Nesta recently highlighted how the pandemic has spurred an incredible number of collective intelligence initiatives – combining crowd insight, data and machine intelligence to mitigate the crisis. These range from scientists inviting citizens to help them design virus-fighting proteins, to DIY biology communities collaborating to design open-source testing kits.
We live in a world filled with miracles, and yet we take them for granted. Why do we, as adults, forget to see the miracles of our world? When we believe in miracles, we then create them. We all are miracle workers. We each have the ability to change our lives with nothing more than...
Have you noticed an increase in your level of agitation, anxiety, or distress? Are you more volatile, all over the map, emotional, or depressed? Are you carrying around emotions and fears that you know are not yours or that are expressing themselves at an amplified, more-than-just-you level?
Records from the 1918 pandemic suggest one technique for dealing with influenza — little-known today — was effective. Some hard-won experience from the greatest pandemic in recorded history could help us in the weeks and months ahead.
Color therapy is an ancient approach to healing that has been used since the earliest of times. Practitioners of Chinese medicine believe that colors have a profound effect upon health and that illness can be diagnosed through the color of certain parts of the body, including the tongue...
Numerous criticisms of medical science have been articulated in recent years. Some critics argue that spurious disease categories are being invented, and existing disease categories expanded, for the aim of profit.
Paying attention to how we spend our energy can provide major clues in the process of healing. Certain emotions, such as blame, guilt, anger, or fear, that we return to again and again, can literally drain our life force and leave little or nothing to fuel the immune system.
Slicing huge chunks of stress out of your life can actually be quite easy. But let's face it: Sometimes no amount of planning and organizing can keep stress away. "Down days" are part of life, and there are times when we feel truly blue. What to do when that happens?
- By Dana Ullman
Children respond extremely well and rapidly to homeopathic medicines. What is even better news is that they love to take homeopathic medicines, since the remedies are usually made with lactose or sucrose and thus tend to be sweet.
The adrenal glands were long regarded as emergency glands -- pouring out their internal secretions only when a person was confronted by a dangerous situation and had to resort to 'fight or flight.' Later, it was shown that adrenaline is so vital that humans cannot live for 4 seconds if it has been drained from the blood.
In her doctoral dissertation, Meredith Davis notes that “all discomfort in our lives, whether physical, mental, emotional or psychic, is the attempt of our Self to shift an energy pattern that is ready to be released on some level.”
Many ancient cultures, such as the Incas, Egyptians and Tibetans, believed in and taught breathing exercises for healing purposes and to raise consciousness. Mystics and gurus believed that practising pranayama led to the experiencing of the true self and the universe.
- By Qingshan Liu
According to the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, anger damages the liver, too much joy and laughter damage the heart, too much thinking and reflection affect the spleen and stomach, too much sadness and weeping affect the lungs, and anxiety damages the kidneys. This theory corresponds to a psychosomatic explanation of the change in organs, and the origin of disease.
- By Alexis Brink
Though the Art of Jin Shin bears some similarities to acupuncture, the practice achieves its transformative results without needles, using only a gentle touch—a methodology that translates very nicely to self-care. All you need in order to get started are your fingers and hands, and a little bit of time and patience.
Americans love to learn all they can about their health problems, incessantly reading about each and every disease on the internet, looking for anything that can alleviate their symptoms. The problem is that people are searching for advice in a country with no genuine tradition of holistic healing.
- By Alan Cohen
As we finished lunch at a spiritual retreat center, one of the participants stood behind me and massaged my neck and shoulders. Suddenly I was jarred by a deep voice booming, No healing allowed here! To my surprise, the retreat center security guard was standing behind us...
In ancient Greece, there were temples with rooms to which sick people could retreat. This was a time of quiet introspection, based on the understanding that illness is a sacred space where inner work can be done, so that healing may come from the core of our being.
As you continue to journey on a clear path to healing, it is very common for different feelings and emotions to arise. Old guilt, anger, and doubt may enter your mind and heart from out of nowhere. Likewise, new fear, anxiety, and sadness may develop if you see no end to the path before you.
It is sometimes impossible to understand the path of your life, especially when it takes an unexpected turn toward illness, disease, trauma, or loss. You cast about for answers, build stories to explain your new life, and move forward as best you can.
Rooms can have a different atmosphere that cannot always be attributed to such things as decor, light, ceiling height, or even good or bad feng shui. Rooms also have an aroma that reflects all that is in, and goes on, there. Another factor is cleanliness. If a place does not feel conducive to good energy flow, it may simply need a good energy cleaning.
- By Carly Wood
One type of therapy that is starting to become more popular is “ecotherapy”; which advocates claim can improve mental and physical wellbeing.
Your Mind tells the body -- even down to the tiniest cell -- what to do. Thoughts held long and intensely enough are actualized in flesh! What thoughts, you wonder? Endless possibilities! but you would do well to ask Self what beliefs have been most creative in your own life...
Quite simply, you are more than just your physical being. You have a field of energy that surrounds you—your personal energy field. It is unique to you, just like a fingerprint or a snowflake pattern. Basic physiology teaches us that each cell in our body has a charge.