InnerSelf Newsletter: January 31, 2021

Narrated by Marie T. Russell. This "inner-podcast" is an audio of the whole newsletter... the introduction, as well as the audio of the six featured articles. The play-time is a bit over an hour. 

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

While the beginning of the year is behind us, each day brings us a new opportunity to start again, or to continue along our "new" journey. Every action, and every thought, leads us to the next thought and the next event in our life. Each breath brings us a new chance to change direction, or readjust our focus.

So this week, we bring you articles to support you on your continuation of the "new chapter" of your story, chapter 2021, that began on January 1st.

We begin our featured articles with Alan Cohen who asks us: "Who Will You Be This Year?" He invites us to reflect, not so much on what we will do or where we will be, but more on who we will be. 

Sarah Varcas continues our introspective journey in "We Are What Lies Beneath: Mercury Retrograde and the I AM". She encourages us to ask the "big question, Who Am I?" Sarah uses the backdrop of astrology, and the current Mercury Retrograde, to showcase the energies that are supporting us, at this time, in our self-discovery.

Will T. Wilkinson takes us on a meditative and empowering journey in "Advancing the Human Experiment: G.O.D. Activation". He proposes replacing the loaded term "God" with an acronym for Gratitude Over Desire. The article is also accompanied with a guided meditation to activate our G.O.D. awareness. 

As we all know, and probably have experienced, we encounter challenges -- and even roadblocks -- on our life's journey. The good news is that we have within us the very tools and ability to dissolve those situations. Jacques Martel introduces us to how "We Can Heal the Conflicted Feelings, Emotions, and Thoughts at the Root of Illness". This process doesn't require any expensive medication, equipment, or even surgery. The only "surgery" is the one we perform ourselves by discovering the root of our ailments and diseases, and the words and thoughts we can use to neutralize the problem.

Now of course, there are times (probably more than we like) where we just don't seem to know what path to take, which direction to go, what is our next step. Alan Seale brings us a very simple process in "What Wants to Happen?: The 5 Questions of "The Deep Simple".

We conclude our weekly journey with a very practical tool to benefit not only our own selves, but also our loved ones. Wayne B. Titus, III introduces us to "The Best Resolution for 2021: Create a Financial Scrapbook for Your Loved Ones".

As the year continues, we will be able to fine-tune our direction and our attitudes, so that we discover new insights and new possibilities. After all, the show must go on, but since we direct our own show, we can change the script as we go along as we discover the loving truth behind "Who Am I?" And we come to realize that the path, which we thought was comprised of many paths, was always just one path -- the path of unity and oneness. 

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Who Will You Be This Year?

Written by Alan Cohen (includes audio and video version)

Who Will You Be This Year?
As we set out on the great adventure called 2021, many of us have lots of questions about what the year will bring. Yet behind all of these questions is one that will more fundamentally determine our experience: “Who will I be in the year to come?”

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We Are What Lies Beneath: Mercury Retrograde and the I AM

Written by Sarah Varcas (includes audio and video version)

We Are What Lies Beneath: Mercury Retrograde and the I AM
This Mercury Retrograde pulls no punches and takes no prisoners. Nor would we want to be held captive, for its promise is freedom from the chains secured by our own deceptions. This is about the everyday twists and turns we perform to avoid coming face to face with who we truly are.

Advancing the Human Experiment: G.O.D. Activation

Written by Will T. Wilkinson (includes audio and video version)

Advancing the Human Experiment: G.O.D. Activation
“God” is a loaded word. Can we use it without stirring controversy? I’ve turned it into an acronym: G.O.D. This seems to help.

Can We Heal the Conflicted Feelings, Emotions, and Thoughts at the Root of Illness?

Written by Jacques Martel (includes audio and video version)

How We Can Heal the Conflicted Feelings, Emotions, and Thoughts at the Root of Illness
Health has always been a matter of great concern to me. In fact, from an early age I began to experience health problems, without having any exact notion of what had caused them. I said to myself: “Either it’s ‘in my head’, or else there must be some reason for what’s happening”. I decided to go with the second choice...

