What Happens When a President Ignores the Courts and the Law?
What Can the Stock Market Teach Us About Our Waistlines?
The U.S. Government Is Being Gutted Before Our Eyes
Why the System Feels Rigged To Young People
A Slow-Motion Coup d'état
Why It's Time to Break Free from the Serenity Prayer
Living Life Fully: How To Make Time for Joy Now
What Happens When a President Ignores the Courts and the Law?
What Can the Stock Market Teach Us About Our Waistlines?
The U.S. Government Is Being Gutted Before Our Eyes
Why the System Feels Rigged To Young People
A Slow-Motion Coup d'état
Why It's Time to Break Free from the Serenity Prayer
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: January 27 to February 2, 2025
Living Life Fully: How To Make Time for Joy Now
As we continue on our life's journey, at times we may wonder "what is going on?" This week we help shed light on your path. We start with "Finding The Doorway To Living A Most Exceptional Life" and continue to clear our own way by "Breaking Free Of Our Addictions".
This week in honor of August being National Happiness Month, we look at "what makes us happy" and the converse is of course "what makes us unhappy". And, the answer to both of these questions is the same. What? Yes, we make ourselves happy or unhappy by our choices, our attitudes, our thoughts, our judgments, our loving acceptance of other human beings, of ourselves, and of life itself.
This week we look at what is sometimes considered the darker side of things... pain - both emotional and physical, grieving and death, using dreams to heal from emotional pain, and then we move on to the next step, starting fresh in rebirth.
Many things in life get a "bad rap": stress, the left-brain, the right-brain, disease, painful memories... but as with everything, there are always two sides to everything. Everything has a purpose...
The theme that shows up in this week's featured articles is the process of "reflection, vision, and action". In order to have a vision, one must reflect on what one truly desires. And in order to have that vision become reality, we need to take action. Our authors support us in making our dreams reality.
This week we reflect on our habits... some that are unconscious (good ones like breathing) and the ones we may or may not be aware of (a.k.a. the "bad" ones). However, the good news is that all habits can be upgraded and/or changed to ones that support a happier and healthier lifestyle.
We constantly choose whether we sleep-walk through our life (successfully or not), or whether we traverse our life's journey with consciousness, making choices based on our inner truth and awareness. This week we discover...
It is said that the Chinese have an expression that is both a blessing and a curse: "May you live in interesting times". This week we look at how to traverse the "interesting" or "precariously balanced" times in our lives.
As I began working on this week's articles, I thought the theme was communication and relationships. But as the articles came together, I saw that the theme was actually "trusting through fear". Which of course does apply to communication and relationships, and so much more.
This week we reflect on the path to happiness. This path of the heart includes self-validation and self-compassion, generating happiness, and the willingness to heal and to be happy. You might say, but of course I'm willing to be happy, however...
As I sit down to write this message, today is Father's Day. The day that children honor their fathers. However my message to you today is about honoring the children and the family. This is a plea to take action at some horrible injustices and callous behavior that is currently taking place in the USA.
This week we reflect on coming face-to-face with ourselves... on facing our suffering, discovering our intentions, clarifying our choices, and of course taking action towards the reality we wish to empower.
This week's featured articles look at our relationship with friends, aging parents, nature, our "partner" (whether married or not), and even our relationship with our past selves. The connection between all of these relationships is that all...
This week we look at being... in the flow, in the moment, in stillness, in life. Patience -- with yourself, with others, and with life itself -- is essential. This week's articles provide light and guidance for our journey...
This week we share some ways that our actions make a difference... from where we choose to place a tattoo (if we choose to get one), to identifying where our stressful thoughts come from and if they really belong to us, to connecting with where our traumas really come from and clearing them from our energetic space.
This week we bring you articles to assist in stepping out of the conditioning of our culture and explore different perspectives. We look at pain and how to move beyond it, we reflect on reincarnation, and we look at moving beyond the way of the ego to the path of spiritual will.
Today is Mother's Day and in our articles this week, we feature some of the traits that are usually associated with the feminine aspect of our being (whether male or female)...
This week our theme is symbolism... how one thing means something other than the obvious, or brings a message other than its apparent one. We launch our symbolic journey with "May 2018: On The Brink Of…. But Not Quite Ready To Jump!" and then move on to the animal kingdom with "Receiving Symbolic Messages From Your Animals" and with...
One of the articles this week has in the title: " As Within, So Without" and that is the theme this week. Our authors share their path or their vision in hopes of sparking within you a recognition of your own truth and they provide methods and tools for you to arrive at your own "ah-ha" moments of "in-lightenment"...
As I focused on which articles beckoned to be included in this week's issue of InnerSelf, my conscious thought was that the focus was going to be Earth Day. While I am a firm believer that "every day should be Earth Day", this designated day gives us additional opportunity to reflect together on our love for our precious planet. However...
One could say that connection -- either the presence of, or lack thereof -- is the problem and the solution to all our ills. This week we look at our connections... connection to the All, to ourselves, to others, to Nature, to duality... and reflect on our search for harmony and balance.
This week we look at "hidden messages"... These are the messages from our unconscious beliefs, from our inner children, from our body, from our environment, and from our heart... And we discover that these messages are not really hidden as much as...
This newsletter is being released on April Fools Day... and its theme is that not only have we been fooled but we have fooled ourselves... not just today but for a long long time. Thus this week our authors help expose some of the tricks we've fallen for.