Sometimes we choose crystals, but at other times it would appear that they choose us! The Universe sets things in motion that will ensure the “meeting”: of course, we still have the free will to accept the crystal’s invitation or not!
Historically, healing has been one of humankind’s higher functions, leaving its mark recorded throughout more than 10,000 years of human civilization. All of the major religions include healing as one of their expressions of spirituality...
If your family member has just been admitted to the ICU, you may be overwhelmed by the number of people coming and going. Just who are all these people — and who’s in charge?
"Fight or flight! That's the only way we cope with stress," said my professor years ago. This is our automatic alarm state that pushes our body to the max so we can do something very aggressive to win over a predator or perceived source of severe stress, or to hightail it away as quickly as possible.
"Fight or flight! That's the only way we cope with stress," said my professor years ago. This is our automatic alarm state that pushes our body to the max so we can do something very aggressive to win over a predator or perceived source of severe stress, or to hightail it away as quickly as possible.
Unfortunately many of us have become victims of instant gratification. We want to succeed and we want it now. We want to heal and we want it now. Whatever it is we want, we want it now.
Unfortunately many of us have become victims of instant gratification. We want to succeed and we want it now. We want to heal and we want it now. Whatever it is we want, we want it now.
Between the ages of 20 and 55, most adults gain a small amount each year, which could see some people become overweight or obese over time. This weight gain isn’t usually the result of overeating large amounts of food.
Between the ages of 20 and 55, most adults gain a small amount each year, which could see some people become overweight or obese over time. This weight gain isn’t usually the result of overeating large amounts of food.
Looking at life in this modern world today, there’s no question that a lot of people are dealing with many challenges, both physically and emotionally.
Looking at life in this modern world today, there’s no question that a lot of people are dealing with many challenges, both physically and emotionally.
Cultivating neutrality is how I describe the process of acquiring equanimity. What I mean by this is a state where you are neither happy nor sad, neither elevated nor depressed, but simply neutral.
Cultivating neutrality is how I describe the process of acquiring equanimity. What I mean by this is a state where you are neither happy nor sad, neither elevated nor depressed, but simply neutral.
Dance and movement therapy not only holds promise for treatment of trauma, anxiety and depression but can also contribute lifelong coping skills
Dance and movement therapy not only holds promise for treatment of trauma, anxiety and depression but can also contribute lifelong coping skills
- By Athena Bahri
You are a remarkable being of energy, individual and unique in your own right. You have both the power and ability to create your happiness no matter what challenges you face in life.
- By Athena Bahri
You are a remarkable being of energy, individual and unique in your own right. You have both the power and ability to create your happiness no matter what challenges you face in life.
Many of us were raised on Fairy Tales...where Prince Charming rushed in to the rescue, the fairy Godmother waved her magic wand and made everything better... Having grown up with these 'role models' is it any surprise that we expect life to be the same?
Our body is like an orchestra in which the organs play the symphony of life with the greatest virtuosity. If we listen closely, we will experience that what is important is happening in between the musicians, instruments, and sounds.
Our body is like an orchestra in which the organs play the symphony of life with the greatest virtuosity. If we listen closely, we will experience that what is important is happening in between the musicians, instruments, and sounds.
Since we are part of nature, like the plants and the animal kingdom, we have the capacity for learning the subtle whispers of nature and communicating with the natural world that surrounds us. We each have the innate ability to perceive the language of nature...
- By Nicki Scully
Movement is energy. Emotion is energy. And we all know when we are lacking in energy, for without it we cannot function. The power of our healing work comes from this understanding of energy: we can effect form intentionally...
A single inhalation session with 25% nitrous oxide gas can rapidly relieve symptoms of treatment-resistant depression, according to new research.