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Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
In order to create a better world, a better life, there are certain requirements that must be met. This week, we look at some of them. We start with self-confidence (or the lack thereof) in "Male Imposters: The Secret Shame and Fear Of Not Being Good Enough". We then follow that with how to get clear on our vision in "My Priorities Were All Wrong".
We have infinite creativity at our disposal but we need to discover "What Lessons Has Humanity Yet To Learn To Generate Awesome New Creative Potentials?"
Sometimes, we might think creating the world we desire is very complicated, but it actually is very simple as revealed by
Pierre Pradervand in his article: "Clear Intention + Blessing = Pure Spiritual Dynamite" as well as by Will T. Wilkinson in "All You Need Is Love... and Pneumaplasm".
Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week on a variety of topics.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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***** articles and videos added daily *****
Male Imposters: The Secret Shame and Fear Of Not Being Good Enough
Written by Dr. Sandi Mann
Although Imposter Syndrome (IS) has traditionally been seen as a female phenomenon, there isn’t an awful lot of hard data to confirm that women actually do experience this more than men. The reason that it is seen as a female condition is simply that the phenomenon was first discovered using research on women and it is a stereotype that seems to have stuck.
My Priorities Were All Wrong
Written by Ted W. Baxter
I came across self-improvement mogul Tony Robbins not long after that conversation with my therapist, so I signed up for his “Unleash the Power Within” seminar in February 2013. It started me on the path to figuring out who I was, who I wanted to become, and what my purpose was.
What Lessons Has Humanity Yet To Learn To Generate Awesome New Creative Potentials?
Written by Eileen Workman
Whatever living experiments you may choose to pursue in the future will be a function of the present state of your environment, your technologies and creative capacities, and the lens through which you are viewing reality.
Clear Intention + Blessing = Pure Spiritual Dynamite
Written by Pierre Pradervand
We all use intention all day long and couldn’t exist without constantly forming intentions. But between “I plan to go to see this movie tonight” and Gandhi’s intention to free his country from colonial rule using the power of non-violence, there is a slight difference!
All You Need Is Love... and Pneumaplasm
Written by Will T. Wilkinson
"All you need is love," sang The Beatles and how we wish that were true! We also need truth, which is a word symbol that describes the essential "translation" of Love, capital L, for specific applications. And Love transmits through a special medium: pneumaplasm.

How We Use Music To Make Ourselves Feel At Home
by Michael James Walsh and Eduardo de la Fuente
The concept of “home” refers to more than bricks and mortar. Just as cities are more than buildings and infrastructure,…

Peace Advocates Have Long Been Found Among Veterans Who Fought In America's Wars
by Michael Messner
If President Donald Trump had gotten his way, the nation would have celebrated the centennial of the World War I…

Why Telling People With Diabetes To Use Walmart Insulin Can Be Dangerous Advice
by Jeffrey Bennett
About 7.4 million people in the U.S. require manufactured insulin to stay alive. I’m one of them. I’ve lived with Type…

Electric Planes Are Here – But They Won't Solve Flying's Carbon Problem
by Duncan Walker
The UK government plans to ban the sale of new conventional petrol and diesel cars by 2040. Clearly the plan is for all…

A Scary Year for Climate Change
by Cristine Russell
One year ago, the international scientific community could hardly have expected that Greta Thunberg, a teenager from…

If Dr Google Is Making You Sick With Worry, You May Have Cyberchondria
by Jill Newby and Eoin McElroy
|It’s a busy day at the office and your left eye has been twitching uncontrollably. So, out of curiosity and irritation…

How Antibiotic Resistant Infections Could Destroy Our Way Of Life
by Gerry Wright
Humanity’s defences against infection are wearing thinner by the day, and the microbes responsible are getting stronger.

Running May Help You Live Longer But More Isn't Necessarily Better
by Željko Pediši?
It’s free, requires no equipment and the scenery can be stunning – it’s no wonder running is among the world’s most…

Lady Backpacks and Manly Beer — The Folly Of Gendered Products
by Samantha Brennan
As women started counting steps and walking to work wearing running shoes and fitness trackers, there was one…

Is Your Cat In Pain? How Its Facial Expression Could Hold A Clue
by Lauren Finka
They say that eyes are windows to the soul. Indeed, research suggests this might also be true for our four-legged…

Why We Learn More By Trusting Than By Not Trusting
by Hugo Mercier
We all know people who have suffered by trusting too much: scammed customers, jilted lovers, shunned friends.

What Is A Mass Extinction and Are We In One Now?
by Frédérik Saltré and Corey J. A. Bradshaw
For more than 3.5 billion years, living organisms have thrived, multiplied and diversified to occupy every ecosystem on…

Why Many People With Parkinson's Disease Develop An Addiction
by Philip Mosley
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder affecting one in 350 Australians.

