Broadly speaking, all sound and vibration affects us. Just like food, what we take in can bring us health or detract from our well-being. We consume sounds from the vibrational soup in which we exist every day from our moment of birth and even before birth in the womb.
"Doing" Ayurveda does not require conquering complicated Sanskrit terms, memorizing mantras, mastering body contortions, or struggling with religious beliefs. It requires nothing except that you commit your time and energy to your own supreme well-being. What's more, it asks that you do this in as relaxed...
If you answered yes to more than three questions, I would highly recommend that you follow the guidelines in this chapter to switch to a heart-friendly lifestyle.
When headaches strike, many people’s reaction is to reach for a painkiller. And these can do the job. But a better solution is often to probe the reasons behind the pain – especially if you get similar types of headaches a lot.
We came into this world with special "buttons" pre-installed. These "buttons" are specific spots on the surface of the body that can be used to regulate the flow of energy in the body and improve your state of health.
I believe that both Lyme disease and parasites are teaching us to love ourselves, claim our power, toughen up, and strengthen our boundaries on all levels. After one has worked with clearing on an energetic level, then we can proceed to the physical treatment...
- By Lisa Tahir
It is our human condition to experience wounding on the earthly plane of existence. It is our celestial condition to embody healing during our earthly tenure of existence.
- By Mantak Chia
Western science has discovered that when people are heavy thinkers, when they worry a lot, when their thoughts dwell on anger, jealousy, hatred, or other negative emotions, their brain activity can consume 80 percent of all their total body energy...
When I was growing up in Jamshedpur, India, we lived a life based on Ayurveda, an ancient system for understanding disease and health that considers food that is grown, cooked, and eaten with reverence as both nutrition and medicine.
While incense can be used to cleanse a place or fumigate a person, the range in effect varies from very mild to exceptionally strong. They can be very potent aids to maintaining spiritual purity and cleanliness in a home. Each odor appeals to a particular force...
Color can be a tremendous Ch'i enhancement when you love it, or cause a real depletion in energy if you don't. If a color bugs you, get rid of it. Removing offensive colors can make a positive change in the entire house -- and in your moods!
Health has always been a matter of great concern to me. In fact, from an early age I began to experience health problems, without having any exact notion of what had caused them. I said to myself: “Either it’s ‘in my head’, or else there must be some reason for what’s happening”. I decided to go with the second choice...
The creative journey of intuitive plant connections, combined with reiki, has become my path and continues to evolve as I come into alignment with my own true nature.
We are so conditioned to using our five physical senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell), that we expect intuition to be something equally tangible. It is not. Intuition, the "sixth sense," requires us to trust, not to know.
You can have a consultation with your GP, psychologist and other health providers via video or phone, rather than going in. Some but not all health care can safely be shifted online. But it can be difficult to know when it’s OK to skip the in-person visit. Here are some pointers to get you going.
Our intuition can magically show you what can be helpful in your healing. You must be open to listening to these messages from your body, mind, and soul. I healed from Lyme disease by listening to that deeper wisdom and creating my own protocol.
In many places in the world when a person is ill, a song is sung to heal. The notion of singing a person to wellness and health may sound strange. You may think it irresponsible of me, a trained physician, even to mention it. But I am speaking of the medicine ways of my tribe...
Placebos have been around for thousands of years and are the most widely studied treatments in the history of medicine.
If you have a history of allergies to food, pets, insects or other things, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that you proceed with vaccination, with an observation period.
When I calmed my mind enough to listen to God's Voice within me, I realized I hadn't done anything wrong. The cancer was part of the unfoldment of the part I had to play... Through prayer and meditation, it came to me that breast cancer was an opportunity for growth, just like any other challenge I'd confronted in my life.
- By Anton Stucki
The complex process of hearing is connected to symmetry and balance. Let us consider 2 special cases of hearing disorders.
- By Judith Poole
We cannot be truly healthy, have vitality and experience joy without being comfortable and at home in our bodies. As long as we are physical entities we might as well move all the way into our homes. The following fun exercises can help you get in touch with the earth and energize your body as well.
Dr. Jason McKnight, a primary care physician at Texas A&M University, answers five questions about the rollout and distribution underway.