What Happens When a President Ignores the Courts and the Law?
What Can the Stock Market Teach Us About Our Waistlines?
A Slow-Motion Coup d'état
The U.S. Government Is Being Gutted Before Our Eyes
Why the System Feels Rigged To Young People
Why It's Time to Break Free from the Serenity Prayer
Living Life Fully: How To Make Time for Joy Now
What Happens When a President Ignores the Courts and the Law?
What Can the Stock Market Teach Us About Our Waistlines?
A Slow-Motion Coup d'état
The U.S. Government Is Being Gutted Before Our Eyes
Why the System Feels Rigged To Young People
Why It's Time to Break Free from the Serenity Prayer
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: January 27 to February 2, 2025
Living Life Fully: How To Make Time for Joy Now
Our first featured article this week asks the question: where do we go from here? Good question, and one we need to ask ourselves daily, if not every moment of every day. We've perhaps become too complacent with our lives... things have been running somewhat smoothly... not perfectly mind you, but "good enough" that we haven't been inspired to make big changes.
This week we take a look at the existential question: "Who Am I?" and open ourselves up to rediscovering our authentic self... We progress from the small "i" to the higher "I" and to the larger "we". Who we are has been buried underneath years of ...
This week we take a look at personal responsibility. For years, many of us (myself included) gave away our power to "others"... whether those "others" were employers, spouses, friends, teachers, politicians, neighbors (as in "keeping up with the Joneses"), things "out of our control", etc. However, the consequences...
This week we reflect on seeing things differently. Fear is pervasive in our world, and while there may be "good reasons" to be fearful, there are also excellent reasons to look at things differently and transform our fear into solutions.
This week we focus on stories... People love good stories as evidenced by the mega-billion-dollar movie industry world-wide. We all have stories we were told whether by tradition or people in our life, and of course, there are the stories we tell ourselves for many reasons. Our authors share some stories with you along with the lessons that came with those stories.
There's an old joke... someone asks "How do you get to Carnegie Hall?" The answer? "Practice, practice, practice." Well, the same answer can be given for many things... even attaining peace of mind, happiness, life balance, health, etc. Practice, practice, practice. And unfortunately, at times, we've been practicing things that do not get us to happiness and inner peace.
Once again I feel like starting the newsletter with the words "the times, they are a'changing"... and perhaps it is a mantra for these times, as well as an observation, and of course also a vision to create. Our featured authors this week are focusing on the big picture... the changes that are taking place as well as the changes we need to implement ourselves.
This week, our authors bring you various tools to work with stress, anxiety, and nightmares (whether the ones in our sleep or the ones in our daily life). The goal is to get past the impediments in our life, so we can live in the now, in harmony and divine simplicity.
This week we take a look at communication. And while we generally think of communication as taking place with other humans, we expand the scope of this week's articles to include connecting with ourselves, with animals, and with Nature.
So, stop a minute and ask yourself that question: "What if I gave a party and nobody came?" . What feelings come up for you? While we may not ever have found ourselves in that particular situation, I think we can all identify with the feeling of insecurity... That feeling connects to so many things...
This week, we look at what could be perhaps our best friend as well as our worst enemy: our mind (and its children, our thoughts). The mind, like most instruments, is as good as the use we put it to.
This week we take a look at change and at "our story" and ways to create a new story for ourselves personally, which then will reflect into creating a new story for the world. We start with an excerpt from a new book...
This week, we focus on the Light that we are, and on our own rebirth from the forces of negativity and fear. We bring you numerous articles from our regular and new authors, and feature some excerpts from new books that are just "hot off the press".
A Chinese proverb is reputed to say, "May you live in interesting times" and it is considered both a blessing and a curse. And of course, whether it is a blessing or a curse really depends on how we look at it, our reactions, and the choices we make. This week we bring you tools to help you navigate these tumultuous times and come out on the other side of the storm a stronger and more centered person.
While we know that it is important in life to deal with "what is", we also need to focus on "what is to be" or what we wish the future to be. This week we look at both.
Energy! It can seem like it's the elusive ingredient in our lives at times. We might find ourselves saying we need more energy! This week our authors help us look at energy... what it is, how to connect with it, and what it really all about...
This week we look at love... not the Valentine's Day kind of love, but love of self, love of others (human and not), and love of humanity, which all ties in with kindness, acceptance, etc.
Many of us work with "to do" lists. Often they include short-term items like remember to buy toothpaste, or other chores that need to be done that day or that week. However, we also have an "inner to do list" which consists of steps along our life's journey. This week we bring you articles that offer a combination of both.
This week we look at expectations. While expectations are about the future, we usually have formed them based on past events, or past teachings. Thus we may be stuck in recreating old realities because our thoughts and beliefs and expectations are based on old dogma and old theories. We start out by looking at the expectations we have of...
This week we take a look at fear. We also discover the connection between pain and fear. Of course fear shows up in many ways, some of them non-physical...
Everyone wants to be happy, and while this can mean different things to different people, I think that a common thread is that we wish to be at peace with ourselves, and at peace with the world around us. Not always an easy task...
This week we focus on observation... on observing both within ourselves and out in the world, observing where we want to go, as well as where the Universe is guiding us. We start off with...
This week we look at our connectivity with the "wholeness" of humanity... and with ourselves.