What Wants to Happen?: The 5 Questions of "The Deep Simple"

Written by Alan Seale (includes audio and video version)

The 5 Questions of The Deep Simple: What Wants to Happen?
To the intuitive mind, complexity is not a mystery, nor is it overwhelming. It’s just a different reality that requires a different set of skills and capacities—the skills and capacities that come from Whole-Mind Thinking and Whole-Being Awareness.

The Best Resolution for 2021: Create a Financial Scrapbook for Your Loved Ones

Written by Wayne B. Titus, III (includes audio and video version)

The Best Resolution for 2021: Create a Financial Scrapbook for Your Loved Ones
Whether it's COVID-19 or a car accident, we all run the risk of having to rely on someone else to manage our households or access our important estate documents. This year, resolve to be prepared ­­— by creating a financial "scrapbook" for your loved ones.

How The Full Moon Affects Your Sleep And Behavior
How Moon Cycles Affect Your Sleep and Behavior
by James Urton

In the new paper, researchers report that sleep cycles in people oscillate during the 29.5-day lunar cycle: In the days…

Stuck Inside Your Home This Groundhog Day? Try Some Mindfulness
Stuck Inside Your Home This Groundhog Day? Try Some Mindfulness
by Jeremy David Engels

I argue that the lesson at the heart of the movie is that because we can never count on tomorrow, life must be lived…

What To Eat For Long-distance Running
What To Eat for Long-Distance Running
by Evangeline Mantzioris

Your diet is crucial in long-distance running. If you don’t eat the right foods in the right amounts, you might not get…

10 Parenting Strategies To Reduce Your Kids' Stress
10 Parenting Strategies To Reduce Your Kids' Stress
by Sheffield Morris and Jennifer Hays-Grudo

Many studies have shown that kids who have faced abuse, neglect and family conflict struggle forming friendships, have…

Omega-3s: Consuming More Oily Fish Could Prevent Asthma In Some Children
Omega-3s: Consuming More Oily Fish Could Prevent Asthma In Some Children
by Seif Shaheen

Omega-3 fatty acids are often touted for their reported benefits to many important aspects of health – especially for…

People Feeling Lonely Are More Likely To Have Worse Mental Health
People Feeling Lonely Are More Likely To Have Worse Mental Health
by Ziggi Ivan Santini and Ai Koyanagi

While COVID-19 may itself compromise a person’s mental health, the social conditions of the pandemic are also having a…

Weed Withdrawal: More Than Half Of People Using Medical Cannabis For Pain Experience Withdrawal Symptoms
Weed Withdrawal: More Than Half Of People Using Medical Cannabis For Pain Experience Withdrawal Symptoms
by Lara Coughlin

In stark contrast to the overblown fears portrayed during decades past, these days, most people think cannabis is…

Atmospheric River Storms Drive Costly Flooding – And Climate Change Is Making Them Stronger
Atmospheric River Storms Drive Costly Flooding – and Climate Change Is Making Them Stronger
by Tom Corringham

Ask people to name the world’s largest river, and most will probably guess that it’s the Amazon, the Nile or the…

5 Ways Bad Behaviour Can Benefit You And Others
5 Ways Bad Behaviour Can Benefit You and Others
by Richard Stephens

Research has uncovered a variety of benefits that can arise from instances of what might otherwise label as “bad”…

Do We Really Need To Walk 10,000 Steps A Day?
Do We Really Need To Walk 10,000 Steps A Day?
by Lindsay Bottoms

When it comes to being fit and healthy, we’re often reminded to aim to walk 10,000 steps per day. This can be a…

What Men Really Doing On The Toilet So Long
What Are Men Really Doing On The Toilet So Long
by Vincent Ho

There’s a common assumption men take longer than women to poo. People say so on Twitter, in memes, and elsewhere online.…

