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Energy is in everything and it is everything. Energy is in our homes, not just in the form of electricity, but in the form of colors, shapes, cleanliness or clutter, mood, sounds, etc. And the foods we eat also have energy... some foods vibrantly so, while others have glaring absences of positive energy, such as in the case of ultra-processed and packaged foods. And the energy of the foods we eat becomes our energy as we absorb it through our senses of sight, smell, touch, taste, and of course, through digestion.
We, of course, also have energy in our body... Not only the basic energy that supports our life, but both the energy that we absorb from others and that we emit to the people and the world around us. Our thoughts, words and actions carry energy which can be used to heal, or to harm. Energy is Life, and Life is in everything and everyone. The more we honor our own energy and use it in service for the Greater Good, the more we affect others around us to do the same.
Energy has no boundaries... it crosses through the physical, the mental, and the emotional. It does not judge or blame... it simply is. And, as with everything else, we get to choose how we use our energy, and what energy we allow into our life.
The choice is always ours, and that is the most empowering realization we can come to. We can choose our thoughts, our energy, our actions, etc. We choose! So what's it going to be? We might start with this basic precept: First, do no harm. And then expand it: I use my energy for the Greater Good.
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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell and Robert Jennings
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

Author: Jeanne Collins
As an interior designer, I focused my process on first understanding how people felt in their homes, and how they wanted to function there going forward. Sometimes that meant helping my clients embrace change.
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Author: Yury Kronn, Ph.D.
We cannot progress as a civilization, even as a species, without the understanding and knowledge of subtle energy. And, importantly, most of this knowledge is not even new. It is merely a rediscovery of the wisdom all ancient traditions and cultures possessed.
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Author: Lisa Masé
In 1995, nutrition therapists Elyse Resch and Evelyn Tribole wrote one of the first books on the concept of intuitive eating. That book sparked a worldwide awareness that the mentality of dieting disrupts metabolic health and leads to stress and disordered eating.
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Author: Jude Bijou
Some of our biggest emotional challenges come from family dynamics. It’s a rare situation where everyone in the family gets along. If you tend to be the peacekeeper, you’re usually the one carrying around the heavy emotional burden of the discord. This role also applies to your…
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Author: Eric Leskowitz, M.D.
Western medicine is the world’s only medical tradition that does not harness an invisible healing force or energy. In the East, there is prana (yoga) and qi (acupuncture, tai chi), but in the West, “energy” means a chemical...
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Author: Raymond A. Patterson, University of Calgary et al
Websites sometimes hide how widely they share our personal information, and can go to great lengths to pull the wool over our eyes.
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Author: Yrjo Koskinen, University of Calgary et al
Stock markets signal a growing gap between Canadian and American clean tech firms.
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Author: Rob Newton, Edith Cowan University
Good news: midlife health is about more than a waist measurement. Here’s why...
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Author: Andrew J. Martin, UNSW Sydney et al
Our research suggests eating an unhealthy breakfast could have a similar effect on your child’s school day as having nothing at all.
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Author: Elsa T. Chan and David Hekman
Humble leaders express their humility in three dimensions. They view themselves accurately and acknowledge their limitations.
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Author: Dan Baumgardt, University of Bristol
Gym hygiene guide: the dangerous bacteria that lurk in dirty fitness equipment and clothes...
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Author: Stefan Wolff and Tetyana Malyarenko
Ukraine is losing the war and the west faces a stark choice: help now or face a resurgent and aggressive Russia.
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Author: Sonja Falck, University of East London
If you’ve ever gone through a friendship breakup you aren’t alone – one study from the US found 86% of teenagers had experienced one.
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Author: Astrid Hopfensitz, EM Lyon Business School
In today’s fiercely competitive job market, the economic advantages of beauty are undeniable. Numerous studies have shown that attractive individuals benefit from a beauty bonus and earn higher salaries on average.
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Author: Kyle Doudrick, University of Notre Dame
Removing PFAS from public water will cost billions and take time – here are ways to filter out some harmful ‘forever chemicals’ at home.
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Author: Alison Demangeon and Youssef Tazouti, Université de Lorraine
Born at the start of the 20th century, Montessori teaching methods have enjoyed increasing popularity in Europe over the past 20 years. But what does the science tell us about the effectiveness of Montessori education compared with other forms of teaching?
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Author: Diane Winston, USC
Reagan’s great America shining on a hill twisted into Trump’s dark vision of Christian nationalism..."
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Author: Lauren Ball and Emily Burch
What about beetroot’s other apparent health benefits – from reducing your blood pressure to improving your daily workout? Here’s what the science says.
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Author: InnerSelf Staff
Thinking through your own attachment history and expectations of relationships may be a great opportunity for self-reflection, but it is important to remember that attachment is only one aspect of a relationship.
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Author: Jayden Greenwell-Barnden, The University of Western Australia
Netflix’s new drama shows we’re still drawn to the concept of ‘gentlemen’. Psychology explains why.
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Author: Simon Bratt, Staffordshire University
For people with mental illness, drugs and alcohol can be a key survival strategy. I’ve learned they shouldn’t have to ‘get clean’ to get treatment.
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Author: Alison Bishop, University of East London
Retirement can be an exciting but also scary prospect for many. How you fill your time is totally up to you, but with so many choices it can be a bit daunting.
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Author: Joe Árvai, USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
The hidden risk of letting AI decide – losing the skills to choose for ourselves...
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This Week's Astrological Overview
Author: Pam Younghans
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your…
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Beth McDaniel,
Are dating apps changing how we see ourselves? Many users experience a rollercoaster of emotions—from validation to self-doubt—within…
Beth McDaniel,
Intense infatuation can feel overwhelming, like an all-consuming love, but is it real? Understanding emotional attachment and why we get so…
Alex Jordan,
U.S. import tariffs from Canada, Mexico, and China could trigger higher prices, industry disruptions, and global trade retaliation.…
Alex Jordan,
Plant fiber plays a crucial role in digestion, heart health, and disease prevention. High fiber foods like legumes, whole grains, and…
Beth McDaniel,
Making friends isn’t always easy for kids, but with the right guidance, they can develop the social skills they need to connect with…

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