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While it is said that the only constant is change, it can also be said that inertia is a powerful deterrent to progress. Inertia can make us appear to be staying in place, but that is actually the opposite of change and progress.
At this time of year when many in the Northern hemisphere have been harvesting gardens, it is obvious that if you don't go along with the progression of nature, things decay and rot. Peas left too long on the vine become dry. Carrots left too long in the ground become tough. Apples fall from the tree and rot. Grapes left on the vine shrivel and dry up.
And so it is with humans. If we stay too long in a rut, we become stale, unenergized, and bored (and possibly boring). So this week, we reflect on moving forward, and we start with Alan Cohen's article "To Boldly Go or To Play It Safe". We then share with you an excerpt from Cate Montana's novel "Apollo & Me" in "The Loss of Ignorance: Helping Our World Waken From Its Slumber".
Many times, our lack of stepping forth and taking risks has to do with a desire for "security" and "stability". Mike Horowitz helps us reflect on that by asking "Must A Seeker Choose Between A Nice Car and “Awareness”?"
Will T. Wilkinson, who has just released a new book "The Noon Club: Creating The Future in One Minute Every Day", presents a way we can, both individually and collectively, attain new heights in "Love Makes Life Worthwhile".
Gwilda Wiyaka, author of the book "So, We're Still Here. Now What?", sheds light on the energies of our times in "The Age of Aquarius: Instinct, Intuition, and Unity Consciousness". Frank Pasciuti, author of Chrysalis Crisis, helps guide us on our way in "Seeking A More Meaningful and Purposeful Life".
Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week which cover a wide range of topics.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, loving and purposeful week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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To Boldly Go or To Play It Safe
Written by Alan Cohen
Two different people live in your mind: One is an engineer calculating odds and risks according to known science. The other is the voice of passion, intention, and spirit, prone to take leaps of faith beyond known science. Both are important.
The Loss of Ignorance: Helping Our World Waken From Its Slumber
Written by Cate Montana
And suddenly the two realities—my regular life and my life with Apollo and the staggering forces I’d worked with in the circle—collided with a shock that sent me reeling as I fully grasped the profane shallowness of my previous modern existence. And with the realization came a sudden overwhelming sense of loss.
Must A Seeker Choose Between A Nice Car and “Awareness”?
Written by Mitch Horowitz
There is a conflict in early twenty-first century New Thought. Some seekers want a New Thought that emphasizes personal attainment and ambition. Others believe that New Thought’s focus should be on social justice—they view the think-and-grow-rich approach as narrow, unspiritual, or outdated.
Love Makes Life Worthwhile
Written by Will T. Wilkinson
Imagine a life without love. Sadly, so many people feel a despairing lack of love, even some who are successful and surrounded by friends. Over 50% of Americans report they have no one they can confide in. 25% live alone. An epidemic of loneliness is sweeping the world, spiking suicide rates.
The Age of Aquarius: Instinct, Intuition, and Unity Consciousness
Written by Gwilda Wiyaka
While the energy of each age is associated with a major evolutionary and cultural advancement, the nature of that advancement is dictated by the age. Whereby the Age of Pisces typified the development of religions, the Age of Aquarius will bring enlightenment, personal freedom, and unity consciousness.
Seeking A More Meaningful and Purposeful Life
Written by Frank Pasciuti, Ph.D.
Leading a life filled with meaning and purpose can greatly contribute to your level of happiness. Meaning and purpose in life are foundational to our existence. Like the other existential concerns about death, responsibility, and isolation, they can have far ranging implications for how we conduct our lives.

What Is Carbon Capture And Storage?
by Mercedes Maroto-Valer, et al
The Energy Technologies Institute recently reported that without carbon capture and storage (CCS), the cost of reaching…

The Mystery Of What Makes A Joke Funny
by Sophie Scott
How do you like the following joke from Sumeria in about 1900BC? “Something which has never occurred since time…

A Taste of the Climate Apocalypse to Come?
by Abrahm Lustgarten
At the beginning of October 2019, my kids’ preschool informed me that it might be closed the next day because of…

What Is Attachment and How Does It Affect Our Relationships?
by Gery Karantzas
Research across many years and many cultures has found around 35-40% of people say they feel insecure in their adult…

The Meaning To Life? A Darwinian Existentialist Has His Answers
by Michael Ruse
I was raised as a Quaker, but around the age of 20 my faith faded. It would be easiest to say that this was because I…

How Steak Became Manly And Salads Became Feminine
by Paul Freedman
When was it decided that women prefer some types of food – yogurt with fruit, salads and white wine – while men are…

Here's Why Memories Come Flooding Back When You Visit Places From Your Past
by Adam Osth
We all know our memories get worse as time goes on – your recollection of what you did yesterday is probably a lot…

Why You Learn More From Success Than Failure
by Sam Jemielity
Contrary to common beliefs about learning from failure, you learn more from success, according to new research.

