Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
This week we take a look at personal responsibility. For years, many of us (myself included) gave away our power to "others"... whether those "others" were employers, spouses, friends, teachers, politicians, neighbors (as in "keeping up with the Joneses"), things "out of our control", etc. However, the consequences of our inactions have come around to bite us. Whether it is unhappiness at work or at home; inequality at work, at home, and on the planet as a whole; lack of personal or planetary health; etc. All of the giving up of responsibility is having consequences on our health, our happiness, and the health and happiness of Mother Earth and our brothers and sisters world-wide.
We are entering a new cycle... that of standing up and taking charge... of our own life, of our attitudes and actions, of our future. We can no longer afford to stand-by and let others make decisions for us. We have to dip into our own inner wisdom and make choices that are based on integrity and Love for All. Expediency, laziness, and financial gain are not the guidelines that we choose to follow. We choose integrity, harmony, love, compassion, and wanting the best for All... not just for ourselves and our immediate family and friends.
We have become aware of the oneness that surrounds us. An action taken by one affects many if not all. Even words spoken by one affect many if not all. It is time to wake up, shake off the cobwebs from our mind and our hearts, and take responsibility for creating a life and a world that works for All. We are all pieces of this gigantic puzzle and each piece is as important as the other. We might not be a corner-piece or an easily identified border piece in this puzzle, but we may be one of those elusive last pieces that we have been searching for... not lost, just misplaced or hiding in the shadows.
So this week, our authors help us make our way through the fog and reclaim our personal power. Scroll down for featured articles by Pierre Pradervand, Jude Bijou, Gwilda Wiyaka, and more. As well, of course, as the numerous additional articles on a variety of topics that were added to the InnerSelf website throughout the week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, response-able, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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Assuming and Accepting the Full Responsibility of One’s Life
Written by Pierre Pradervand
“Victimitis” – feeling a victim of some situation or person or any other claim – is one of the most widespread syndromes of our societies. Many people live their whole lives feeling victims of one thing or another – hence never become truly adult
Step Up and Step Out: Taking Personal Responsibility
Written by Jude Bijou
When we stand up and lovingly assert ourselves, we feel joy. We feel virtuous and good because we are following our inner wisdom. However, if we have unexpressed sadness this leads to us feeling small and unimportant, and consequently acting passive. When we feel reticent to speak up and act, it is a sign that we are compensating...
What Is Your Future? The Amazing Power of Denial
Written by Gwilda Wiyaka
Polarized, compartmentalized reality has us viewing ourselves as separate, not subject to the same laws, and forever alone. This leaves us vulnerable to a consumer-driven society. Anything that promises to relieve the illusion of unbearable aloneness and self-denial becomes extremely desirable, so much so that many of us will gladly mortgage our future for the promise of a moment's relief. This is the pain and suffering we have come to accept as reality.
Ice on Fire: HBO Official Trailer And Interviews
Written by Robert Jennings, InnerSelf.com
Ice on Fire is an outstanding documentary presented by Leonardo DiCaprio. It is equally as important as An Inconvenient Truth, the Academy Award winning film by Al Gore.
Opening the Doors of Perception: Choosing To Be Present and Fully Aware
Written by Ora Nadrich
Our perceptions are based on our beliefs, and those beliefs influence how we see the world, which dictates our sense of reality. If we're open minded, we'll see the world through a much clearer and wider lens, and be more accepting, tolerant and compassionate. But if we're closed off or small minded, we're not going to be as tolerant, and can make snap judgments before we even give something or someone a chance.
The Burden: Feeling Responsible For Everyone
Written by Sonja Grace
Our society is riddled with a myriad of dysfunctional behaviors and addictions, ways in which we attempt to deaden not only our own pain but the pain of others. And for some highly sensitive humans, appropriate boundaries around what belongs to them and what does not will become muddled.
