We can say that Type ‘A’ Behaviour is a heart disease personality. Whatever might be seen as the physical cause of heart disease, it is acknowledged that this personality type is a consistent element. There is also a cancer personality, a near-sighted personality, an arthritis personality, etc.
Australians spend up to A$300 million each year on health-care costs abroad. As part of this phenomenon, each year around 15,000 Australians are traveling overseas for cosmetic surgery tourism, including dental procedures.
- By Michel Odoul
There are three main types of signals, three ways of experiencing these inner messages of distortion in the body: as nervous tension; as physical or psychological trauma; and as physical or psychological illness.
- By Sonia Jones
It may surprise you to discover how far reaching the benefits of reflexology can be. Not only is it a truly holistic treatment, but it is also an extremely pleasant experience. People get hooked on the good experience of the treatment and the health benefits that they gain from it.
Could your medical treatment one day be tailored to your DNA? That’s the promise of “personalized medicine”. This concept is based on the idea that small genetic differences between one person and another can be used to design tailored treatments for conditions as diverse as cancer and schizophrenia.
It was March 2014 when I received a phone call as I was working in my office. The person on the other end introduced herself as Dr. Linda Houston-Feenstra, chief cardiac nurse of Loma Linda University SACHS Heart Clinic. She said that she has heard about my work on persuasive technology, in particular how it can influence attitude or behavior change in people. She wanted me to assist her with her heart-failure patients.
- By Dawn Groves
Life doesn't have to be a process of ongoing damage control. There are many things we can do to keep stress from eroding our health and happiness. The fastest way to fix the problems in your life is to remove your stressors. But don't worry; there are alternatives to firing your boss, leaving your home, redesigning your spouse, or trading in your body.
In ancient tradition (Egypt), the humming sound of the bee was said to stimulate the release of super hormones known as the “Elixirs of Metamorphosis.” Doctors Meredith McCord and Jill Schumacher told us that the humming sounds of the bee resonate and stimulate various structures of the brain, including the pineal gland, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and amygdala.
- By Anadi Martel
At the dawn of the twenty-first century, the importance of light for our health and well-being has been confirmed by modern science. Today there is a great confluence of discovery and invention.
Acupuncture is a form of traditional medical therapy that originated in China several thousand years ago. Perhaps, they stumbled on an effective medical approach.
Researchers have identified the electrical activity specific to the start of migraines and demonstrated a way to stop it in animal experiments.
I sat quietly, listening to her pain-filled words. She had just been diagnosed with breast cancer and was in my office for preoperative cardiac evaluation. She began to sob softly. Why had good health eluded her even though she did everything right?
Our past lives are intended to be in the background. We are not intended to be aware of them. If we are, they are likely unhealed, meaning that there is something about that lifetime that is creating restriction in your current body and life.
Have you ever wondered what Jesus Christ really meant when he said that heaven is within you? Dante's epic The Divine Comedy also suggests levels of heaven and hell that could be explored in a state of higher consciousness. It is not a physical journey, but a journey of spirit.
In my late twenties, I developed both forms of the autoimmune deficiency disease Lupus. My doctors advised me that, given the severity of both forms of Lupus, I would only live another six to eight years. After three years of suffering, yet functioning with my Lupus, I had an experience that changed my perception.
When you take a Kirlian photograph of your hand, it shows a certain pattern of energy. If you take a second photograph while imagining that you are sending love and energy to someone you know, the Kirlian photograph will show a different pattern of energy. Thus, we can see that a change in your consciousness creates a change in the energy field...
Around a third of the population have trouble sleeping, including difficulties maintaining sleep throughout the night. While night time awakenings are distressing for most sufferers, there is some evidence from our recent past that suggests this period of wakefulness occurring between two separate sleep periods was the norm.
Sound is an exceptionally powerful energy. It has the ability to stimulate the release of hormones in the body, to reduce the stress response and induce relaxation, to penetrate to body and affect us at a cellular level, to rearrange molecular structure, and to shape matter itself.
Cancer may not be life-ending, but it usually is life-changing. A cancer diagnosis instantaneously turns life upside down for patients and families.
What if we could go back in time to heal an illness at an earlier, less-advanced stage? Or go back even further to the moment right before an illness took hold in our bodies? A number of researchers, Helmut Schmidt being one of the earliest, have studied the...
- By Hilary Smith
Throughout most of human history, there was no such thing as a psychiatrist or a refill of Ativan—and humans developed a thousand different ways of working with mental and emotional distress, many of which are just as effective today as they were in 612 BC.
Why does the body seem to betray you? It's a belief. You're fighting it mentally, but you haven't let yourself experience and feel what it's like to absolutely be in your body. Just as the Earth is the body of this planet, your biology is the body of your soul. If you're aging, if you look in the mirror and say...
Healing is not just about you. It is about healing the whole of humanity, which is currently suffering in unprecedented ways. The burden of humanity’s suffering includes the growing gap between the world’s richest and poorest people, which leads to severe economic disparity around the globe and poverty.