Many of us might not be as fit as we were before the pandemic hit, and as community sport restarts and gyms reopen across the country amid eased coronavirus restrictions, some people might be at increased risk of injury.
The world we perceive, conceptualize, and think we know is only a surface reality. Underneath it lies a magical realm, more elusive and yet more vivid. Every philosophical, spiritual, and religious tradition, every art form, in every corner of the globe, in every century of human existence, teaches about this deeper reality.
So sensitive are we to sound that noise pollution has been called the most common modern health hazard. High levels of unpleasant sounds cause blood vessels to constrict; increase the blood pressure, pulse, and respiratory rates; release extra fats into the bloodstream; and cause the blood's magnesium level to fall.
It is important to realize that all healing techniques whether they be physical, energetic, mental, or emotional are an attempt to reestablish proper flow. Blockage or stoppage has occurred because somewhere, somehow there has been limited perception. The direction of healing then always moves from...
When we feel lethargic, we naturally seek to address the situation. Unfortunately we are not always aware of the true causes for this fatigue. We think maybe it’s caused by low blood sugar so we eat sugar, but the lack of...
A New Data-driven Model Shows That Wearing Masks Saves Lives – And The Earlier You Start, The Better
Dr. Biplav Srivastava, professor of computer science at the University of South Carolina, and his team have developed a data-driven tool that helps demonstrate the effect of wearing masks on COVID-19 cases and deaths.
Misunderstandings about flu vaccines have existed for decades, leading to vaccine mistrust and lower-than-ideal vaccination rates.
- By Alexis Brink
Maybe you already know a bit about the simple and effective form of energy medicine named the Art of Jin Shin. Though the practice has many thousands of adherents all around the world and many men, women, and children who have been helped by Jin Shin in its birthplace of Japan, Jin Shin Jyutsu has not yet become a household name.
I firmly believe that intuitive or symbolic sight is not a gift but a skill -- a skill based in self-esteem. Developing this skill -- and a healthy sense of self -- becomes easier when you can think in the words, concepts, and principles of energy medicine...
I trained as a conventional physician. I have also studied Native American healing for more than twenty-five years. I have walked with feet in two different worlds for my entire medical career. I did this because I grew up knowing that 'Indian medicine' could help people when conventional medicine had nothing more to offer.
Much confusion ensued about doctors of osteopathic medicine. As of a 2018 census, they made up 9.1% of physicians in the United States.
We do not have to become monks in order to lead spiritual, healthy lives. We do not have to be vegetarians, or wear flowing robes, or sit in meditation for hours each day. There is no spiritual 'path' because everything is spiritual and all choices are equal. We can work and be parents, husbands, wives, daughters...
More of us than ever are stuck indoors, whether we are working at home, self-isolating, or socially distancing from other households. Long periods of isolation are already impacting many people’s mental health and will continue to do so.
Every living human is controlled by an internal “clock” which drives our circadian rhythm – the natural internal process that regulates our sleep-wake cycle during a 24-hour period.
- By Yasmin Anwar
Getting plenty of deep, restorative sleep may offer a defense against Alzheimer’s disease, according to a new study.
When it comes to weight loss, diet and exercise are usually thought of as the two key factors that will achieve results. However, sleep is an often-neglected lifestyle factor that also plays an important role.
The accepted history of anatomy says that it was the ancient Greeks who mapped the human body for the first time.
Everyone has the power and the ability to connect with the life energy that brings in healing. You don't need training, though you can certainly learn techniques... If you're wanting to increase your healing ability so that you can use it for your own healing, then it's right there waiting...
In the ancient world, people routinely sought healing guidance from dreams and from the divine power that showed itself in dreams. In the original Hippocratic oath, doctors swore by gods of healing, including the god Aesclepius.
You are a vibrating mass of particles. You are energy. You are light. Energy is continuously moving through form, into form, out of form and back again. Energy is expansive and is always on the move.
COVID-19 has led to a boom in telehealth, with some health care facilities seeing an increase in its use by as much as 8,000%.
Consider for a moment the possibility of your personality acting as your mask, as the protection you don for the world. Like performers, each of us presents ourselves as having certain personal characteristics. We may be aggressive or meek, loud or soft-spoken, dominating, loving, inquisitive, or good-natured...
- By Dana Ullman
How you feel about yourself may actually affect the way your body defends itself against the various stresses and infective organisms that surround it. A high level of self-esteem, or a stronger sense of self, can lead to more vigorous immune response.