a hammer trying to hammer in a bolt, and a wrench trying to work on a nail
Image by Steve Buissinne

Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

This week we reflect on letting go of trying to control life... Aah, we humans like to control things... we want things to be the way we want them to be. We even want other people to be the way we want them to be. And of course, I think we've all realized that we have zilch control on any of that...

The way to get what we want, is actually to let go and let the energy of life proceed by its merry way. After all, life knows how to control the seasons, the mechanics and operation of our human body - not to mention the bodies of animals, the migration of birds, the transformation from a seed to a plant, etc. etc. Life itself seems to have a handle on things, so maybe the trick is to give up our control and let it "do its thing".

Our first featured article this week, written by Allison Carmen, tells us about making friends with "maybe". Rather than having expectations about how everything is "supposed" to be, and then ending up disappointed because they don't turn out the way we wanted, the solution could be to embrace a life of possibilities... a life of maybes.

The Gift of Uncertainty: Making Friends with Maybe

 Allison Carmen, author of the book A Year Without Men

red dices in mid air
Being addicted to cer­tainty creates fear and limits what is possible in our lives. If I didn't know what would happen next in my life, I projected things would be bad and not work out.


Barry Vissell takes us on a ride down white water rapids where he learns the power of letting go. When riding the white waters, one has to let go and realize that the river (of life) is in charge. We go along for the ride, and the less we struggle and resist, the more we can enjoy the journey... and arrive at our destination safe and sound.

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The Power of Powerlessness: Riding the Rapids of Life

 Barry Vissell, co-author of Heartfullness: 52 Ways to Open to More Love

group of people riding the rapids in a raft
What really works is for me to accept my powerlessness, my helplessness, that I really have very little control in this situation. I pray for Spirit to guide me safely through...


If you've been trying to meditate, or to get in touch with inner guidance, or outer spirits such as elementals, angels, etc., this is another area where we need to let go of trying to "make things happen". Spirit and the elementals are not at the beck and call of humans... We all know that one doesn't make friends by being forceful... and the same applies to the forces of nature and spirit. But if we ask nicely, they may choose to come out and play. 

Experiencing Elemental Beings: Truth or Fantasy?

 Thomas Mayer, author of the book Answering the Call of the Elementals

silhouette of a girl high on a swing at dusk over looking a foggy lake
How do you experience elemental beings? Can you consciously make it happen? And how do you distinguish between truth and fantasy?


Another area where we've tried control of our lives is illness. We've tried to control disease through drugs and surgeries. There again we've thought we could impose our will on the forces of nature in the human body. Well... we can see the mess "having dominion over nature" has caused. We're living in it now: out of control diseases, cancers, inordinate amount of surgeries and prescription drugs, viral infections, out of control fires, droughts, floods, tornadoes where there haven't been any for 50 years, so-called 100-year storms every two or three years, one month's worth of rain in a few hours.

Basically we're dealing with humans' need to control gone out of control... Trying to control through the use of force and chemicals has led us into a downward spiral both in our personal health and our planetary health. Our body and the organs in our body, as well as the planet as a whole, have become overloaded with stress and toxins. The way out of it is to give control back to nature, back to the body itself and let it heal itself. 

Miracles and Remissions using Attunement with the Body

 Ewald Kliegel, Author of the Body Healing Cards

transparent view of the upper body with rays of bring light
Our body is like an orchestra in which the organs play the symphony of life with the greatest virtuosity. If we listen closely, we will experience that what is important is happening in between the musicians, instruments, and sounds.


 And of course another area that is out of control, in more ways than one, is the situation with Covid-19. The whole situation has developed into a "us" vs "them", and I'm not talking about "them" being the virus. The people have segued into two opposing teams... and each is trying to control the other and provide dictates on how things "should" be.

Stepping back from the desire to control may be necessary to discover a path of balance and harmony that works for all. Robert Jennings shares his experience of two extremes in North America...

