Understanding Money, Misconceptions, and the Path to Prosperity
How Stress Leads to a Longer Life Span
Build Your Road to Success with Change
Your Roadmap to More Wisdom and Happiness
Planetary Gateways: The Ancient Wisdom of Astrology
Redefining "Normal": Supporting Every Child's Unique Journey
Why Inequality Threatens Governments Today
Transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius
Understanding Money, Misconceptions, and the Path to Prosperity
How Stress Leads to a Longer Life Span
Build Your Road to Success with Change
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: January 6 to 12, 2025
Your Roadmap to More Wisdom and Happiness
Redefining "Normal": Supporting Every Child's Unique Journey
Why Inequality Threatens Governments Today
While the "outside" world may have a tendency to focus on what's wrong, touting the latest disasters, the newest divorce, governmental trauma, etc., to maintain inner peace and a sense of balance, we must remember to also focus on what's right! And we start off this week by focusing on joy.
This week we look at things we can do, and who we can be, in order to make a difference in the world...
Many people, world-wide, are experiencing numerous challenges these days, more than usual it seems. Some of the challenges come from nature, illnesses, war, or other severally traumatic situations. Thus, this week, we look at ways to deal with trauma and hardships.
In order for the world to change, we must change. And in order to change, we must learn new ways of thinking, and of being. This requires a source of new knowledge, usually brought to us by a teacher in some form. This week we expand our horizon as to where we find the teachings that we need.
Through the years, I've read many articles (and books) that recommend minding your own business. Never mind trying to "fix" the lives of your friends and family... deal with your own life. While I understand the concept of "keeping your nose out of others' business", I still find that I often disagree with that advice.
In order for things around us to change, we must change. This is not what we learned as children since everything then depended on our parents doing things for us. However, now that we are adults, we discover that we are the key to change. We start the new issue of InnerSelf with an excerpt from a brand-new book...
In this modern age, with all the tools of technology and instant communication at our disposal, we are exposed to many more stressful and traumatic events than our forefathers. This week, we bring you articles to help you through these experiences.
This week, as with every week, we look at different aspects of our life: the blessings and the challenges, and the things we can do to make our life more balanced. Many people feel like they are alone in this journey, yet we are never...
This week we look at how things (and people) are not always at they appear, and we see this first through the eyes of this week's lunar eclipse in "Life Under A Lunar Eclipse: Nothing Is Quite As It Seems..".
Life on earth is quite a dichotomy. We are in control of our life, yet we are not. We enjoy our existence, yet we don't. It's as if we are continually wavering between two extremes, two polarities, in somewhat of a free-fall. This week we look at the balancing act...
There are many expressions and idioms that suggest how to best deal with life. One that comes to mind is "when life throws you a curve ball, hit it out of the park". This week we look at various ways to deal with life's challenges and blessings...
The opioid crisis in the US is a near perfect example why the current push for unregulated free markets is mostly nonsense. That said the idea that full government regulations and control of markets is the answer is equally ludicrous.
This week we look at family. We all have one, or if we no longer do, we did at some point. Family influenced our early beliefs of life, and in many cases is still influencing our current beliefs, whether consciously or subconsciously.
When life seems to be taking us on a roller-coaster ride, we can remember that the way to keep from "losing it" is to retain our center. And if you've become confused and dizzy from all the ups and downs going on around you, perhaps you will benefit from...
Relationship! We all are involved in one, even if it's only a relationship with our own self. How we deal with that relationship, as well as all others, creates a basis for our life experience. It's not always smooth sailing. This week we look at the essence behind our connection with our own self, our Self (with a capital S), and with others.
You may be familiar with the expression that says you can't give from an empty basket. This, of course, refers to taking care of yourself before you can give of yourself to others. This week we bring you articles to help you replenish your energy and "refill your basket".
Connection and communication. Two very important parts of life. We are connected to the world through our inner life, and through our outer contacts. This week we look at the effects of those two...
While we may all have hopes and dreams for our future, the basis for that future lies in our actions today, right now, in this moment. In order to assist with that daily journey, this week we look at...
As Bob Dylan famously wrote over 50 years ago, the times they are a-changin'. However, these days, a lot of things have the appearance of going in the direction opposite that which we might desire or even prefer. It could be easy to fall into despair or at least a feeling of helplessness. This week, we look at some of our options...
Who we are is at the root of what brings us happiness. This week, we delve into who we are, and how to be more of who that truly is. We start with...
This week's theme focuses on "who you are". Barbara Savin shares "You Are Already A Healer: It Is Time To Reclaim Who You Are" while Marc Allen reminds us of our innate power in "Karma and Politics: It's Time To Embrace Our Power" and Rabbi Daniel Cohen offers a path of reflection in "What Will They Say About You When You're Gone?"
This week we delve into the realms of the healing powers of nature and we look at what it takes to be a champion. We also reflect on parenting, on how to communicate with a loved one who is preparing to die, and many more topics.
We dream, we hope, we seek, we find, we enjoy... and sometimes we don't. These are the things life is made of. The ups and downs and the highs and lows. This week's articles assist us in moving forward with ease and joy on our daily path...