Returning From Exile: Solstice, Eclipses, T-Square, and Neptune Retrograde
Written by Sarah Varcas
21st June 2019 sees a number of astrological events occurring in quick succession, alerting us to a significant energetic shift. At 8:27 a.m. Neptune stations in its own sign of Pisces, beginning its annual five-month retrograde journey. At 2:03 p.m. the Moon becomes void-of-course in Aquarius until it enters Pisces exactly 24 hours later. This is a particularly long stint for a void-of-course moon.
Supplements For Brain Health Show No Benefit So Far
by Steven DeKosky
Americans and others around the world have turned increasingly to dietary supplements in order to maintain or preserve…
Why We Have Such A Love-Hate Relationship With Work
by Ian Fouweather
Shock, horror, a new study shows the British public don’t like their jobs. Using smart phones researchers mapped the…
Want To Be Healthy And Happy?
by Lynn Williams
Y?o?u?r? ?p?a?r?t?n?e?r?’?s? ?p?e?r?s?o?n?a?l?i?t?y? ?c?a?n? ?i?n?f?l?u?e?n?c?e? ?y?o?u?r? ?l?i?f?e? ?i?n? ?a?l?l?…
To Tackle The Climate Crisis We Need More Democracy, Not Less
by Rebecca Willis
As the climate crisis is increasingly felt across the globe, protesters take to the streets and politicians scrabble to…
Is Cutting Central American Aid Going To Help Stop The Flow Of Migrants?
by Carmen Monico
President Donald Trump has long made blocking the thousands of Central Americans who head to the southern U.S. border…
Why Long Hours At The Office Could Be Killing You
by Shainaz Firfiray
UK employees have the longest working week compared to other workers in the European Union. But, despite the long…
Bacteria Live On Our Eyeballs And Understanding Their Role Could Help Treat Common Eye Diseases
by Tony St. Leger
You may be familiar with the idea that your gut and skin are home to a collection of microbes – fungi, bacteria and…
7 Ways To Build Your Child's Vocabulary
by David Dickinson
If you want your child to have a rich and fulfilling life, one of the best things you can do is help build your child’s…
Language Matters When The Earth Is In The Midst Of A Climate Crisis
by Madhur Anand
In a 2015 essay, poet and novelist Margaret Atwood wrote, “It’s not climate change, it’s everything change.”
Why Do People Faint?
by Anne R. Crecelius
Maybe it’s a bride standing in a hot chapel, or an exhausted runner after a race. It could be someone watching a…
What Does The Dust In Your Home Mean For Your Health?
by Gabriel Filippelli
You vacuum it, sweep it and wipe it off your furniture. But do you know what it actually is – and how it may affect…
Time To Cook Is A Luxury Many Families Don't Have
by Joslyn Brenton et al
Have Americans forgotten how to cook? Many lament the fact that Americans spend less time cooking than they did in…
Five Tips To Manage Screen Time This Summer
by Lisa Tang and Jess Haines
Summer is finally here, which means we can all look forward to some fun in the sun!
Are Cat Muzzles Cruel Or Useful?
by Jan Hoole
It’s not unusual to slap a muzzle on a dog if it’s being aggressive or not keen on being given an injection, but a…
Brain Scans Offer Clues To Extremist Violence
by Mandira Banerjee
To gain insight into the psychology of radicalization and terrorist violence, researchers scanned the brains of men who…
What Is The Summer Solstice?
by Stephen Schneider
The summer solstice marks the official start of summer. It brings the longest day and shortest night of the year for…
How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing the Way We Farm
by Jeremy Deaton
The next great agricultural revolution is here. Wine growers have a neat, if unusual, trick for making more flavorful…
Green Bonds Are Taking Off – and Could Help Save The Planet
by Olaf Weber and Vasundhara Saravade
The “tragedy of the horizons,” a term coined by Canada’s Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of England, has been…
Here's How To Train Your Brain For Lucid Dreaming
by Achilleas Pavlou
Dreams can often be confusing and blurry experiences. Reduced critical thinking, little to no access to our true…
5 Ways A Lazy Lawn Makes Pollinators Happy
by Alisson Clark
You might feel bad about having a less-than-manicured lawn, but it’s great for bees and other pollinators.
