplay the need for mass…

Research Confirms That Managers Shouldn't Sleep With Subordinates
by Vanessa K. Bohns
U.S. Rep. Katie Hill recently stepped down after information about an affair with a campaign staffer, and allegations…

Climate Change Could Double Toxic Arsenic In Rice
by E. Marie Muehe, et al.
Climate change may cause a dramatic drop in rice production in major growing regions, a decline that could jeopardize…

Here's How Food Gets From Farms To Your Home
by Megan Konar
My team at the University of Illinois just developed the first high-resolution map of the U.S. food supply chain.

Does Choice Overload You? It Depends On Your Personality – Take The Test
by Frank Mathmann and Gary Mortimer
When you wander down most supermarket aisles are you befuddled by too much choice? Do you feel overwhelmed when…

Democrat Or Republican, Americans Are Angry, Frustrated And Overwhelmed
by María Celeste Wagner and Pablo J. Boczkowski
As the country looks ahead to President Donald Trump’s possible impeachment proceedings, as social scientists, we…

Who’s Afraid Of Greta Thunberg?
by Svenja Blanke
The character of Greta Thunberg is part of a polarised global confrontation regarding climate change. Despite what her…

How American Culture May Explain Opioid Use Among Immigrants
by Brian D. Sites, MD, MS and Matthew A. Davis, MPH, PhD
The longer immigrants live in the United States, the more likely they are to use prescription opioids, according to new…

US Rural Hospitals Are Closing, Reaching Crisis Stage, Leaving Millions Without Nearby Health Care
by Jane Bolin, et al
Presidential candidates and other politicians have talked about the rural health crisis in the U.S., but they are not…

Why Acting Locally Is Impossible In An Interconnected World
by Jennifer M. Bernstein
Like many Americans, I worry about the state of the planet and try to make a positive impact through decisions in my…

Meditation Apps Might Calm You -- But Miss The Point Of Buddhist Mindfulness
by Gregory Grieve and Beverley McGuire
In today’s stressful world, mindfulness – a type of popular spirituality that strives to focus on the present moment …

How Privacy And Security Threats Lurk In These Everyday Choices
by Ari Trachtenberg, Gianluca Stringhini, and Ran Canetti
Individuals and businesses unknowingly expose themselves to security and privacy threats, as experts explain here.

US Army Report Suggest Dire Consequences From The Climate Crisis Within 20 Years
by Robert Jennings,
In a shocking report the US Army's assessment of its future under the unfolding climate crisis, every American should…

Is The United States On The Brink Of A Revolution?
by Serbulent Turan
Political scientists have historically been bad at foreseeing the most important developments. Few of us guessed the…

Why Pizza Tastes So Good
by Jeffrey Miller
Pizza is one of the world’s most popular foods. In the U.S., 350 slices are eaten every second, while 40% of Americans…
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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