Creating Your Best Year with Quantum Intentions
Start Small: Why One New Year’s Resolution is Enough
How Stress Leads to a Longer Life Span
Jimmy Carter’s Human Decency: How America Can Rise to the Challenge
Build Your Road to Success with Change
Your Roadmap to More Wisdom and Happiness
The Potential of Psychedelics for Deep Healing
Transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius
Start Small: Why One New Year’s Resolution is Enough
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: Dec. 30, 2024 to January 5, 2025
Creating Your Best Year with Quantum Intentions
How Stress Leads to a Longer Life Span
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: January 6 to 12, 2025
Jimmy Carter’s Human Decency: How America Can Rise to the Challenge
Build Your Road to Success with Change
In order to create a better world, a better life, there are certain requirements that must be met. This week, we look at some of them. We start with...
An essential part of creating happiness and peace of mind is honesty -- honesty with ourselves and integrity with others. This means living up to the truth of our true Self, and being willing to share and communicate vulnerably with others. This week, we start off into the topic of honesty with...
While it is said that the only constant is change, it can also be said that inertia is a powerful deterrent to progress. Inertia can make us appear to be staying in place, but that is actually the opposite of change and progress. So this week, we reflect on moving forward...
This week we "celebrate" Halloween... a time where things appear as they are not. And this concept applies to much of our lives as well: Things are not always as they seem.
While we may at times, or perhaps often, feel powerless in effecting change in the world, we must remind ourselves that we are part of the whole. We are participants in the grand cosmic play that is taking place within us and around us.
Perhaps the most important question for each of us to answer is "Who Am I?" or as a collective of humanity, "Who Are We?". The debate has long raged... are humans essentially good or evil, of the light or of the darkness? And as with most questions, the importance of the answer is not in the past but in the present: Who are we being now?
Twenty-first century life can be, and is often, challenging. Yet, together we can offer each other assistance, support, and new perspectives. This week we seek to do all of the above and start with...
This week we look at trust... in ourselves, in others, and in a Higher Power. Sometimes our trust in others can be misplaced leading to challenges, but then the lack of trust in ourselves and/or in our inner guidance, also can lead to challenges.
One of our featured articles this week asks: "What Makes You A Mature Adult?" The author presents many variations on the theme. I would answer that question by saying that as mature adults we take responsibility for what we share/create, what we withhold/hide, and how we serve/contribute to the world around us.
One of the "existential questions" is Who Am I? Yet for some of us, that question when asked of ourselves may sound more like "Who do you think YOU are!"... Not so much a question as an exclamation of judgment and accusation and blame. So this week we look at some underlying blockages to having a fully-loving opinion and expression of self.
We start this overview of the featured articles of the week by quoting the closing sentence from Pam Younghan's weekly journal: 'These appear to be the essential keys to the improvements that we seek right now -- that we take one step at a time, purposefully, mindfully, and with faith.'
Tools are useful things... whether we are speaking of physical tools like hammers or computers to create physical things, keys to unlock doors and open to new adventures, or energetic tools to enhance our emotional, spiritual, and physical self. This week we present some tools...
Perhaps the goal of life is to become who we are... or, we could say "to rediscover who we are"... or perhaps more descriptively "to sweep away the accumulation of patterns, fears, repressed emotions, etc. etc which have covered up the shiny truth of our inner light". This week our articles focus on assisting you in the process of giving yourself permission to be true to your Self...
We are not powerless! No matter what anyone has told us or what the "powers that be" may try to get us to believe, we are powerful beyond measure, as Marianne Williamson wrote many years ago..
This week we bring you articles that help shed light on "you" and your affect on life, and the people whose lives you touch...
Things are not always as they appear to be, or how people expect them to be. Sometimes our expectations are incorrect, other times it's our perceptions that are misleading. And at other times, the Universe just delivers a surprise that we may call synchronicity or even miraculous.
We are all under the illusion of "mistaken identity". In other words, we are not who we think we are... mostly because, in most cases, we don't think very highly of ourselves. Some of us think "we're not good enough" or that "we never will amount to anything". We are mistaken! This is NOT who we are. These beliefs keep us from experiencing our true nature...
This week we take a look at the empowerment process and the steps therein. To become empowered, we start with having awareness of a situation or need. Being aware of a need can lead us to a change in attitude which then inspires us to take action. Our first featured article...
This week we examine thoughts... And, in case you're thinking that we are saying that thoughts are "bad" and need to be eradicated, we're not. Perhaps it is best recapped by the closing sentence of this week's astrological journal: "The world needs our hearts, but it also needs our strength—and our light"...
Our first featured article this week asks the question: where do we go from here? Good question, and one we need to ask ourselves daily, if not every moment of every day. We've perhaps become too complacent with our lives... things have been running somewhat smoothly... not perfectly mind you, but "good enough" that we haven't been inspired to make big changes.
This week we take a look at the existential question: "Who Am I?" and open ourselves up to rediscovering our authentic self... We progress from the small "i" to the higher "I" and to the larger "we". Who we are has been buried underneath years of ...
This week we take a look at personal responsibility. For years, many of us (myself included) gave away our power to "others"... whether those "others" were employers, spouses, friends, teachers, politicians, neighbors (as in "keeping up with the Joneses"), things "out of our control", etc. However, the consequences...
This week we reflect on seeing things differently. Fear is pervasive in our world, and while there may be "good reasons" to be fearful, there are also excellent reasons to look at things differently and transform our fear into solutions.