Image by Aleksey Kutsar
Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
We are all here for a purpose... You may have grandiose ideas of what a life purpose "should" be... saving the world, the whales, the humans, the rainforests, etc. However, our life purpose is probably best expressed in what brings us joy... It could be being the best parent you can be, or the best teacher, or the best co-worker. Your life purpose could be inventing something, or fixing something. Whatever it is, it is something that "makes your heart sing". That is the clue to what our life purpose is.
This week our authors help us reflect and tune in to what our purpose is, and how to make it a reality. We start with "Breath: The Source of Life and Transformation". Breath is the first and foremost way to connect with your life purpose. As we breathe and get centered, we get attuned to our inner self, our godly-self, and our purpose reveals itself. You then will discover that "Your Life Purpose Is As Unique As Your Fingerprint". Sean Conley discovers his life purpose through many ups and downs in an "Ex-NFL Player Shares Lessons on Success and Resiliency".
We all have the tools and gifts we need to attain our life purpose and one is "How To Tap Into Your Creative Genius". It's not rocket science, as they say. It resides within our own heart, our own vision, our own hopes and dreams.
Lora Cheadle reminds us that "All The World's A Stage and You Get To Choose Your Part". You may also want to watch the video at the end of Lora's article. The topic of the video is: "What if COVID-19 Happened FOR you, not TO you?" It offers a change of perspective and perception... from victim to active participant in the school of life.
We then conclude our featured articles this week by offering a method to manifest your life purpose into reality by "Entering the Quantum – A No-Comfort-Zone Area".
Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, purpose-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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***** articles and videos added daily *****
Breath: The Source of Life and Transformation
Written by Will Johnson
Breath has the ability to take you to the place that all the words—voiced so differently but so similar in intention—point directly to: the source, the ground state, the wide-open dimension, the God.
Your Life Purpose Is As Unique As Your Fingerprint
Written by Meriflor Toneatto
Your life’s purpose is unique to you, as singular as your fingerprint. Some refer to their life’s purpose as their calling or even their destiny. Essentially, your life’s purpose is the reason you are here.
Ex-NFL Player Shares Lessons on Success and Resiliency
Written by Sean Conley
When I made it into the NFL, it was the culmination of everything I’d dreamed of as a boy — and an obsession that caused me to beat up my body as well as my mind and spirit.
How To Tap Into Your Creative Genius
Written by Anne Jirsch
There’s a saying that everyone has a book inside them. While I don’t know if that’s true, I do believe that everyone has something special to offer the world. Sadly, most people keep their gift hidden, even from themselves, and there are many reasons why this happens.
All The World's A Stage and You Get To Choose Your Part
Written by Lora Cheadle
If, as Shakespeare so aptly pointed out, all the world’s a stage and each of us are merely players, playing our parts until we fade away into oblivion, the question inevitably becomes “Who is choreographing your life?”
Entering the Quantum – A No-Comfort-Zone Area
Written by Emma Mardlin, Ph.D.
Quantum reality is a place that exists beyond time and space as we know it; it’s where the metaphysical (the intangible such as thoughts, beliefs and emotions) meets with the material realm to decide on a future outcome. The material world that we sense through our five senses only makes up a very small percentage of the whole structure of reality.
Adam Elshaug
We all hoped for a rapid and effective COVID-19 response. For the United States, that has not occurred. It is now host to more documented COVID-19 cases and deaths than any other country.
The Ugly Truth: Tech Companies Are Tracking And Misusing Our Data, And There's Little We Can Do
by Suranga Seneviratne
As survey results pile, it’s becoming clear Australians are sceptical about how their online data is tracked and used.…
How To Talk To Someone Who Doesn't Wear A Mask, And Actually Change Their Mind
by Claire Hooker
It could be a brother or sister. It could be a neighbour. It could be a person you work with. We probably all know…
Why It's Hard To Admit We're Lonely, Even To Ourselves
by Michelle H Lim
Loneliness is complex. Some people can feel lonely despite having extensive networks, while some others might not, even…
On Reckoning With The Fact Of One's Death
by Kevin John Brophy
And common fact it is — about 160,000 Australians die in the course of each year —though every death is a particular…
What Will Happen If We Can't Produce A Covid-19 Vaccine?
by Sarah Pitt
Even in the most promising cases, we can’t yet be sure that any vaccine will permanently prevent people from catching…
Why The Pandemic Is An Opportunity To Change Our Health Behaviour For Good
by Martin Michaelis et al
A return to pre-pandemic normal life seems impossible for the foreseeable future. In the absence of control measures…
Here's Why We Crave Food Even When We're Not Hungry
by Charlotte Hardman and Carl Roberts
Food cravings are very familiar to most people. We may see or smell food and want to eat, or sometimes we suddenly feel…
How The Pandemic Is Changing Our Brains
by Barbara Jacquelyn Sahakian et al
Whether you have contracted COVID-19 or not, your brain is likely to have changed over the past few months.