The Why And How Of Sleep Training For Your Kids
by Ryan Anderson and Hannah Ford
For thousands of years, mothers have sung lullabies to help their babies and children fall asleep.
The Trebek Effect: The Benefits Of Well Wishes
by Richard Gunderman
Long-time “Jeopardy!” host Alex Trebek announced in March that he had been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer.
Most US Drug Arrests Involve A Gram Or Less
by Joseph E. Kennedy
In the long-running television drama “Breaking Bad,” viewers watched the moral devolution of Walter White, a…
How Lobbying Undercuts Climate Action
by Sonia Fernandez
A new study quantifies the effects of political lobbying on the likelihood of climate policy enactment.
9 Questions And Answers About The Vasectomy
by Texas A&M University
A vasectomy, or male sterilization, is a very effective, relatively simple option for permanent birth control.
Both Morning and Evening Exercise Have Their Perks
by Mathias Traczyk
The benefits of exercise may differ depending on the time of day when you work out, a new study in mice suggests.
As Cars Become Increasingly Driverless, People Are Already Seeking New Motoring Experiences
by Will Andrews
According to those in the industry, and researchers too, driverless cars will totally revolutionise the way we think…
What Does It Mean To Be A Good Father To Your Son?
by Adam Davies
What does it mean to be a “good father?” While playing catch as a form of father-son bonding can be a good thing, it is…
How Indigenous Leadership Is Protecting Communities From Climate Disasters
by Jocelyn Stacey
“The fires were never a threat to us. It was the state that was the threat.” The environment does not create disasters…
The Handmaid’s Tale: Symbols Of Protest And Medieval Holy Women
by Annie Sutherland
The ongoing TV adaptation of The Handmaid’s Tale has done much to remind us of the astonishing pertinence of Margaret…
Could Floating Cities Help People Adapt To Rising Sea Levels?
by Nathalie Mezza-Garcia
By end of the century, rising seas will flood more than 500 coastal cities, affecting 1.5 billion people worldwide.…
Jon Stewart: Journey From Satirist To Political Advocate Is No Laughing Matter
by Allaina Kilby
When Jon Stewart quit the Daily Show, the satirical news and comedy show he hosted for 16 years until August 2015, he…
Number Of Women Steered Towards Repeat Caesareans Is Much Higher Than Necessary
by Tracy Humphrey
As many as one in four women in the UK now give birth by caesarean section, the vast majority of them carried out by…
Farmed Salmon Is Now A Staple In Diets – But What They Eat Matters Too
by Dave Little and Richard Newton
Salmon is not only tasty but is prized for being low fat and high in rich omega-3 oils.
Why Outdoor Play Is The Best Medicine For Children
by Mariana Brussoni
What if there was a simple, inexpensive and fun way to address some of the major challenges facing humanity today.
Is It Now Time To Talk About A Global Living Wage
by Shelley Marshall
The idea of the living wage is back on the political agenda. In the United States the Democrats are proposing to double…
How Herd Thinking Can Make Us Worse At Forecasting
by Kurt Greenbaum
Herding behavior can make us “individually smarter, but collectively dumber,” according to new research on how people…
Biomining The Elements Of The Future
by Marcos Voutsinos
Biomining is the kind of technique promised by science fiction: a vast tank filled with microorganisms that leach metal…
How To Get The Nutrients You Need Without Eating As Much Red Meat
by Evangeline Mantzioris
If you’re a red meat-eater, there’s a good chance you’re eating more of it than you should. At last count, Australians…
For Some, Self-Tracking Means More Than Self-Help
by Joseph Reagle
People who identify with the “Quantified Self movement” are, as expressed in the movement’s motto, seeking…
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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