Image by Selcuk YILDIZ
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What is a miracle? Wikipedia defines a miracle as "an event that seems inexplicable by natural or scientific laws." But even some of these "natural or scientific laws' are themselves inexplicable, thus miraculous. The human body being the first miracle that comes to mind. That such a complex being comes from a sperm and an egg, and contains in those two items all the "instructions" to create an end product that includes a circulatory system, a reproductive system, an independent walking, talking and thinking being. Now, to me, that's a miracle...even if science can explain it.
And just think of the miracle of plant seeds... One single grape, or one single apple, may contain many seeds. Each of these seeds contains the potential for a new plant, more fruit, and numerous new seeds. Which leads to more plants, more fruit, more seeds, and the cycle continues.
There are so many "miracles" around us, that we may have come to take them for granted. So this week, we look at some of the miracles that surround us and that are available to us. We start off with Regina Louise who shares some of her personal story of the miracles of synchronicity and of love, in "We Are the Miracle: The Power of Love and Spirit". Regina's story has been made into the Lifetime movie I Am Somebody’s Child.
We Are the Miracle: The Power of Love and Spirit
Regina Louise, author of "Permission Granted"
From the moment when I began writing my first book, about growing up in foster care, and the follow-up book (my graduate thesis) detailing my adult adoption by the beloved counselor I met while living in a children’s shelter, I knew that a film version had to happen. I felt this truth deeply.
We continue our journey with Joyce Vissell who also speaks of the miracles of synchronicity and love, and also of trust and faith in things working out, yes, miraculously... And sometimes we have to wait for the miracle to happen. Our faith in the "perfect outcome" is tested, yet things work out in their right timing.
Not Just Ordinary Help: Another Miracle on the Road
Joyce Vissell, co-author of "Heartfullness: 52 Ways to Open to More Love"
Have you ever really needed help and it seemed like no one cared? Well, we just had that experience and it ended up in a beautiful miracle.
In the realm of illness, there is often "unexplained" healing that takes place. When that happens people either says it's a miracle, or try to discount it as a coincidence or original misdiagnosis. But you surely have heard accounts of tumors that disappeared overnight, cancers cured after a meditative retreat, healing session, etc. These also fall in the realm of miracles or events not explained by science or "laws of nature".
Yet, there are probably laws of nature that we, as "logical" beings have not yet attuned to, as they probably need more of an intuitive or spiritual approach. And that is what Tjitze de Jong shares in this article about the relationship between cancer and fear, or it could be looked at from the other direction, the relationship between unconditional love and healing or perfect health.
Are Fear and Cancer Strongly Related?
Tjitze de Jong, author of "Energetic Cellular Healing and Cancer"
The emotional charge of fear is a huge one. It is the emotion I come across more than any other in my work with cancer clients.
And the whole world and universe we live in is miraculous in itself. Energy is indestructible. Energy surrounds us and is also what we are made of. Everything (and everyone) is all one huge "melting pot" of energy. Our thoughts and emotions are energy. Everything that is visible, and invisible, is made up of one thing... energy... Now that is miraculous, is it not?
Energetics and Unity: There Is Nothing Separate, Regardless of Appearances
Lawrence Doochin, author of "A Book on Fear"
Energetics are foundational to the manifest world we see, and only one unified field of energy exists with everything vibrating at different levels. There is nothing separate, regardless of appearances.
And then comes the greatest miracles of all. Will T. Wilkinson reflects first on the incredible miraculous power of the sun. As I thought about this, I realized that the sun provides all we need to live here on this planet. It provides the light to guide our way, the heat to help plants grow and keep us warm, and the energy to "fuel" so many things, including humans.
The next miracle is Love. When we attune to the power of Love we are guided to the "perfect" creation of life. With Love as our guide, we can create an amazing "heaven on earth". The Sun and Love are really all we need.
Now you might think that is simplistic... but think about it... everything wonderful is created, fueled, and supported by those two energies. The things that are created by greed, competition, etc., usually end up not being supportive of our health and well-being.
If Love Is The Answer, What Was The Question?
Will T. Wilkinson, author of "The Noon Club: Creating The Future in One Minute Every Day"
Since humans began thinking we’ve asked, “Who am I, why am I here?” Philosophers have debated, spiritual seekers have meditated, hedonists have partied, super achievers have produced, scientists have invented, technology has created marvels, and almost everyone has missed the obvious...
We round off our featured articles with this week's Astrological Journal. This week promises to have some stressful events. Yet, when you think about it, some wonderfully miraculous things are created by stress or pressure... diamonds, entire islands are created by the eruption of a volcano, birds bursting out of their shell, butterflies coming out of a cocoon... All of these things are stressful... yet they produce wonderful results.
So though the week may have some stressful tendencies, we can remember that out of these, miracles can also take place... the miracle of Love and creating a better world for all.
Horoscope Week: July 12 - 18, 2021
Pam Younghans Read Time: 9 mins
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
Please scroll down for the additional new articles that were added to the website during the week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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Heat can harm your body and your mind
Boston University
Summer is upon us and things are heating up, literally. That’s worrisome given the effect that heat has on human health, both on the body and the mind.
Cat DNA alters response to life-saving heart meds
Amy Quinton-UC Davis
A cat’s DNA alters how it responds to a life-saving medication used to treat hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, researchers report.
Daily Inspiration: July 11, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
If we believe that we have no choices and that we are powerless in life, we will live life from a victim point of view.
Are Fear and Cancer Strongly Related? (Video)
Tjitze de Jong, author of "Energetic Cellular Healing and Cancer"
The emotional charge of fear is a huge one. It is the emotion I come across more than any other in my work with cancer clients.
