What Happens When a President Ignores the Courts and the Law?
What Can the Stock Market Teach Us About Our Waistlines?
A Slow-Motion Coup d'état
The U.S. Government Is Being Gutted Before Our Eyes
Why the System Feels Rigged To Young People
Why It's Time to Break Free from the Serenity Prayer
Living Life Fully: How To Make Time for Joy Now
What Happens When a President Ignores the Courts and the Law?
What Can the Stock Market Teach Us About Our Waistlines?
A Slow-Motion Coup d'état
The U.S. Government Is Being Gutted Before Our Eyes
Why the System Feels Rigged To Young People
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: January 27 to February 2, 2025
Why It's Time to Break Free from the Serenity Prayer
Living Life Fully: How To Make Time for Joy Now
This week we question reality, or at least what we think is reality. We ask: What if everything you think you know is wrong? Things are not always what they seem, and things oftentimes have a purpose that is not visible to us at the time they occur.
Everything is always in a state of change. Even if something looks like it is not changing, it is. And the same goes with our own self... Our thoughts change, our attitudes change, our bodies change, and the world around us changes as well. This week we look at various aspects of transformation (change) starting with...
One thing we can be sure of is that life always presents us with twists and turns, choices to make, new directions to explore (or not), new discoveries to be made (or not)... It's always our choice as to how we proceed...
This week we look at change and progress. Many of us may have made resolutions at the start of the new year... and we may be reaching the point when the novelty has worn off and we need support in sticking to our desired changes.
This week we reflect on the interconnectivity of all things. As we recognize our oneness and how every single thing affects the whole, whether physically or emotionally, we come to the realization that we have arrived at...
As we enter into the new year, you may be starting the year with new resolve... to be healthier, to be happier, to be more organized, to be more loving, more forgiving, more successful, etc. etc. However, in order to progress into a new reality, we may have to let go of certain attachments or beliefs that have been dear to us. This week, our authors assist us in cleaning our slate so that we can start anew.
We humans are a complex bunch. Our emotions can be like yo-yos, going up and down regularly. This week we address the whole spectrum starting with...
As we enter the last week before Christmas, many people are outwardly focused on what to buy, what to give, what to share. So this week, we at InnerSelf turn the focus to the inner. While still keeping the focus on giving and sharing, we speak about giving of ourselves and sharing love.
This week a word that seems to occur often in the featured articles is Presence... teamed with awareness, awakening, attunement, being in the present -- all basically the same vibration or message.
This week we look at the power of the heart, the power of love, whether it comes in human form or animal form or even scientific form. Love is all there is. Anything else is simply the absence of love. Our articles this week help us recenter in the power of the heart, and the power of love.
Perhaps the topic of this week's newsletter is best seen in the above graphic "Live Your Dream" and resumed in the title of Mitch Horowitz's article: "How to Make a Miracle"... We are reminded that we are the creators of our own daily miracles with the support and participation of the life force (aka God, Goddess, The Force, Universe, etc. etc.)
This week, in the US, it is Thanksgiving. While being grateful really needs to be a daily practice, having one day a year that highlights giving thanks can help us center ourselves and take note of everything we have to be grateful for. However, there are times where it may seem nearly impossible to be grateful due to circumstances we find ourselves in...
This week we focus on our physical health... though of course, since everything is connected our physical health is related to our mental, emotional and spiritual health...
The title of one of our articles this week is "Reclaiming Your Voice and Fulfilling Your Potential" and that is indeed the theme of this week's edition of InnerSelf. We can reclaim our voice by voting as is strongly recommended in the article: "We Are Responsible For The Mess We Made... Now Let's Fix It" and in Robert Jennings' "The Un-united States Of America Part 3: The Day Of Reckoning Is Now".
Perhaps our key message this week is recapped in the title of this article: "Embracing The World: Being In The World Without Rejecting It". So many things in our world challenge us and we might, at first, choose to reject them or react with anger. Things like cancer, illness of any kind, fear, trauma, stress, death of a loved one, and a gazillion other challenges of earthly life. However...
This week we focus on personal empowerment, on what we need to do to become who we are meant to be and who we really are, and on creating a world we can be proud of.
This week we look at some of life's challenges, and bring you tools to traverse them more easily. The greatest challenge we face, unfortunately almost constantly, is "Negative Self-Talk". This habit can have serious repercussions as discussed in "Are We Literally What We Think?"...
This week we reflect on change. Benjamin Franklin wrote, in 1789 in a letter to Jean-Baptiste Leroy, " this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes". However, I would disagree and say that the only thing we can be certain of is change. Nothing remains the same, ever. Everything changes...
This week we focus on letting go of the past. Sometimes that is done by first reconnecting with painful memories and rewriting them, and at other times, simply by closing cycles, shutting doors, ending chapters...
This week we focus on taking charge of our life... This week, we invite you to take your power back and ask yourself what you would like to see happen, and what you can do to help make it so.
This week we reflect on authenticity. Trying to please others, reaching for someone else's goal for you, trying to "fit in"... none of this is authentic, and none of this brings happiness. Being authentic includes being authentically loving, learning to trust our intuition and telepathic communications, being true to our Self, and trusting that we are always guided to the right place at the right time.
This week we look at life through the lenses of science and spirituality. Every day we have a new opportunity to either continue on the path we are on, or to step onto a new path. While some may question whether such "esoteric sciences" as astrology, numerology, ESP, and healing energy are true science, the results often depend on our openness to new ideas, as well as being willing to accept alternative and non-traditional methods and beliefs.
This week we focus on relationships... with ourselves, with others, and with the world... and how we can heal and improve our connection in all of these interactions. We start with an author who exudes love and inner peace, Pierre Pradervand. He shares his method of healing himself and the world in "Blessing: A Way of Sending Love, Peace, Healing and Goodness to the World". We continue the journey with Barry Vissell who presents...