Why Immigration Holds the Key to Rural Prosperity
Creating Your Best Year with Quantum Intentions
Start Small: Why One New Year’s Resolution is Enough
Jimmy Carter’s Human Decency: How America Can Rise to the Challenge
How Stress Leads to a Longer Life Span
Build Your Road to Success with Change
The Potential of Psychedelics for Deep Healing
Transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius
Why Immigration Holds the Key to Rural Prosperity
Creating Your Best Year with Quantum Intentions
Start Small: Why One New Year’s Resolution is Enough
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: Dec. 30, 2024 to January 5, 2025
Jimmy Carter’s Human Decency: How America Can Rise to the Challenge
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: January 6 to 12, 2025
How Stress Leads to a Longer Life Span
One of the great strength of the human race is our ability to be flexible, to be creative, and to think outside the box. To be someone other than we were yesterday or the day before. We can change... our mind, our attitude, our health, and even ourselves.
The theme of the newsletter this week can be summed up as "you can do it" or more specifically "we can do it!". This is another way of saying "you/we have the power to make a change". The image of the arrows hitting the center mark reminds us that we too can aim for a goal and attain it, however "impossible" or grandiose it may seem.
This week we practice moving past old traumas, old and current hurts, old and no longer relevant attitudes, past erroneous beliefs, past fearful limitations, past... (Well, you get the point.) And it seems we often have to go over a hurdle to get there... there are sometimes challenges whether physical, mental, or emotional... and sometimes all three combined.
We see life through the lenses of our perception. Stephen R. Covey wrote: “We see the world, not as it is, but as we are??or, as we are conditioned to see it.” So this week, we take a look at some different ways of seeing life and events in our life.
The roads we are travelling these days are as old as the times, yet are new for us. The experiences we are having are as old as the times, yet they also are new for us. The same goes for the challenges we face. So this week we share various ways to traverse these times and come out on the...
Everyone probably can agree that we are living in strange times... new experiences, new attitudes, new challenges. But we can be encouraged in remembering that everything is always in flux, everything changes.
We are all here for a purpose... You may have grandiose ideas of what a life purpose "should" be... saving the world, the whales, the humans, the rainforests, etc. However, our life purpose is probably best expressed in what brings us joy... It could be...
This week we ask ourselves "Who Am I?" and what does it mean (for me) to be human? It is time to change our perspective of who we thought we were (small, limited, powerless victims) to embracing our full potential -- this is what life is about.
This week we focus on seeing things differently... Rather than seeing through the lens of our old beliefs and expectations, we can shed the "old persona" and take on the "new and updated" version of ourselves. The one that sees the potential for love and healing in all situations.
Even while the world is practicing separation with social distancing and masks, we are realizing more and more that there is no separation and that we are all closely connected. What one does affects the other. This week...
This week we focus on looking at things differently which involves changing our perspective about our own self, as well as about the world around us.
This week, we focus on new beginnings... having a new attitude to create new possibilities and new realities. The expression that came to mind as I started to write this was: "Out with the old and in with the new." Speaking of new, this month...
"What the world needs now is love, sweet love. No, not just for some, but for everyone." (Lyrics from the song: What The World Needs Now Is Love). The above song, written in 1965, still resonates and is still a needed message for all. It is our theme for the week.
This week the newsletter is a "minimal version" of itself. Next week, we expect to be back on schedule.
We, as individuals, as a society, and as a planet, are in a state of transition. With the many challenges taking place on the planet, we are transitioning from one way of life, one way of behavior, to a new way. Transition (change) can bring upheaval. This week we bring you various ways to navigate these times.
The "motto" of is "New Attitudes -- New Possibilities". And that is definitely what is at stake on a world-wide basis at this time. Attitudes have to change in order for new possitilities to emerge and for the world to change for the better.
While we all have particular times in our lives that are more challenging than others, we are currently, as a species, going through common challenges... albeit, each in our different ways. Fortunately, there are tools to help us work through these challenges with courage and clarity. This week we bring you articles to help in that process.
One of the themes that has come to the forefront in 2020 is the one of connection. We have come to realize, at least in physical terms due to the Coronavirus, that we are all connected. Our connection, however, goes much deeper than just the physical.
"One of the first steps in creating internal order is making a commitment to a new way of thinking. This week, we have help in this regard from..."
In this week's articles we bring you ways of seeing more than what is right in front of us... or what is visible to the eyes. There is much to be learned from the invisible, from the messages that come from
It is interesting that in this time of social isolation, we are actually rediscovering wholeness and community. We are reconnecting with our inner truth, our inner longings, and connecting perhaps more deeply with the people we love, albeit by phone or online connections. Perhaps there is truth in the saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder.
This week we reflect on perception... how we perceive things, how we perceive reality... and how we have our own perspective on reality, which can be influenced by people around us, and by old patterns and memories from within our own self.
We've been told for a long time to "be the change we want to see in the world", and that "change begins with us", and that "what the world needs now is love". So this week, we look at various ways or methods that can assist us in putting these precepts in practice, and incorporate them into our lives and our world...