Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
Listening is a doorway. When we listen to others, we can discover who they are, their dreams, aspirations, and get in touch with their heart. When we listen to ourselves, we can discover the same abput ourselves. When we listen to higher guidance, or intuition, or our "best self" we discover new pathways, new worlds, new futures.
Listening opens the door to communication. We may tend to think of communication as an outward direction -- talking, writing, singing, etc. But communication is not a one way street. To communicate there needs to be a giver and a receiver, otherwise there is no communication, only noise going out into the ethers. Listening also engenders respect, both for the speaker and the listener...
And we need to be both listener and speaker at the same time. We must listen as we speak to the undercurrents that are being communicated, to the inner messages we receive, to the love that is present. And when we withhold from speaking our truth, then we are closing the door to communciation, just as much as when we refuse to listen to others and to our inner guidance. So this week, you are encouraged to listen... inside, outside, and all around... and discover the magic that is there waiting for you.
Scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.
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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell and Robert Jennings
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
It’s All in the Listening: Trusting the Innate Wisdom of the Body
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When Emotions Do -- or Don’t -- Flow Smoothly
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The Father-Son Wound and How To Heal It
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How To Discover your Personal Strengths
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My Spirit World versus Yours: The Problem of Proof
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The Hidden Dangers of Text Message Phishing
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Can TikTok’s 30-30-30 Method Transform Your Health?
Eye Exercises: Do They Really Improve Vision?
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The Misunderstanding of 'Born in the USA' 40 Years On
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Is Entrepreneurial Spirit Inherited or Learned?
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Are Smartphones Killing Real Conversations?
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Why Putin's Eye on Gotland Has Sweden Preparing for War
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Bird Flu: Could It Trigger the Next Pandemic?
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Why Silicon Valley’s Pronatalism Trend is Disturbing
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Can Running Every Day Improve Your Health?
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How to Know When It's Time to Quit Therapy
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How Labels Shape Your Child’s Personality Development
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What Your Ears Reveal About Your Health and Lifestyle
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Why Whining Might Actually Make You Happier
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Keep Your Fruits and Veggies Fresh Longer with These Hacks
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Why Transformative Change is Essential for Climate and Wildlife
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Affordable Alternatives to Olive Oil
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Why Are Grocery Bills So High? The Science Behind Food Prices
This Week's Astrological Overview
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: June 3 - 9, 2024
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your…
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