Image by Gerd Altmann
Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
Attitude is a big motivator, yet can also be a big negator... This week we look at various attitudes and how they serve us... or not... and how we can transform them into a constructive force in our lives.
Please scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
Most featured articles are also in audio and video format.
Go to each article for the links.
"I'll Do It Tomorrow" -- The Quicksand of Procrastination
Jude Bijou, author of Attitude Reconstruction
Almost everyone procrastinates. We usually do it to avoid a task that's unpleasant or daunting. Some things are broad and require lots of time and effort, and may involve changing long-held behaviors or beliefs. Others are...
"I'll Do It Tomorrow" -- The Quicksand of Procrastination (Video)
Playing with Metaphors to Help You With Transformation
Carl Greer, author of The Necktie and The Jaguar
When your story isn’t working for you, when it seems to be influencing what you’re experiencing and causing you unhappiness, you can change it. And playing with metaphors can help you to do that.
Playing with Metaphors to Help You With Transformation (Video)
The Blessings of the Entire Nature Kingdom
Marie T. Russell,
We are so blessed to live on Planet Earth, yet we tend to take so much of what is here for granted. This applies not just to our fellow humans, but also to animals, minerals, vegetation, and the whole planet itself. We may also need to be reminded to be grateful for...
The Blessings of the Entire Nature Kingdom (Video)
It Didn't Have To Be This Way
Robert Jennings,
There have been some standout successes for some countries dealing with this Covid pandemic.
Thich Nhat Hanh, Who Taught Mindfulness, Approached Death In That Same Spirit
Brooke Schedneck, Rhodes College
In October 2018, Thich Nhat Hanh expressed his wish, using gestures, to return to the temple in Vietnam where he had been ordained as a young monk. Devotees from many parts of the world had continued to visit him at the temple.
Why Some Decisions Feel Right While Others Don’t
ETH, Zurich
Decisions feel right to us if we have compared the options as attentively as possible—and if we are conscious of having done so, according to a new study.
4 Surprising Ways Climate Change Is Affecting People’s Health
Chloe Brimicombe, University of Reading
More people are going to hospital, compared with 20 years ago. It turns out, that’s not the only surprise in this new report. Here’s how else climate change is affecting health in Britain.
Why Getting Congress To Fund Help For Us Children In Poverty Has Been So Hard To Do
Leslie Lenkowsky, IUPUI
Legislative progress came to a sudden stop a month later when Sen. Joe Manchin announced, in a Fox News interview, that he would not support it.
Not Everyone Knows That We Have An Additional 6th Sense
Jennifer Murphyy University of London and Freya Prentice, UCL
Most people are familiar with the five senses (touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste), but not everyone knows that we have an additional sense
Why People Who Refuse To Get Vaccinated Should Not Have Lesser Healthcare Rights
John Coggon, University of Bristol
Just by refusing vaccines, a person cannot be deemed to have also refused consent to receive treatments for COVID. People who are unvaccinated have not waived their positive right to healthcare.
Why You Might Want To Consider A Pilgrimage
Jaeyeon Choe O Regan, Swansea University and Anne E Bailey, University of Oxford
Often described as “a journey with a purpose or a journey with an intention”, a pilgrimage is different from a plain old walk or hike as it tends to be about following a particular path with religious, spiritual or historical significance.
Smart Devices Can Now Read Your Mood And Mind
Francesco Biondi, University of Windsor
There are the obvious examples: fingerprint scanners that unlock doors and facial recognition that allows payment through a phone. But there are other devices that do more than read an image — they can literally read people’s minds.
Can Your Dog Understand What You’re Saying?
Sophie Jacques, Dalhousie University
Many dog language studies have been limited in scope, either examining the word-based responses of only one or a small sample of dogs, or the responses of multiple dogs but only to select words.
Here’s How To Get Children Moving
Alison Owen, Staffordshire University
Research from around the world has examined the extent that COVID-19 restrictions have had on children and their levels of physical activity.
Black Americans Have Mostly Been Left Behind By Progress
Sharon Austin, University of Florida
In 1963, 250,000 people marched on Washington to demand equal rights. By 1968, laws had changed. But social progress has since stalled.
Pulling Carbon Mechanically From The Air Is Necessary And No Excuse To Pollute
Klaus Lackner, Arizona State University
Two centuries of burning fossil fuels has put more carbon dioxide, a powerful greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere than nature can remove.
Is Depression A Physical Illness? Unravelling The Inflammation Hypothesis
Ute Vollmer-Conna and Gordon Parker (UNSW Australia)
Most people feel down, tired and inactive when they’re injured or ill. This “sickness behaviour” is caused by the activation of the body’s immune response. It’s the brain’s way of conserving energy so the body can heal.
What To Do If You’re Feeling Restless, Apathetic or Empty
Jolanta Burke, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences
Languishing is described as an emotional state of limbo, aimlessness and low mood, which can last for a long time. But while languishing isn’t itself considered a mental health disorder, it could ultimately lead to anxiety or depression.
Horoscope: Week of January 24 - 30, 2022
Pam Younghans, NorthPoint Astrology
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
Horoscope: Week of January 24 - 30, 2022 (Video)
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