What Makes Working In Our Homes A Success Or Failure?
What Makes Working In Our Homes a Success or Failure?
by Abbas Shieh and Robert Freestone

The industrial revolution transformed cities, resulting in places of residence and work becoming more distant than ever…

Children As Young As Two Can Learn To Cook – Here Are The Kitchen Skills
Children As Young As Two Can Learn To Cook – Here Are The Kitchen Skills
by Fiona Lavelle and Moira Dean

Learning to cook can be hugely valuable for children. It can be used to teach academic subjects such as maths and…

Love As Legacy And How Youth Are Shaping Future Generations
Love As Legacy and How Youth Are Shaping Future Generations
by Heather Lawford et al

How youth carve out legacies and how storytelling can teach and inspire critical hope.

Lessons From The History Of Solitude
Lessons From The History Of Solitude
by David Vincent

It’s hard to believe now, but until relatively recently, solitude – or the experience of being alone for significant…

How To Reduce The Risk Of Covid-19 Airborne Transmission Inside A Car
How To Reduce The Risk Of Covid-19 Airborne Transmission Inside A Car
by Varghese Mathai

It’s important to have good ventilation. This means you get as much outside air as possible to mix with the air inside…

Needles Are Nothing To Fear: 5 Steps To Make Vaccinations Easier
Needles Are Nothing To Fear: 5 Steps To Make Vaccinations Easier
by Therese O'Sullivan

The COVID vaccine rollout has placed the issue of vaccination firmly in the spotlight. A successful rollout will depend…

People Take Better Care When They Feel Like They Have A Stake In Them
People Take Better Care When They Feel Like They Have A Stake In Them
by Suzanne Shu

People can feel “psychological ownership,” a sense of personal attachment, even for parks and other public places...

How To Get Your Sense Of Smell Back After Covid-19
How To Get Your Sense Of Smell Back After Covid-19
by Carl Philpott

Around 60% will have experienced smell and taste disturbance – with 10% having persistent symptoms. This means that…

Incitement To Violence Is Rarely Explicit – Here Are Some Techniques People Use To Breed Hate
Incitement To Violence Is Rarely Explicit – Learn to Recognize Techniques People Use to Breed Hate
by H. Colleen Sinclair

Dangerous speech is defined as communication encouraging an audience to condone or inflict harm. Usually this harm is…

How Dogs In A Workplace Has Less Stress And Better Decision-making
How Dogs In A Workplace Breed Less Stress and Better Decision-making
by Ellen Furlong

Recent research suggests that dogs in the workplace can lead to increased worker engagement, lower employee turnover,…

Why You May Have To Buy A New Device Whether You Want To Or Not
Why You May Have To Buy A New Device Whether You Want To Or Not
by Michael Cowling

Every year vendors such as Apple and Google add to their list of vintage devices that no longer get operating system or…

The Impact Our Pets Have On Our Mental Health And Wellbeing
The Impact Our Pets Have On Our Mental Health and Wellbeing
by Elena Ratschen et al

There’s been an unprecedented increase in animal adoptions and purchases, as people seek animal companionship to tackle…

Why Women's Health Is Better When They Have More Control In Their Society
Why Women's Health Is Better When They Have More Control In Their Society
by Siobhán Mattison, et al.

Long before COVID-19, women made less money than men, had more child care responsibilities and were at increased risk…

Why Curbing Population Growth To Tackle Climate Change Is A Tough Ask
Why Curbing Population Growth To Tackle Climate Change Is A Tough Ask
by Michael P. Cameron

Population growth plays a role in environmental damage and climate change. But addressing climate change through either…

As Heatwaves Become More Extreme, Which Jobs Are Riskiest?
As Heatwaves Become More Extreme, Which Jobs Are Riskiest?
by Thomas Longden et al

The risk is higher in some regions but where you live is not the only factor that matters. When it comes to heat, some…

The Mystery Of The Blue Flower: Nature's Rare Colour Owes Its Existence To Bee Vision
The Mystery Of The Blue Flower: Nature's Rare Colour Owes Its Existence To Bee Vision
by Adrian Dyer

