Life, by its very nature is … alive! Because it is alive, it is not just responding in a set, mechanical way, but rather it is responsive to what is needed and helpful and useful. Cells might be considered as an archetypal template for life.
Life, by its very nature is … alive! Because it is alive, it is not just responding in a set, mechanical way, but rather it is responsive to what is needed and helpful and useful. Cells might be considered as an archetypal template for life.
The human body is an amazing thing, full of systems, organs, nerves, and vessels that work together in harmony. You’ve seen the body described as a machine, as a city, or even as a factory. But I view the body as a garden. I feel this analogy best encompasses not only how the body works but how we should care for it.
The human body is an amazing thing, full of systems, organs, nerves, and vessels that work together in harmony. You’ve seen the body described as a machine, as a city, or even as a factory. But I view the body as a garden. I feel this analogy best encompasses not only how the body works but how we should care for it.
- By Raven Cohan
Most of the time, many of us succumb to the thought that something "in our genes" is going to catch up with us. The next conclusion then, is that nothing can be done to prevent it. However, we have been given the conscious ability to choose from life's menu...
There exist several approaches to obtaining optimal health, all of them important, each of them acting in some way on all the aspects of our beings. I know that if a technique were valid for everyone, it would be the sole existing technique. But such is not the case...
There exist several approaches to obtaining optimal health, all of them important, each of them acting in some way on all the aspects of our beings. I know that if a technique were valid for everyone, it would be the sole existing technique. But such is not the case...
So many things happen in life that don't seem to be part of the plan. Whether it involves the end of a job, a relationship, a home, our health, a situation takes place, and we seem to have the rug swept out from under us. Yet, each challenge comes with a message, with a gift...
Joanna was a classic example of how easily and fast healing can occur when the physical body, emotional release, mental attitude and spiritual faith are in alignment and only need some support or clarification for sessions to be successful.
Joanna was a classic example of how easily and fast healing can occur when the physical body, emotional release, mental attitude and spiritual faith are in alignment and only need some support or clarification for sessions to be successful.
If we stay focused on the growth potential offered through the “initiation” of disease, it can transform from enemy to teacher. It reminds us to do what we love, it teaches us how to heal and how to embody, and it calls us to explore the places where we may be out of balance in ourselves.
If we stay focused on the growth potential offered through the “initiation” of disease, it can transform from enemy to teacher. It reminds us to do what we love, it teaches us how to heal and how to embody, and it calls us to explore the places where we may be out of balance in ourselves.
While our immune system and antibiotics both do a great job of helping us fight life-threatening infections, the emergence of antibiotic resistance is quickly making it more difficult to cure common infections that were once easily treated.
When our energy level is optimal, we become aroused and alerted to the world around us. Then, with a profound reciprocity, nature seems alerted to and connected to us. We experience energy as vigor and stamina...
Sacred space is a place where we honor the divine in its material form. The dimensions of a sacred space vary. It can occupy anything from the corner of a room to an altar, a Gothic cathedral, a mountain, the ocean, the planets, the solar system, the universe, or beyond.
Skin brushing is a highly effective technique for cleansing the lymphatic system. Topics covered in this article: Benefits of Skin Brushing; What type of skin brush is the best to use; How to Brush Your Skin...
- By Denise Linn
Have you ever walked into an empty room and immediately sensed that the atmosphere was laced with tension? You may have had no idea what occurred there prior to your arrival, yet you somehow knew that it was something unpleasant. By contrast...
People ask me if I'm a medicine man. Well, I'm not. Some of our Indian people were blessed with that power in the past. They're all gone now. Today our people know only a little medicine. We had great medicine men. I'll tell you about one I knew when I was a boy...
You may be familiar with the term Relaxation Response. This was coined by Dr. Herbert Benson, who wrote a book by the same title. All stress reduction techniques generate this response, marked by physical and mental features which contribute to good health.
Cell Level Meditation is a vehicle for finding our way “home.” We take the breath to our cells, offering them our deepest desire to be happy and healthy and strong. In some way, they hear us and respond. This meditative form is a gift that helps the mind and the body come into healing, which in turn, helps us be ourselves in fullness.
Cell Level Meditation is a vehicle for finding our way “home.” We take the breath to our cells, offering them our deepest desire to be happy and healthy and strong. In some way, they hear us and respond. This meditative form is a gift that helps the mind and the body come into healing, which in turn, helps us be ourselves in fullness.
Pioneers of all types are often met with disbelief, ridicule, harsh judgements, and lack of cooperation and support. If the establishment feels threatened by novel ideas and theories, this can have severe consequences for the pioneer and their work...
Pioneers of all types are often met with disbelief, ridicule, harsh judgements, and lack of cooperation and support. If the establishment feels threatened by novel ideas and theories, this can have severe consequences for the pioneer and their work...