Image by Gerd Altmann
Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
This week we look at trust... in ourselves, in others, and in a Higher Power. Sometimes our trust in others can be misplaced leading to challenges, but then the lack of trust in ourselves and/or in our inner guidance, also can lead to challenges.
We thus start our featured articles this week with Joyce Vissell who writes about "Learning the Lesson of Trust". Then we move on to Alan Cohen who reflects on challenging experiences, and comments: "What It’s Really For: There Is A Nobler Purpose To Every Experience". We then bring you an excerpt from Cate Montana's novel "Apollo & Me" where the Greek god Apollo shares information on the duality and discordance between men and women through the teachings of religion in the excerpt entitled: "From The Divinity and Equality of Man and Woman, To Sin and Redemption".
Many of life's problems and tensions can lead us to a state of depression and Gary Wagman, an acupuncturist and Doctor of Oriental Medicine, brings us tools to use to balance our body and move through depression. While his article is geared to women, its tenets apply to all genders: "Woman Overboard: The Depths of Depression". Then, InnerSelf's co-publisher, Robert Jennings, asks "Is Climate Catastrophe Closer Than We Think?" and shares information and insights about the status of our environment.
However, through all the challenges of daily life, we are reminded that we always have assistance at hand: "In The Space Within, You Can Hear the Mind of God". And I round off the articles with my perspective on a solution to our personal and global problems: "What Is Love: Being Kind To Others and To Yourself".
Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.
Wishing you inspiring and insightful reading, and of course a loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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***** articles and videos added daily *****
Learning the Lesson of Trust
Written by Joyce Vissell
I love this photo of our son-in-law Ryan and our almost three-year-old grandson Owen. Ryan is taking Owen for his first surfing lesson. Owen is holding his hand with complete trust. He knows that his father has great wisdom in this situation and will take care of him.
What It’s Really For: There Is A Nobler Purpose To Every Experience
Written by Alan Cohen
Jewish theologian Martin Buber said, “All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.” The ego’s destinations are always material. The spirit’s destinations run deeper. We believe we are here to get somewhere physically, while we are really here to get somewhere spiritually.
From The Divinity and Equality of Man and Woman, To Sin and Redemption
Written by Cate Montana
“I guess darkness serves a purpose: to show us that there is redemption through chaos. I believe in that. I think that’s the basis of Greek Mythology.” -- Apollo
Woman Overboard: The Depths of Depression
Written by Gary Wagman, Ph.D., L.Ac.
It is estimated that 8 to 15 percent of all women are faced with depression at one time or another as they go through menopause. Close to nine million women nationwide are plagued with depression at some point in their lives. Even though depression is affected by hormonal changes and genetic factors, it is not dictated by them.
Is Climate Catastrophe Closer Than We Think?
Written by Robert Jennings,
Is Earth's livability disappearing? That many species of animals, birds, fish, and insects are in swift decline is indisputable.
In The Space Within, You Can Hear the Mind of God
Written by Simon Chokoisky
Meditation is not another “thing” to do, it’s an expression of who you are. Like all authentic spiritual practices it makes life easier by removing the barriers that keep you from being the person you came here to be.
What Is Love: Being Kind To Others and To Yourself
Written by Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf
As I was reflecting the other day on love -- loving ourselves, loving our neighbor, loving the world itself -- it came to me that with all the "stigma" attached to the word love, sometimes we may be at a loss as to what it really means.
Downsizing To An Early Death? Why Exercise Is So Important As You Age
by Scott Lear
It’s well-documented that regular exercise is good for us. Being active can reduce your risk for a variety of diseases…
Vaping: As An Imaging Scientist I Fear The Deadly Impact On People’s Lungs
by Grace Parraga
Vaping causes severe illness in otherwise healthy young adults and teenagers. It causes a life-threatening,…
Shopping Addiction Is A Real Disorder
by Cathrine Jansson-Boyd
UK-based healthcare group the Priory is well-known for treating gambling, sex, drug, alcohol and computing addictions…
How Fires Weaken Amazon Rainforests' Ability To Bounce Back
by Paulo Massoca and Catarina Conte Jakovac
The flames consuming the Amazon rainforest this year have alarmed the world, renewing concerns about one of the…
The History Of The Cross and Its Many Meanings Over The Centuries
by Joanne M. Pierce
In the fall, Catholics and some other Christian churches celebrate the Feast of the Holy Cross.
How To Make A 4-Day Work Week A Necessary Part Of Human Progress
by David Spencer
“We should work to live, not live to work”, declared John McDonnell in his speech to Britain’s Labour Party Conference.
Do New Cancer Drugs Work? Too Often We Don't Really Know and Neither Does Your Doctor
by Barbara Mintzes and Agnes Vitry
It’s hard to find anyone who hasn’t been touched by cancer. People who haven’t had cancer themselves will likely have a…
Truly Smart Homes Could Help Dementia Patients Live Independently
by Dorothy Monekosso
You might already have what’s often called a “smart home”, with your lights or music connected to voice-controlled…
Depression: It’s A Word We Use A Lot, But What Exactly Is It?
by Samuel Clack and Tony Ward
Depression is a serious disorder marked by disturbances in mood, cognition, physiology and social functioning.
