Pain is a primary emotion. It has several emotional by-products which may come from it such as anger, jealousy, depression, hatred, and confusion. The types of emotional by-products we feel depends on whether we turn our pain inward or outward...
The survival instinct is the fundamental component of the sacred. It is not to be confused with the fear of death. The fear of death arises out of a lack of love. The fear of death is tied to the deceptive idea of oneself as an individual separate from the whole. One’s fear of death diminishes as the illusion of being separate from the All dissolves.
You can either choose to allow yourself to be healed by another, or to do the healing yourself. Do whatever is necessary to release yourself from the symptom, and return yourself to the state of being in which you are happy and healthy. It’s your natural state.
- By Dana Ullman
Everything is contagious -- not just germs, but good vibes and bad vibes, too. When a person begins laughing hysterically, watch how others laugh or at least smile. When someone is expressing hatred, notice how those in the vicinity tighten their bodies, develop a defensive posture, and maybe clutch another's hand.
There is a cultural shame that is implied when an individual has the need for too much sleep or feels tired without having a good reason. You have thoughts such as God, I don't know why I'm so tired! or What's wrong with me? And these very thoughts and attitudes negate a simple, natural flow...
There are many theories and many practices abounding today to heal disease and disorders. Basically though there is only one method. In other words, all methods boil down to one thing. The essence of "healing thyself" lies in...
For thousands of years, Inuit have adapted to the changes in their environment, and continue to find new and innovative ways to survive.
Jonathan Goldman, author of Healing Sounds, identifies healing as the result of a formula he defines as: Frequency + Intention = Healing. This can be accomplished in various ways through sound. Chant is one way that sound and intention have been combined throughout history to create various states of healing.
A few weeks ago, I hurt my back. I pulled a muscle and when it happened, it literally knocked me off my feet. It took me several minutes to get back up off the floor and the pain was like nothing I'd ever felt in my life. However, with my usual positive attitude, I thought: "No problem, this will be healed in a day or two."
- By Alexis Brink
A child sucks her thumb for self-comfort. An adult touches several fingers to his forehead or leans a cheek into her balled-up fist as a response to cognitive stress. We cross our arms or place our hands on our hips when we seek safety and grounding. None of us are explicitly taught to use these postures as coping mechanisms, yet when the need arises, we fall back on them without conscious effort.
How we truly feel about ourselves must be considered when we talk about healing. Many of us have what Pema Chödrön calls a “subtle aggression” against ourselves. Unfortunately, our desire for change or transformation often comes from there. But that never works.
The aura, a field of energy that surrounds people and other living things, reflects the energy of the spirit in that body. Its colors, textures and patterns reveal much information about physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states. An aura is like a thumbprint; it is completely individual and expresses who you really are in all your splendor...
Most of us might think sleep is like a light switch. That is, we go to bed, shut our eyes, and our body “switches off”
What if you didn’t need surgery to implant a pacemaker on a faulty heart? What if you could control your blood sugar levels without an injection of insulin, or mitigate the onset of a seizure without even pushing a button?
Things and events in the universe are not haphazard and chaotic: they are formed—“in-formed”—by universal attractors. The recognition that the manifest world, and thus the living organism, is “in-formed,” suggests a new definition of bodily health and disease.
One of the most fascinating aspects of the human body is the fact that there are so many reflexology maps found on different parts of the body. By reading the zones that are located on the surface of the skin on different parts of the body we can discover incipient health disturbances, which may otherwise remain hidden, before they become chronic problems.
The concept of soul loss may seem foreign and perhaps impossible for people who see the soul as an immutable essence that reflects the divine presence within us. While this is an ideal, it is likely that this ideal has not been a constant throughout a person’s life. The soul is sacred essence energy that originates from divine source, but this energy can be depleted if we allow it to be.
The stronger your soul becomes the easier it will be for you to eat better, and the better you eat the stronger your soul will become. Then this world, which definitely prefers you to be governable, measurable, and predictable, will have to take stock of your diversity through which you express your mercy and your love.
- By John Holden
Much of the science to support links between water-based body heating and improved sleep is already well-established. For example, scientists understand that a circadian clock located within the brain’s hypothalamus that drives the 24-hour patterns of many biological processes regulates both sleep and our body’s core temperature, including sleep and wakefulness.
Most people use toothbrushes, toothpaste and dental floss to clean their teeth, but their use is by no means universal. Many indigenous groups, as well as people in developing countries, use traditional techniques to clean their teeth. Some of these techniques are more effective than others.
Most of us don't pay much attention to the connection between music and our well-being. It is just there. It has always been there. For some of us it hovers on the periphery of our lives. For others it is central to our daily moods and activities.
There is a certain cosmic joke to the fact that we begin our spiritual journey often wishing to uncover a “true” self—some sort of finally decided, static being. The deep irony is that when we move past our individual wounding, we discover that we are not just one thing: we are a multitude of selves.
Psychic or not, we all need to energize and balance our energy centers each day. The following exercises can be carried out every morning and throughout the day as needed. They will energise the body, pinpoints imbalanced areas, and enable us to attend to our own well-being.