It’s time to clear the aura. Sweeping and clearing remove congested and diseased energy and cleanse, strengthen, and greatly facilitate the healing process. Many simple illnesses can be healed just by sweeping and clearing the aura.
Healing has always been a great mystery, especially when a cure works for one person but perhaps not for another. Part of the success or failure of any healing modality is how the recipient perceives and accepts the healing. Let’s face it. Some of us...
Most of us experience a level of social anxiety at some point in our lives. We worry about what people think of us, about being excluded, about being judged or humiliated.
Nathan Copeland, a 28-year-old man who couldn’t feel or move his lower arms and legs after a car accident, has regained the sensation of touch through a robotic arm that he controls with his brain.
A strong mind can cope with a weak body, while even a strong body is no use if you have a weak mind. Remember that your aura is simply an extension of you. When strong, it acts as a protective shield. When fragile or damaged, it can leave you drained, unwell, and feeling disconnected from yourself.
Psychoanalysis or psychoanalytic psychotherapy is a way of treating longstanding psychological problems that is based on the belief behaviours have underlying drivers which may be unrecognised and unconscious.
A report published in May from researchers at Johns Hopkins claims that medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S., behind only heart disease and cancer.
- By Nora Caron
Ever since I was a child, I chased the sun. I was ecstatic in the summer and miserable in the winter. My parents would have to chase after me to wear a hat and long sleeves because I wouldn’t think about sunburns or skin cancer at all, all I could think about was JOY.
In this modern age, we tend to run from the sun due to what I believe to be understandable but overblown concerns about skin cancer. Since the time of the Greeks, heliotherapy (sun therapy) has been a valuable way to heal the body and balance the mind.
- By Nora Caron
A few years ago, I gave conferences in Montreal regarding the healing properties of natural spring water. I was fascinated by the reports of people drinking natural spring water and stating that many of their illnesses vanished or greatly improved just by drinking such water.
A new TV show would have us believe a powerful hypnotist can make us do whatever he says while we are powerless to resist or even realise. Channel Nine’s new game show You’re Back in the Room debuted to high ratings on Sunday night.
With all the noise of society—busy highways, bustling cities, mass media, and television sets blaring everywhere—our minds can’t help but be highly agitated and polluted. I now avoid all this as much as humanly possible, especially the television. It’s now hard to believe that I was a reporter on television for more than two decades.
The words “stem cell research and therapy” evoke a number of responses. In emotionally vulnerable patients, a sense of hope. In scientists, a great deal of excitement about future prospects.
A healthy routine of ample, complete breathing replete with prana, which nourishes every cell, can revitalize your life. The yogis of India believe that proper breathing can annihilate all disease from this planet. In addition, the power of prana in breath can increase mental capacity, happiness, self-confidence...
Just as a disease can announce itself suddenly, healing can also arrive in an instant. A sudden illness is called unfortunate, while a sudden healing is called a miracle. However, both take part in the same essence: they are forms of the language of the subconscious.
I can’t promise perfect health any more than I could promise a life without problems. That’s not what life seems to be about. Instead, I am offering you another way to look at your health, and your life, that takes you out of helpless victim mode and reminds you that you are in charge.
I began experimenting with the tuning forks with a few of my massage therapy clients. I found that if a client was complaining of pain in a particular area, the fork would produce either a loud, sharp tone or a tone full of static and “noise.” After holding the fork over the area, I found that after a few moments the tone would become clear...
In my practice as a speech language pathologist and music therapist, I’m able to use music to serve a variety of patients with an array of needs. Children with autism tend to be more attentive to musical sounds than speech sounds. For cancer patients, I’ll use songs of hope and resilience. I’ve helped patients preparing for surgery...
You can trade massages with a friendly co-worker! Massage in the workplace is no longer reserved for just the wealthy, the weird, or the weary. In fact, individuals and corporations alike are finding it to be a practical and joyful way of increasing employee satisfaction and productivity.
A strong, centered aura can bring many magical experiences into your life. By following these simple ten steps to good auric health, you can significantly improve your chances of attracting what you really love to your life! The first five steps are part of a daily auric energy practice, and the last five are an ongoing, long-term energy practice.
A very powerful exercise to help you clear any accumulation of psychic stress and energetic pollution contained within your aura. This will help you to quickly regain balance and harmony in your vibration, restore your aura power, and increase your physical energy levels.
Rose summed up the heart of the day’s lesson: “The bad news is the body remembers and will hold something as true, even when the conscious mind does not. The good news is that you can create new memories for the body, new truths.”
The prevailing industrial age view of the human body as a machine whose parts occasionally break down, requiring repair only to that part without regard to the whole human being and the sources of the problem, is a health model that will increasingly be replaced by a more unified theory of what a human being truly is.