Energetics and Unity: There Is Nothing Separate, Regardless of Appearances (Video)
Lawrence Doochin, author of "A Book on Fear"
Energetics are foundational to the manifest world we see, and only one unified field of energy exists with everything vibrating at different levels. There is nothing separate, regardless of appearances.
Mindfulness training gets kids to sleep better
Erin Digitale-Stanford
At-risk children gained more than an hour of sleep per night after participating in a mindfulness curriculum at their elementary schools, according to a new study.
Postal banking could provide free accounts to 21 million Americans...
Terri Friedline, University of Michigan and Ameya Pawar, University of Chicago
About a quarter of census tracts with a post office don’t have a community bank or credit union branch, suggesting postal banking could provide a financial lifeline to the millions of Americans without a bank account, according to our new research...
Postpartum women in bad relationships face more health risks
Amy McCaig-Rice University
Postpartum women in bad romantic relationships are not only more likely to suffer symptoms of depression, but are also at greater long-term risk of illness or death, according to a new study.
Daily Inspiration: July 10, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
What we do is based on what we wish to attain, or our needs. Some people feel a great need for money, but is it really money they yearn for?
If Love Is The Answer, What Was The Question? (Video)
Will T. Wilkinson, author of "The Noon Club: Creating The Future in One Minute Every Day"
Since humans began thinking we’ve asked, “Who am I, why am I here?” Philosophers have debated, spiritual seekers have meditated, hedonists have partied, super achievers have produced, scientists have invented, technology has created marvels, and almost everyone has missed the obvious...
Not Just Ordinary Help: Another Miracle on the Road (Video)
Joyce Vissell, co-author of "Heartfullness: 52 Ways to Open to More Love"
Have you ever really needed help and it seemed like no one cared? Well, we just had that experience and it ended up in a beautiful miracle.
Fiction and memoirs were covering health way before the COVID-19 pandemic
Cynthia Spada, University of Victoria
Beyond the viral contagion of COVID-19, the pandemic’s accompanying social and economic hardships have challenged many people’s physical and mental wellness. Over the past year of navigating living in a pandemic, it’s become clear that relationships matter to health: relationships between body and mind, between neighbours and between individuals and their societies.
Far more adults don't want children than previously thought
Jennifer Watling Neal, Associate Professor of Psychology
Fertility rates in the United States have plunged to record lows, and this could be related to the fact that more people are choosing not to have children.
Daily Inspiration: July 9, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
While the common saying goes "I'll believe it when I see it", Wayne Dyer told us "You'll see it when you believe it". We must first "see" and believe in what we wish to create before it can be in our lives.
Wildflower Apothecary: Summer Medicine
Valerie Segrest (Muckleshoot)
An enchanting blanket of wildflower medicine adorns the continent. Carefully cultivated by Indigenous inhabitants for hundreds of years—often thousands—these blossoms, leaves, roots, and fruits generously cure the commonwealth in return.
Flea Collar Chemicals Are Poisoning Kids and Pets
Miriam Rotkin-Ellman and Tom Hucker
All of us want to keep our children and pets safe. So, what do we do when EPA allows the sale of products that jeopardize the health of our kids and pets across the country?
How Cinderella lost its original feminist edge in the hands of men
Alexander Sergeant, Lecturer in Film & Media Studies
In the words of its publicity department, Andrew Lloyd Webber’s new production of Cinderella offers audiences nothing less than “a complete reinvention of the classic fairy-tale”.
Daily Inspiration: July 8, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
The medical community is recognizing the deadly role that stress plays in the cause of illness. It is a major factor in the suppression of the immune system, creating susceptibility to disease.
Can couples therapy bring red and blue Americans together?
Jill Kimball-Brown, Futurity
Workshops that resemble couples therapy left college students less politically polarized, report researchers.
Bigger portions may get kids to eat more veggies
Katie Bohn-Penn State
It can be difficult to get young kids to eat enough vegetables, but a new study finds that simply adding more veggies to their plates can result in children consuming more vegetables at the meal.
Lifespans of 130 years could be possible this century
Kim Eckart-Washington
Extreme longevity likely will continue to rise slowly by the end of this century, according to new research, with estimates showing that a lifespan of 125 years, or even 130 years, is possible.
Daily Inspiration: July 7, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
Whenever you have a problem -- business or personal -- turn it over to the forces of creation, to God as you understand God. Most people call this process prayer, but you can call it anything you like.
Older folks lose sense of smell for some things, but not others
Maria Hornbek, University of Copenhagen
The sense of smell in older adults declines when it comes to meat, but not vanilla, researchers report.
Fiber could be key to snacks that are good for gut bacteria
Julia Evangelou Strait, Washington University in St. Louis
Researchers have identified ingredients for snack food prototypes formulated to deliberately change the gut microbiome in ways that can be linked to health.
Daily Inspiration: July 6, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
Our great fear is that once we open up and show our "true" selves, that people will turn against us, that they will look down at us (as we do on ourselves), that they will abandon us, that they will reject us (as we reject ourselves).
Finding Joy in the Struggle
Ayu Sutriasa
Forty years ago (in June1981) the CDC reported the first cases of what would come to be known as AIDS among five previously healthy gay men. I was a teenager at that time, coming to grips with my sexual orientation.
Science denial: Why it happens and 5 things you can do about it
Barbara K. Hofer, Professor of Psychology Emerita
Science denial became deadly in 2020. Many political leaders failed to support what scientists knew to be effective prevention measures. Over the course of the pandemic, people died from COVID-19 still believing it did not exist.
Undiagnosed dementia may be way more common than thought
Laura Bailey, University of Michigan
Only 1 in 10 older adults in a large national survey who were found to have cognitive impairment consistent with dementia reported a formal medical diagnosis of the condition.
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