How The Arabian Nights Stories Morphed Into Stereotypes
by Katherine Bullock
The conversation over Justin Trudeau’s blackface had widened to a conversation about anti-Blackness in Canada, and…
Why Don't We Have Electric Aircraft?
by Dries Verstraete
Electric cars, trains, trams and boats already exist. That logically leads to the question: why are we not seeing large…
On The Ending Of A Friendship
by Kevin John Brophy
About eight years ago, I went to dinner with a dear friend I had known for more than 40 years. It would be the last…
Merchants Of Misinformation Are All Over The Internet. But The Real Problem Lies With Us
by Will J Grant and Rod Lamberts
Call it lies, fake news, or just plain old bullshit - misinformation seems to flutter willfully around the modern…
Reduce Your Food Waste To Save Money, Boost Health and Reduce Carbon Emissions
by Kathryn Walton and Molly Gallant
Food waste is costly — and not just dollars and cents. Food waste also has significant environmental and health…
Are You Mentally Well Enough For College?
by Nicholas Joyce
Last spring an 18-year-old college freshman who got straight A’s in high school – but was now failing several courses –…
How To Talk To Your Children About Sexual Consent
by Jennifer Cassarly
Parents and caregivers often wait until their children are older to talk about sexual consent. And many parents often…
The Womb Isn't Sterile – Healthy Babies Are Born With Bacteria and Fungi In Their Guts
by Kent Willis
For the last hundred years, scientists have believed that humans develop in a womb that remains sterile and completely…
Historically Black Colleges Give Graduates A Wage Boost
by Gregory N. Price
In 2010, two economists claimed that graduates of historically black colleges and universities, or HBCUs, suffer a…
How Science Fiction Could Save Us From Bad Technology
by Alessio Malizia and Silvio Carta
The short film Slaughterbots depicts a near future in which swarms of micro drones assassinate thousands of people for…
Why You Should Stop Buying New Clothes
by Dr Alana James
The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world, producing 20% of global wastewater and 10%…
Why Your Voting Habits May Depend On When You Registered To Vote
by Enrijeta Shino and Daniel A. Smith
When eligible citizens register to vote, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they will turn out.
If You Want To Cut Calories, Change How You Budget Them
by Greta Guest
New findings challenge the wisdom of budgeting calories for the day, which is what weight-control programs like Weight…
Ignoring Young People's Climate Change Fears Is A Recipe For Anxiety
by Rachael Sharman and Patrick D. Nunn
Thousands of school students across Australia joined in the global protest calling for action on climate change.
How Do Brains Tune In To One Neural Signal Out Of Billions?
by Salvatore Domenic Morgera
The human brain sends hundreds of billions of neural signals each second. It’s an extraordinarily complex feat.
Talking Therapies Can Harm Too – Here's What To Look Out For
by Gordon Parker
People seeking therapy should always talk to a practitioner who provides good quality treatment that’s appropriate to…
Dr. Spock's Timeless Lessons In Parenting
by Richard Gunderman
The book ignited a revolution, breaking free from conventional wisdom that said children required schedules, discipline…
The Most Influential Scientist You May Never Have Heard Of
by Richard Gunderman
By the time he drew his self-portrait at age 45, Humboldt had tutored himself in every branch of science, spent more…
What You Think You Know About The Climate Is Probably Wrong
by Bobby Duffy
We humans have a natural tendency to focus on negative stories. We tend to assume things are worse than they really…
Green With Rage: Women Climate Change Leaders Face Online Attacks
by Tracey Raney and Mackenzie Gregory
Women leaders who support climate action are being attacked online with increasing regularity.
Here's What You Can Eat And Avoid To Reduce Your Risk Of Bowel Cancer
by Suzanne Mahady
Up to 35% of cancers worldwide might be caused by lifestyle factors such as diet and smoking. So how can we go about…
Concussions And Children Returning To School – What Parents Need To Know
by Susan Davies
“Jamal” is a 16-year-old boy who sustained a concussion in a skateboarding accident in July.
How New Implants Are Helping Link Brains To Computers
by Yunlong Zhao
The field of brain-machine interfaces (BMI) – which use electrodes, often implanted into the brain, to translate…
Vaping Likely Has Dangers That Could Take Years For Scientists To Even Know About
by Ilona Jaspers
The rise in cases of otherwise healthy young adults who have been hospitalized or even died from vaping-associated lung…
The Gay Gene Search Reveals Not One But Many
by Brendan Zietsch
It has long been clear that a person’s sexual preference – whether they prefer male or female sexual partners, or both…
The Bizarre Social History Of Beds
by Brian Fagan
Groucho Marx once joked, “Anything that can’t be done in bed isn’t worth doing at all."
Why More Companies Are Going Dog Friendly
by Holly Patrick
Bringing pet dogs into the workplace is becoming increasingly common.
Rainbow Yoga With Adriene
by Yoga With Adriene
Rainbow Yoga! The perfect 17-minute practice to brighten your day, to help turn darkness into light.
Why Traditional Persian Music Should Be Known To The World
by Darius Sepehr
The traditional poetry and music of Iran aim to create a threshold space, a zone of mystery; a psycho-emotional terrain…
Baked Lemon Garlic Chicken Recipe
by Clean & Delicious
Baked Lemon Garlic Chicken is easy, juicy and full of flavor.
What Is Chronic Kidney Disease And Why Are One In Three At Risk Of This Silent Killer?
by Karen Dwyer and Ashani Lecamwasam
A 42-year-old man – a father, a husband, a son – has come to the emergency department with a splitting headache. It’s…
The Testaments – Margaret Atwood's Sequel To The Handmaid's Tale
by Susan Watkins
When Margaret Atwood was writing The Handmaid’s Tale in 1984, she felt that the main premise seemed “fairly outrageous”
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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