What’s Going On In The Minds Of Thrill Seekers?
by Emory University
Thrill seekers and daredevils thrive on the terrifying because of their high-sensation-seeking personalities, according…

Offshore Wind Power Could Produce More Electricity Than World Uses
by Eoin Higgins
A new report from the International Energy Agency released Friday claims that wind power could be a $1 trillion…

How Psychology Predicts Where Your Relationship Is Headed
by Gary W. Lewandowski Jr.
Is he or she the one? You know… the one to introduce to my parents, the one to move in with, the one to start a family…

Why People With Cancer Go To The Emergency Room
by Ohio State University
Cancer patients most often head to the emergency department for pain, nausea, and shortness of breath, research finds.

The Latest Sign Of Out-Of-Control Consumerism
by Jay L. Zagorsky
Halloween spending is out of control. Americans are expected to spend US$8.8 billion on candy, costumes and decorations…

Halloween Candy Doesn’t Have To Be Scary For Your Teeth
by Breno Reboucas
Whether it’s M&M’s or Skittles, everyone has a favorite Halloween candy—but what happens when the sugar rush turns into…

When Halloween Became America's Most Dangerous Holiday
by W. Scott Poole
The unquiet spirits, vampires and the omnipresent zombies that take over American streets every October 31 may think…

Why Raising The Minimum Wage Could Be A Win For Everyone
by Nicole Hallett
Critics would have you believe that upping the minimum wage in restaurants will lead to massive layoffs and closures.…

We Have The Tools And Technology To Work Less And Live Better
by Toby Phillips
In 1930, a year into the Great Depression, John Maynard Keynes sat down to write about the economic possibilities of…

Does Eating Dairy Foods Increase Your Risk Of Prostate Cancer?
by Rosemary Stanton
Recent headlines have warned a diet high in dairy foods may increase men’s risk of prostate cancer.

Why We're Capable Of Infinite Memory
by Amy Reichelt
One of the critical functions of the brain is to encode and store information, which becomes our memories.

Some Butterflies And Moths Can Not Adapt To The Changing Climate
by Callum Macgregor
Butterflies are rather like Goldilocks, preferring conditions to be neither too hot nor too cold, but “just right”.

What's Made Of Legumes But Sizzles On The Barbecue Like Beef?
by Martin Cole and Mary Ann Augustin
There is a revolution taking place in burger joints and supermarkets across Australia. Plant products that taste and…

How Training Boosts The Spiritual Side Of Elder Care
by Brandeis University
Workshops for elder care clinicians significantly improved their comfort and ability in identifying and helping address…

Why Most Native Bird Species Are Losing Their Homes
by Jeremy Simmonds, et al
Across parts of Australia, vast areas of native vegetation have been cleared and replaced by our cities, farms and…

Types Of Words By An Executive That Can Signal A Red Flag
by Washington University in St. Louis
A new way to help lenders make better loan decisions uses the words corporate executives speak on quarterly earnings…

This Microbe Is Spreading Antibiotic Resistance To Other Bacteria
by Sali Morris and James S. Horton
|Antibiotic resistance is spreading fast all over the world. When infectious bacteria mutate in a certain way and then…

Here Are The 3 New Ways To Classify Arrogance
by University of Missouri
Researchers have created a new way to classify arrogance on different levels across a spectrum.

Men Have Higher A Death Rate Than Women From Breast Cancer
by Tom Wilemon
Men with breast cancer are more likely to die than women across all stages of disease, researchers report.

A 100% Renewable Grid Is Within Reach But Needs Government Funding
by Andrew Blakers et al
In a speech to the National Press Club, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull declared that the key requirements for…

Benefits Of Raw Milk vs. Dangers Of Raw Milk
by James Blaxland and Vitti Allender
According to some of its online proponents, unpasteurised or “raw” milk can “heal the gut”, boost the immune system…

Not All Types Of Extremism Are Terrorism – Conflating The Two Is Dangerous
by Daniel Kirkpatrick and Recep Onursal
When the UK Conservative MP Nigel Evans was interrupted during a television interview in early September by an…

How A Frenchman Born 150 Years Ago Inspired The Extreme Nationalism Behind Brexit And Donald Trump
by Pablo de Orellana and Nicholas Michelsen
In common with the American alt-right and many anti-migration nationalists throughout the West, Charles believes that…

7 Questions Parents Should Ask Before Kids Go On Playdates
by U. Michigan
Nearly half of parents in a new national poll say they’ve declined a playdate because they didn’t feel comfortable…

How Racism Shortens The Lives And Hurts The Health Of Blacks
by April Thames
Negative social attitudes, such as racism and discrimination, damage the health of those who are targeted by triggering…

Most Witches Are Women, Because Witch Hunts Were All About Persecuting The Powerless
by Bridget Marshall
“Witch hunt” – it’s a refrain used to deride everything from impeachment inquiries and sexual assault investigations to…

How Architects and Engineers Need To Design Buildings Differently As The Climate Changes
by Nicholas Rajkovich
In the past seven years, four major disasters have caused serious disruptions in the Northeast and Midwest United…

How Your Brain Approaches Tricky Tasks
by James Shine
Have you ever sat down to complete your morning crossword or Sudoku and wondered about what’s happening in your brain?

Is the USA a Bully that Solves Problems With Troops, Not Diplomats?
by Monica Duffy Toft
Is America a bully? As a scholar, under the auspices of the Military Intervention Project, I have been studying every…
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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