- By Sophie Merle
Our physical sufferings often have their own stories to tell. The mind and the body form an intimately integrated whole that is indivisible. Our thoughts (beliefs and emotions) dwell throughout our entire body.
Placebos have been found, at times, to work nearly as effectively as materialistic treatments. One series of studies covering more than one thousand patients showed that 35 percent reported significant relief from a variety of ailments after treatment with a placebo.
New research suggests that acupuncture may help patients suffering from certain esophageal disorders that make swallowing difficult.
- By Robert Bruce
Affirmations are statements of intention that can be used for anything: to attract wealth, for life changes, to find a perfect partner, for self healing -- from curing diabetes to losing weight to quitting smoking, etc...
Our latest research found that female doctors are better at empathy than male doctors, and this probably makes them better doctors.
"People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive..."
- By Lisa K.
There is a very tight connection between our energetic body and our physical body. When our energetic body is not healthy, we can be physically unhealthy. Our energetic system processes energy flowing through and uses the information contained in it.
As we grow and mature, our experiences as we relate to others take their effects on us, both positive and negative. We also begin to absorb the energies of these interactions. These energies can be light, dark, or anywhere in between and can have a powerful impact.
Innate is responsible for the seemingly mysterious and miraculous healings: accelerated recoveries, spontaneous remissions, and unexplained disappearances of incurable diseases. There is no mystery after all when the Innate is involved and can bridge the gap between quantum intelligent information and our bodies. It is not a force outside ourselves--it is something within all of us.
My body was crying out for healing and for me to allow my passion and purpose to come forward. This was not an easy task, and I will say that it did not happen overnight. It took time and patience.
Interest in electrical brain stimulation has skyrocketed in recent years, both in the popular media and scientific literature.
A health "crisis" whether a physical, mental, emotional, relationship, or financial crisis in our lives — forces us to reflect on, re-evaluate, and change our current routines and thought patterns. Any form of disease is ultimately an opportunity to...
Some argue that hypnosis is just a trick. Others, however, see it as bordering on the paranormal – mysteriously transforming people into mindless robots.
Obsidian asks us not to look upon the broken pieces that lay on the ground; rather, obsidian helps us to see ourselves as the perfection that is revealed from within when the unnecessary parts of ourselves are stripped away.
Healing comes in all forms. It can be a simple awareness or a huge “aha.” It can be a mental realization, an emotional process, a spiritual catharsis, or a physical progression, but it is never only one of these; it is always a combination of...
“Being whole” is an experience or a state of being in which we are in touch with our deepest inner being. It is a lifelong process with many paths and one of these paths touches on the body and its organs. With what they have to tell us they enrich us...
Are you stressed-out, overweight, overworked, uninspired, or plagued by negative emotions? Don't worry — anyone can achieve greater health and happiness by trying out some new behaviors and attitudes, and working at it step-by-step. Here are nine proven ways to get there.
Healing can include dramatic, sudden physical cures, but is not confined to the 'miraculous' or the spectacular. Perhaps for most people, the healing power of faith involves a healing of the mind and emotions, the intangible spirit, and of relationships with others.
Preventative medicine has long used drugs to prevent the onset of disease. Those with symptoms such as high blood sugar or pressure are often diagnosed with the “pre-condition”, such as prediabetes or prehypertension, if their symptoms haven’t yet reached the levels which define the disease.
- By Helen Graham
Most living things appear to be vitalized by the bright reds, oranges, and yellows of daylight -- and calmed and rejuvenated by the blues, indigos, and violets of the night. The origins of healing with color can be traced back to the mythology of Ancient Egypt and Greece.
Sound is third-dimensional. When the angels add their energy to sound it becomes a fast-frequency sonic emitted for specific high-vibrational purposes. We may not be able to hear it because it is beyond our auditory range and our understanding of it is limited but it has a powerful effect.
If you live near the sea, make frequent trips to the beach, or are planning an island holiday this summer, chances are you’re getting more out of it than just enjoyment.
It was not the splinter of wood from the sidewalk that healed him. It was his imagination aroused to an intense degree, plus the confident expectancy of a perfect healing. Imagination was joined to faith or subjective feeling, and the...