At a dinner party, or in the schoolyard, the question of favourite colour frequently results in an answer of “blue”.…

How To Bond With Your Kids According To Neuroscience
How To Bond With Your Kids According To Neuroscience
by Pascal Vrticka

Many people across the world are still living under tough restrictions or lockdowns because of the pandemic, staying…

4 Tips For Learning Language Through Film And TV
4 Tips For Learning Language Through Film and TV
by Neophytos Mitsigkas

Films and TV shows can be great tools to help you become a more competent speaker of another language. By captivating…

How Trump's Narcissism May Have Changed Leadership Forever
How Trump's Narcissism May Have Changed Leadership Forever
by Steven H. Appelbaum

What about those who aspire to key leadership positions who have been inspired by Trump? Will they perpetuate this new…

Why Going For A Swim In The Ocean Can Be Good For You, And For Nature
Why Going For A Swim In The Ocean Can Be Good For You, and For Nature
by Rebecca Olive

Summer is the season when we like to cool off with a plunge into water. For some it’s in the local or backyard swimming…

How Believing In Conspiracies Goes Hand In Hand With Vaccine Hesitancy
How Believing In Conspiracies Goes Hand In Hand With Vaccine Hesitancy
by Gul Deniz Salali

While developing an effective vaccine probably won’t bring an immediate end to the pandemic, it’s clear that things…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans (includes audio version)

Astrological Journal for the Week

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


Cleansing Your Home and Environment with Incense and Gum Resin
Cleansing Your Home and Environment with Incense and Gum Resin
by Draja Mickaharic (includes audio and video version)

While incense can be used to cleanse a place or fumigate a person, the range in effect varies from very mild to…

How Your Intuition Can Become An Active Part Of Your Life
How Your Intuition Can Become An Active Part Of Your Life
by Carol Ritberger, Ph.D.

We are so conditioned to using our five physical senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell), that we expect…

Profit, Power, and Progress? or Cooperation, Collaboration, and Community
Profit, Power, and Progress? or Cooperation, Collaboration, and Community
by Joseph R. Simonetta

Responsible profit taking is honorable. Those who are legitimate producers deserve to be rewarded for their earnest…

Healing Earth Wounds by Reaching Out and Reconnecting with Ourselves and the Earth
Reaching Out and Reconnecting with Ourselves and the Earth in order to Heal Earth Wounds
by Gareth Patterson

Unless we address the health of the earth, collectively and holistically, the symptoms of our own inner health will…

Becoming an Appreciator as a Way of Life
Becoming an Appreciator as a Way of Life
by Noelle C. Nelson and Jeannine Lemare Calaba

Appreciation is most powerful when it ceases to be something that you do only occasionally, and instead becomes your…

Can the Full Moon Affect Human Behavior, Fertility, Surgery, and more?
Can the Full Moon Affect Human Behavior, Surgery, Fertility, and even Trees?
by John Townley (includes audio and video version)

The extensive cycle research of the past thirty years... has established numerous links between regularly occurring…

Ten Essential Communication, Truth, and Life Skills
Ten Essential Communication, Truth, and Life Skills
by Susan Campbell, Ph.D.

Honesty is a skill that can be practiced and learned. I feel a deep sadness when I hear people tell me how much they…

For Times Like These: Spiritual Commonsense by Christina Baldwin
For Times Like These: Spiritual Commonsense
by Christina Baldwin

I have believed all my life that there is a necessary interaction that occurs between a person and the Divine. This…

Against or For? Perhaps...
Against or For? Perhaps...
by Marie T. Russell

I was feeling sad one morning, feeling the state of the world in my heart, and remembering how I felt at 20 after…

Do All That You Can Do? or Be All That You Can Be?
Do All That You Can Do? or Be All That You Can Be?
by Dave Lappin

That which you "most choose to have in your life, you must first become." It is time for us all to "be" what it is that…


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