Most of traditional healing practices are based on intuitive principles of diseases involving the imbalance of elemental qualities.
It isn't possible to make good, conscious decisions in the midst of confusion and shock. Slow down and don't be rushed. Listen to your inner voice. Weigh the options and make decisions and choices based on what you feel is right for you. We stay far more empowered when we take charge and make decisions we feel good about.
Essential oils continue to be used—as they have been throughout history—for their protective, restorative, rehabilitative, hedonistic qualities, seamlessly providing physiological and psycho-emotional-spiritual support, apparently bridging the pragmatic, natural, and ethereal dynamics of life and existence.
Blessing, in the meaning used in books I have written on the practice of blessing, often results in healing. A perusal of the section on healing testimonies on my site shows that numerous healings or resolutions of “impossible” situations have occurred through this practice...
Medical tests confirmed that I had been rescued against all odds from a virulent Stage IV cancer that had eaten away my bones and left me dying in agony. I tried to tell my doctors to spread the news that miracles are real. I wanted them to embrace the words of David Ben-Gurion that "in order to be realist you must believe in miracles".
- By Roy Holman
Your body wants nothing more than to be loved. Like trying to drive an old broken down car or bicycle, it can be frustratingly difficult for a soul to work through a body that is unhealthy or uncared for. Of course, much of our...
- By Anadi Martel
In the 1980s, health professionals began to practice bright light therapy (BLT) to treat a chronobiological disorder found mostly in northern countries—seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, a form of depression occurring during winter months. Researchers have concluded that SAD is also caused by habits of modern life that lead us to spend most of our days indoors under artificial lighting.
- By Alison Jones
Without following a particular diet, overweight people in a new study who tracked what they ate with a free smartphone app lost a significant amount of weight.
- By Zoosh
If you are seeking someone to lead you to physical mastery, seek no further than your own physical body. Look to your ancient tribal cultures, not only in North America, but in South America, Africa, Australia, New Zealand. These people know, whether they tell you or not, how to live in harmony.
- By Sonia Jones
It's important to learn to "read" the feet because there are several physical conditions that need special attention. The signs we observe are the body’s way of telling us something is out of balance. Just like pain, any disorder is a warning signal. Reflexology is not a tool for diagnosis, but with some observation skills, you can discover whether the body is struggling and if it is in need of some help.
With the hectic modern lifestyles that most of us experience, there’s an onslaught of good and bad information assaulting our senses all the time. Since the dawn of the digital age, the human attention span has shrunk from twelve seconds to only eight seconds.
Within each one of us there lies a "healing system" capable of fighting off disease, combating infection and bringing us greater energy, vitality, and well-being. In any medical text we can read about the "digestive system", the "circulatory system", or the "nervous system", but nowhere can we find a chapter on the "healing system".
Careful histories of people who come down with serious illnesses almost always reveal earlier warning signs that were ignored or treated superficially. Symptoms are like warning lights or gauges in your car. When the oil light goes on in your car, would you tape over it so you can go about your business?
Cleansing is the art and process of making health-enhancing dietary and lifestyle changes. These changes aid in effectively managing stress, eliminating toxins, improving nutritional intake, and cultivating a deeper connection with our innate wisdom.
When I discovered that my illness was a cancer that needed to be powerfully and quickly released through surgery and chemotherapy, I became quite depressed. I couldn't blame the circumstances of my illness on my environment, for I ate well and cared for my body. I began to reflect on my...
- By Garth Paine
Our hearing tells us of a car approaching from behind, unseen, or a bird in a distant forest. Everything vibrates, and sound passes through and around us all the time. Sound is a critical environmental signifier.
Today, homeopathy is widely accepted in most Western or industrialized countries except the United States. In France, some 25 percent of all pharmacies are homeopathic. In England, half of all physicians either use or recommend homeopathy. In India, it is taught in almost all medical and pharmacy schools.
- By Jim Dreaver
When you are able to detach yourself from the areas of stress, tension, and pain in your body and just be aware of them without the interference of your analytical mind, they have room to unwind and release. This is not to deny or ignore pain; it is to be present with it in a relaxed, open, non judging way.
Homeopathy has been maligned, and vilified, and homeopaths have been charged as liars and frauds. All this in spite of 200 years of therapeutic successes.
Various esoteric sources have long suggested that human beings are capable of healing one another. Only in the last several decades has modern technology and the consciousness of enlightened scientists evolved to the point where laboratory confirmation of subtle energetic healing has been made possible.
Qi or prana is not just form, it is not just function, it is not just vitality, it is not just the communicator between cells and individual minds and bodies. It is all of the above.
Homeopathy uses substances which create disease in a healthy person, will - in minute amounts - cure disease in an ill person. For example, homeopathy will use minute amounts of poison ivy, Rhus tox, to help cure poison ivy's effects.
I dreaded turning fifty. My father had died of a massive heart attack soon after his fiftieth birthday. For years, I assumed the same thing would happen to me. Instead, I've been pleasantly surprised... The years since I turned fifty have been ripe with rich, unexpected developments and expansive opportunities.