Observations from Nova Scotia to Florida and Back

 Robert Jennings, InnerSelf.com

Observations From Nova Scotia To Florida And Back
Nova Scotia is a Canadian province of around 1,000,000 people and our home county in Florida has half that. But it is the public behavior in Florida that left much to be desired this time around.


Our society as a whole is over-focused on competition and success. This makes everyone work extra long hours, extra days, skip vacations... all with the "need" to get ahead, to make more money, to get a promotion, to move up the ladder. This makes us all controlled by the rat race itself. More money, more responsibility, more hours, more, more, more... While trying to control our future, we end up living our present mired in stress, tediousness, with our "nose to the grindstone". In this case, we are out of control, because we are being controlled by our "need" for success, for recognition, for material rewards.

But true success comes when we let go of the pressure to succeed -- no matter what. We re-evaluate our goals and the cost of reaching them... the cost to our families, our health, our well-being and ultimately our happiness. Letting go and learning to follow our intuition and inner guidance is the way to attain true success and happiness.

The Toxicity of Pursuing Being Number One

 Paul Pearsall, Ph.D. author of Toxic Success

two business men in silhouette running frantically in opposite directions
There are two assumptions related to competitiveness: to be inspired and to remain highly motivated. For those who are slacking off and just enjoying life and what they have instead of trying harder to have what everyone is supposed to want, a set of professional nags have emerged.


And of course the planetary energies are along for the ride. This lunar cycle we are being asked to choose between the old energies of fear and control, and the new energies of trusting our intuition and love. Here's a quote from Pam's astrological column this week:

"That New Moon – as well as the entire four-week lunar cycle that begins next Sunday (August 8) – marks a pivotal time in the ongoing conflict between old systems and new paradigms, between the past and the future, between a limiting, fear-based view of reality and a more expanded, heart-centered perspective."

This is the ultimate letting go of control. Choosing Love is trusting life, trusting ourselves, trusting others... When we choose fear, it is a way of trying to control the future and the people around us.

Horoscope Current Week: August 2 - 8, 2021

 Pam Younghans, Astrologer

lion's face looking out at the stars
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.


So this week we are encouraged to practice trusting life itself and let go of our need to control based on fear. It can be a long journey, or it can be an instantaneous process. Learning to trust takes place in each and every moment, and the more we do, the better we get at it.

Please scroll down for the additional new articles and videos that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week. 

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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Most featured articles are also in audio and video format.
Go to each article for the links.



4 Ways That Volunteering Can Be Good For You

 Jennifer A. Jones, Assistant Professor of Nonprofit Management and Leadership


More than 77 million Americans volunteer a total of 6.9 billion hours a year doing everything from fighting fires to raising funds for cancer...

Horoscope Week: August 2 - 8, 2021 (Video)

 Pam Younghans, Astrologer

lion's face looking out at the stars

This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.

Miracles and Remissions using Attunement with the Body (Video)

 Ewald Kliegel, Author of the Body Healing Cards

transparent view of the upper body with rays of bring light

Our body is like an orchestra in which the organs play the symphony of life with the greatest virtuosity. If we listen closely, we will experience that what is important is happening in between the musicians, instruments, and sounds.

Daily Inspiration: August 1, 2021

 Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com

butterfly above an open hand and open sky

Do we want to be in control of it all, or do we want to enjoy it instead? After all, we can't enjoy what we are anxiously trying to control.

Does testosterone drive success in men?

 Amanda Hughes, Senior Research Associate in Epidemiology

men sitting around a table

There’s a widespread belief that your testosterone can affect where you end up in life. At least for men, there is some evidence for this claim: several studies have linked higher testosterone to socioeconomic success. But a link is different to a...

The Gift of Uncertainty: Making Friends with Maybe (Video)

 Allison Carmen, author of the book A Year Without Men

red dices in mid air

Being addicted to cer­tainty creates fear and limits what is possible in our lives. If I didn't know what would happen next in my life, I projected things would be bad and not work out.