Can We Stop Emperor Penguins, Our Modern-Day Canaries-in-a-Coal-Mine, From Marching To Extinction?
by Stephanie Jenouvrier
The concept of a canary in a coal mine – a sensitive species that provides an alert to danger – originated with British…

Is Your Lover Insecure? A Simple Question Could Transform Your Romantic Relationship
by Joanne Wood and Kassandra Cortes
Loving an insecure person can be frustrating. You always feel like you have to offer praise or reassurance.

How To Solve The Hidden Epidemic Of Teen Hunger
by Stephanie Clintonia Boddie
For many young people, the toughest choice they will ever have to make about food is what to eat at home or what to…

Myths Debunked About Only Children
by Ana Aznar
Only children get a bad rap. They are often perceived as selfish, spoiled, anxious, socially inept and lonely. And my…

Here's Why Colleges Are Being Forced To Close Their Doors
by Robert Massa
Cincinnati Christian College is one of a growing number of colleges and universities – 21 private colleges since 2016 …

What Is A Psychopath? Could You Be One?
by Calli Tzani-Pepelasi
Millions recently flocked to the cinema to watch Joker, the origin story of Batman’s notorious nemesis. Many have…

Why We Need A Better Understanding Of How PTSD Affects Families
by Hope Christie
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the term “post-traumatic stress disorder”?

Why Cancer and Exercise Do Mix
by Gill Hubbard
When you hear the word “cancer” probably the last thing that you think of is physical activity.

Climate Change And Overfishing Are Boosting Toxic Mercury Levels In Fish
by Juan Jose Alava
We live in an era — the Anthropocene — where humans and societies are reshaping and changing ecosystems.

Personal Data Isn't The New Oil, It’s A Way To Manipulate Capitalism
by Kean Birch
My recent research increasingly focuses on how individuals can and do manipulate, or “game,” contemporary capitalism.…

Warmer, Wetter Climate Benefits Some Birds As Wetlands Vanish
by Chrystal Mantyka-Pringle, et al
The grasslands of the Canadian Prairies are a hidden gem for bird watchers, with millions of migratory birds passing…

Stabilising The Global Population Is Not A Solution To The Climate Emergency – But We Should Do It Anyway
by Mark Maslin
A global coalition of 11,000 scientists has come up with a plan for dealing with the climate emergency.

Alzheimer’s Family Mystery: How Did One Woman Resist The Disease?
by Joseph F. Arboleda-Velasquez, et al.
For generations, the members of a family in Colombia have gotten early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. How one woman has…

1 in 3 Young Adults Is Lonely – And It Affects Their Mental Health
by Michelle H Lim
More than one in three young adults aged 18 to 25 reported problematic levels of loneliness, according to a new report…

11,000 Scientists Warn That Climate Change Isn't Just About Temperature
by Thomas Newsome and William Ripple
Exactly 40 years ago, a small group of scientists met at the world’s first climate conference in Geneva. They raised…

How Workers Can Force Progressive Change
by Carl Rhodes
In November 2018, 20,000 Google employees across the world walked out of work. They were protesting the ways in which…

Heart Disease Risk Starts Young – Improving Teenager Health Is Essential
by Michaela James and Sinead Brophy
While the condition is often associated with older adults, rising childhood inactivity and poor fitness levels mean…

What Time Of Day Should I Take My Medicine?
by Nial Wheate and Andrew Bartlett
Whether you need to take a drug at a specific time of day depends on the medication and the condition you are treating.

Man's Stressed Friend: How Your Mental Health Can Affect Your Dog
by Bronwyn Orr
If you think your dog looks stressed out, it might be your own stress levels that are affecting your pet pooch.

How Deep Sleep Can Ease Your Anxious Brain
by Eti Ben Simon, Matthew Walker, et al.
While a full night of deep sleep stabilizes emotions, a sleepless one can trigger up to a 30% rise in anxiety levels, a…

3 Reasons Why We Need To Talk About The Mental Health Of Political Leaders
by Ian Hughes
As the impeachment investigation gathers pace on Capitol Hill, some commentators have argued that if Donald Trump…

To Confront Effects of Trauma, Start with Self Care
by Jay Walljasper
Resilience practices and culturally rooted health traditions show promise for overcoming trauma in real-life settings.

Twitter's Ban On Political Ads Does Change The Game In One Way
by Liam Mcloughlin
Twitter has announced that it is banning paid-for political adverts, just as the UK enters a general election, saying…

Even Mild Hearing Loss As A Child Can Have Long-term Effects On How The Brain Processes Sound
by Lorna Halliday and Axelle Calcus
When we are born, our brains have a lot to learn. For the newborn baby, everything they learn about the world around…
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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