Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
Perhaps the goal of life is to become who we are... or, we could say "to rediscover who we are"... or perhaps more descriptively "to sweep away the accumulation of patterns, fears, repressed emotions, etc. etc which have covered up the shiny truth of our inner light".
This week our articles focus on assisting you in the process of giving yourself permission to be true to your Self... which is a wonderful Loving being of Light.
Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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***** articles and videos added daily *****
5 Effective Ways to Deal with Your Frustrations
Written by Jude Bijou
What transforms an irksome situation or event into frustration? It's our expectations, our "shoulds" that cause aggravation. Your wife should have an awareness about her eating habits. Drivers should be considerate of other drivers' needs. Your son should learn how to develop tidy habits.
Creating A Sacred Environment For Sleep
Written by Lee Harris
The mastery of sleep is to know what sleeping conditions you need and recognize the sacredness of those conditions. If you are protesting that you do not have time to recognize the sacredness of sleep right now, that’s okay. See and know that. Acknowledge that right now you may be prioritizing busyness over sacredness.
The Great Liberation: Becoming What You Are
Written by Alan Watts
Those who search for happiness do not find it because they do not understand that the object of their search is the seeker. We say that they are happy who have “found themselves” for the secret of happiness lies in the ancient saying, “Become what you are.”
How I Flunked the Science Fair but Saved the World
Written by Alan Cohen
What goes on in the external world cannot change who we are or affect our true nature. No matter what happens to our body, personality, relationships, career, finances, or worldly politics, external events cannot affect who we are at our core. Our divinity remains intact.
The Art of Letting Go Is Active, Not Passive
Written by Barry Vissell
Endings may not be so easy, but they are not optional in this life. There comes a time when a certain activity must be let go. Or a time when a relationship truly needs to end or, at least, change form. The art is knowing when this time comes, and paying close attention to your true inner feelings
Why We Laugh When We Know It’s Wrong
by Alice Rudge
For the Batek people of the Malaysian peninsula rainforest, laughter can be dangerous.
Being An Omnivore Is Actually Quite Odd
by Daniel Stolte
Why Don't Hummingbirds Get Fat Or Sick From Drinking Sugary Nectar?
by Jessica Pollock
f you have a hummingbird feeder filled with sugar water, you might have the impression that all that hummingbirds need…
Moles On The Body Largely Determined By Genetics
by Alessia Visconti
AreMelanoma skin cancer is the fifth most common cancer – with 16,000 cases diagnosed and 2,400 deaths every year in…
It’s Not Just Brazil's Amazon Rainforest That’s Ablaze – Bolivian Fires Are Threatening People And Wildlife
by Claire F.R. Wordley
Up to 800,000 hectares of the unique Chiquitano forest were burned to the ground in Bolivia between August 18 and…
How To Become A Great Impostor
by Tim Holmes
Unlike other icons who have appeared on the front of Life magazine, Ferdinand Waldo Demara was not famed as an…
White Nationalists' Extreme Solution To The Coming Environmental Apocalypse
by Alexandra Minna Stern
White nationalists around the world are appropriating the language of environmentalism.
39% Of Straight Couples Now Meet Online
by Alex Shashkevich
More heterosexual couples today meet online, research finds. In fact, matchmaking is now the primary job of online…
Pollution Is Behind 1/3 Of New Asthma Cases In Europe
by Texas A&M University
If European countries complied with current World Health Organization air quality guidelines, it could prevent up to…
Should Lab-grown Meat Be Labelled As Meat When It's Available For Sale?
by Hope Johnson
Australian regulators will soon be faced with a challenge: can animal flesh produced in a lab be called meat?
Big Supermarkets, Big on Junk Food: How To Make Healthier Food Environments
by Adrian Cameron
Supermarkets are an essential part of modern living – open almost all the time, selling almost everything, and selling…
Do You Lose Most Heat Through Your Head?
by Nigel Taylor
When the weather starts to cool down and winter clothes enter rotation in our wardrobes, some peculiar combinations…
The Immense Challenge of Desertification in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Nabil Ben Khatra and Maud Loireau
Today, dry areas represent more than 41% of land on the globe and they are home to more than two billion people.