Daily Inspiration: July 31, 2021

 Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com

stack of pebbles perfectly balanced

As we learn to accept ourselves with our mistakes, we relax. Relaxing is important on the spiritual path.

Experiencing Elemental Beings: Truth or Fantasy? (Video)

 Thomas Mayer, author of the book Answering the Call of the Elementals

silhouette of a girl high on a swing at dusk over looking a foggy lake

How do you experience elemental beings? Can you consciously make it happen? And how do you distinguish between truth and fantasy?

Why Swimming Gives Your Brain A Boost

 Seena Mathew, Assistant Professor of Biology

Why Swimming Gives Your Brain A Boost

It’s no secret that aerobic exercise can help stave off some of the ravages of aging. But a growing body of research suggests that swimming might provide a unique boost to brain health.

Can Eating Hot Chili Peppers Actually Hurt You?

 Christian Moro, Associate Professor of Science & Medicine

Can Eating Hot Chilli Peppers Actually Hurt You?

We all know the burning sensation we get when eating chilies. Some can tolerate the heat, while others may be reaching for the milk carton.

Daily Inspiration: July 30, 2021

 Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com

young girl, seen from the back, sitting on  a swing

If you've ever daydreamed or "spaced out" in line at the grocery store checkout counter, you can meditate.

The Power of Powerlessness: Riding the Rapids of Life (Video)

 Barry Vissell, co-author of Heartfullness: 52 Ways to Open to More Love

group of people riding the rapids in a raft

What really works is for me to accept my powerlessness, my helplessness, that I really have very little control in this situation. I pray for Spirit to guide me safely through...

While debate rages over glyphosate-based herbicides, farmers are spraying them all over the world

 Marion Werner, Associate Professor of Geography


As North America enters its peak summer growing season, gardeners are planting and weeding, and groundskeepers are mowing parks and playing fields. Many are using the popular weed killer Roundup, which is...

Daily Inspiration: July 29, 2021

 Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com

surfer with tiny surfboard facing huge waves

"Overload syndrome" is a temporary anxiety and depression state that results from becoming overburdened with too many work, household, volunteer, or social obligations...

How Living On The Coast Is Linked To Poor Health

 Jackie Cassell, Professor of Primary Care Epidemiology

How Living On The Coast Is Linked To Poor Health

The precarious economies of many traditional seaside towns have declined still further since the 1970s when an explosion of cheap holiday flights and package tours to Spain and...

Why Trying To Feel Younger May Not Make You Feel Better

 Matt Shipman, North Carolina State

Why Trying To Feel Younger May Not Make You Feel Better

The disconnect between how old we feel and how old we want to be can offer insights into the relationship between our views on aging and our health, according to a new study.

Daily Inspiration: July 28, 2021

 Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com

buddha statue holding up a gift to the heavens

Once you learn to use money rightly, you will find gains on many levels. Your abundance, energy, joy — all will expand. 

Discrimination Against Working Mothers Is At The Root Of Gender Inequalities

 Sara Savat-WUSTL

discrimination against working women

An impossible standard is at the root of gender inequalities in the workplace, according to two new studies on inflexibility and discrimination against mothers.

Tips To Help Your Dog Cope When Going Back To Work

 Duke University

Millions of people returning to the workplace means millions of dogs left home alone, some of them never having experienced their people being gone all day.

Daily Inspiration: July 27, 2021

 Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com

image with questions mark symbols

Shakespeare declared, "Self-loving is not so vile a sin, as self-neglecting." 

3 Backyard Science Activities For Curious Kids

 Caitlyn Forster et al


During lockdowns, millions of homes were transformed into mini schools as parents and teachers joined forces to facilitate remote learning. The experience proved education doesn’t only happen in classrooms.

Women Were Beer Makers – Until They Were Persecuted as Witches

 Laken Brooks, University of Florida

Three women dressed in Middle-Age period garb as alewives

Up until the 1500s, brewing was primarily women’s work – that is, until a smear campaign accused women brewers of being witches. 



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