There Have Been 204,691 Extra Deaths In The US So Far In This Year
by Ronald D. Fricker Jr
The number of deaths in the United States through July 2020 is 8% to 12% higher than it would have been if the…
Rapid Screening Tests That Prioritize Speed Over Accuracy Could Be Key To Ending The Pandemic
by Zoë McLaren
Broad access to testing is one of the most powerful tools to keep the COVID-19 pandemic under control until there’s an…
Honey Bees Stay Healthy In Such Close Quarters
by Rachael Bonoan and Phil Starks
As many states and cities across the U.S. struggle to control COVID-19 transmission, one challenge is curbing the…
The US Economy Is Reliant On Consumer Spending – Can It Survive A Pandemic?
by Halina Szejnwald Brown
The COVID-19 pandemic has radically affected the American economy, reducing spending by American households on…
Does The Common Cold Protect You From Covid?
by Stephen Kissler
An article in Science recently generated a lot of interest by providing a possible explanation of why COVID-19 can be…
Road Rage, Stop And Search And Vehicle Stereotypes: Why Cars Drive So Much Racism
by Yunis Alam
Picture this for a moment, you’re in the car, tootling along, minding your own business – keeping a safe distance…
Could The Brain's Immune System Be The Key To Understanding And Treating Alcoholism?
by Eleftheria Kodosaki
Alcohol abuse is a serious problem worldwide. In England alone, over 350,000 alcohol-related hospital admissions – and…
3 Ways To Study Better According To Cognitive Research
by Danielle Brewer-Deluce
Whether you are a student or the parent of one contending with coronavirus school closures, this year “back to school”…
Movie Theaters Are On Life Support – How Will The Film Industry Adapt?
by Matthew Jordan
As deaths have continued to climb, so have studio losses, with crowded theaters – once a source of collective…
What Young Dreamers In Literature Can Teach Us About Covid-19
by Irene Gammel
We rarely associate youth literature with existential crises, yet Canada’s youth literature offers powerful examples…
How To Keep Your Contact Lenses Clean And What Can Go Wrong If You Don't
by Nicole Carnt
Don’t do what champion boxer and rugby league legend Anthony Mundine did in 2007 and go for (b) spit on your lens.
Who Is Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's Pick For Vice President?
by Bryan Cranston
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has announced Kamala Harris as his running mate for the 2020 election — the…
4 Tips To Help Kids To Cope With Covid-19 Anxiety
by Steven Siegel
The news coverage on COVID-19 is pervasive, persistent, and in my view as a professor of psychiatry, perilous.…
The Belief That Demons Have Sex With Humans Runs Deep In Christian And Jewish Traditions
by Cavan W. Concannon
Houston physician and pastor Stella Immanuel – described as “spectacular” by Donald Trump for her promotion of…
How Do I Know If My Mask Actually Works?
by C Raina MacIntyre
With mask wearing in public compulsory in Victoria and recommended in New South Wales, many Australians are buying,…
How Artificial Intelligence Is A Totalitarian's Dream
by Simon McCarthy-Jones
Individualistic western societies are built on the idea that no one knows our thoughts, desires or joys better than we…
4 Ways To Fix Bad Posture Back Pain by Copying Astronauts
by Andrew Winnard and Nick Caplan
Common poor desk posture is actually very similar to the posture astronauts adopt during spaceflight in zero-gravity.…
How To Clean Your House To Prevent The Spread Of Infections
by Brett Mitchell
As the coronavirus pandemic spreads around the world, it’s a good time to understand how cleaning can help prevent the…
by Robert Bordley
Dealing with the social and economic upheaval from the coronavirus pandemic will require the skills and talents of many…
As Coronavirus Curtails Travel, Backyard Pilgrimages Become The Way To A Spiritual Journey
by Kathryn Barush
Many major religious pilgrimages have been canceled or curtailed in an effort to contain the spread of COVID-19.
Heatwaves Don't Just Give You Sunburn – They Can Harm Your Mental Health Too
by Harriet Ingle
Heatwaves undoubtedly bring a certain joy at the opportunity to be out in the sunshine. But as the planet heats and…
Why Extra Hygiene Precautions Won't Weaken Our Immune Systems
by Vasso Apostolopoulos et al
During the COVID-19 pandemic we’re constantly being reminded to practise good hygiene by frequently washing our hands…
Also check out the InnerSelf section, Remember Your Future, for articles dealing with issues that are related to you and the upcoming 2020 US election for President, Senate, etc.
100 Days Without Covid-19: How New Zealand Got Rid Of A Virus That Keeps Spreading Across The World
by Michael Baker, et al
To Understand The Backlash Against The Women In The Running For Vice President, Watch More TV
by Karrin Vasby Anderson
Trump's Hint That He May Not Concede Election Is America's Tipping Point
by Jeffrey B. Meyers
Police With Lots Of Military Gear Kill Civilians More Often Than Less Militarized Officers
by Casey Delehanty
How Racism In US Health System Hinders Care And Costs Lives Of African Americans
by Tamika C.B. Zapolski and Ukamaka M. Oruche
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
Blame vs. Choice: How To Traverse The Darkness Before the Dawn
by Jason Augustus Newcomb
Everything in our lives -- including all the crappy things -- is a choice that we have made for urselves. That is a…
Blaming "The Other Guy": Who Gets To Carry The Burden?
by Marie T. Russell
It's so easy for us to look to others to shoulder responsibility for occurrences in our past. We accuse our parents for…
I Am Safe! You Are Safe! We Are Safe!
by Marie T. Russell
Sometimes when things don't go the way I want, rather than letting things go their own way, I start pushing and forcing…
Affirmative Aging: What Can I Do Today To Make Me Happy?
by Louise Hay
At the time of this writing, I am entering my 73rd year, and I am extremely healthy. Just because the years are passing…
Is It the End of the Trail or Just the the Beginning?
by Alan Cohen
One of my favorite hiking trails on Maui leads to a magnificent hidden waterfall far off the beaten path. The path to…
Healing With Love and Finding Answers Through The Heart
by Marilyn Innerfeld
We do not have to become monks in order to lead spiritual, healthy lives. We do not have to be vegetarians, or wear…
I'm Crazy, You're Crazy, Each In Different Ways
by J. Donald Walters
Paramhansa Yogananda said: We are all of us a little bit crazy, but most of us don't know it because we mix only with…
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