Invasive Pests Kill Enough Trees To Hamper Carbon Storage
by Brian Wallheimer
In addition to the ecological impact, the devastation invasive pests wreak on trees reduces carbon storage equivalent…
What’s The Most Polluted City?
by Brandie Jefferson
Poor on-the-ground monitoring makes it impossible to know which city is the world’s most polluted, according to new…
Treat Or Treatment? Chocolate Is Good But Cocoa Is Better For Your Heart
by Karin Ried
A systematic review and meta-analysis of previous cohort studies on the effects of chocolate consumption has found that…
Did You Look Forward To Last Night's Bottle Of Wine A Bit Too Much?
by Nicole Lee
Close to 40,000 people, mostly women, have given up alcohol for FebFast and many others participated in Dry July.
Prescription Omega 3s Keep Triglycerides In Check
by Rose Brandt
Prescription omega-3 fatty acid medications are a safe and effective option for reducing high triglycerides, which…
Why A Neighbors’ Houses Can Make You Feel Worse About Your Own
by Chelsea Davis
Satisfaction with your home can depend on its size compared to the homes of your neighbors, according to new research.
Ancient Plankton Hint At Climate To Come
by U. Arizona
The Pliocene, a geological epoch between two and five million years ago with CO2 levels similar to today, is a good…
Lack Of Vitamin D As A Kid May Lead To Acting Out As A Teen
by Laurel Thomas
Vitamin D deficiency in middle childhood could result in aggressive behavior as well as anxious and depressive moods…
Private Prayer May Boost Memory For Adults Over 50
by Jared Wadley
People over 50 who attend religious services and pray privately may notice better memory performance, researchers…
Golden Staph: The Deadly Bug That Wreaks Havoc In Hospitals
by Frank Bowden
Take this quick medical pop quiz: which of the following conditions would you prefer to have during your next stay in…
Kindred Skies: Ancient Greeks And Aboriginal Australians Saw Constellations In Common
by Duane W. Hamacher
Look up on any clear night and you can see myriad stars, planets, and the Milky Way stretching across the sky. The…
Is Chocolate An Aphrodisiac?
by Merlin Thomas
There are many ways to a woman’s heart. But is a box of chocolates really one of them?
Can People Actually Multitask?
by Craig Speelman
Many of us believe we can do two things at once. We try it every day even though our limitations are obvious.
Still Sneezing? Climate Change May Prolong Allergy Season
by Cecilia Sierra-Heredia, et al
Every year, without fail, summer brings changes to our surroundings: more sunlight, heat, greenness and flowers, among…
Just What Is The Point Of Education?
by Luke Zaphir
For much of human history, education has served an important purpose, ensuring we have the tools to survive. People…
How Do We Get Allergic To Food?
by Lucinda Berglund
It all starts with the immune system. Every person has one - a group of cells, tissues and organs in the body that…
Who Am I? Why Am I Here? Why Children Should Be Taught Philosophy
by Ben Kilby
In a recent TED talk titled No Philosophy, No Humanity, author Roger Sutcliffe asked the audience whether a flagpole…
Why There Is No Great Salt Debate
by Feng He
The human body needs a tiny amount of sodium to function properly and this is typically found in salt (sodium chloride).
Who Are Canada's Marginal Christian Right
by Jonathan Malloy
The political power of the American Christian right naturally leads to interest and speculation about the influence of…
Rethinking The Approach To Fighting Alzheimer’s Disease
by Étienne Aumont
The idea of seeing a loved one decline and lose their ability to recall their most treasured memories is devastating.
Here's How People Judge What's In A Name
by Penny Pexman and David Sidhu
There has always been an interest in how the name of a thing affects our interpretation of it.
What's The Right Way For Scientists To Edit Human Genes?
by Maggie Villiger
Since scientists first figured out how to edit genes with precision using a technology called CRISPR, they’ve been…
A Day At The Beach Is Deep Learning For A Child
by Lotje Hives and Tara-Lynn Scheffel
The beach offers a wide open playscape where children are fuelled by curiosity.
Medical Skin Creams Could Be A Lethal Fire Risk When Soaked Into Fabric
by Sarah Hall and Joanne Morrissey
Care providers were alerted to a house fire involving one of their patients.
Understanding How Hitler Became German Helps Us Deal With Modern-day Extremists
by Klaus Meyer
It’s important to understand how the conflict and the Holocaust could have happened — and how we can prevent such…
Will Eating Chocolate Cure Depression?
by Ben Desbrow
A recent study published in the journal Depression and Anxiety has attracted widespread media attention.
Explaining Rakshabandhan – A Hindu Festival That Celebrates The Brother-sister Bond
by Mathew Schmalz
One of the most important celebrations for Hindus throughout the world: Rakshabandhan, a ceremony honoring the bond…
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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