Image by Arek Socha
Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
Things are not always as they appear. What may look "normal" or acceptable may be far from that. What looks simple, may actually be complicated... and vice versa. This week we look at various ways to see things, and how to find the way that is the most harmonious for us as individuals seeking inner peace and happiness...
Please scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
Some of the featured articles are also in audio and video formats.
Go to each article for the links.
Unpacking the Man Box: How to Face Your “Stuff”
Ray Arata, author of the book: Showing Up
All it takes is turning on the news, reading the newspaper, or talking to people these days to be reminded that men’s behavior is getting a lot of attention. The #times up, #metoo and Black Lives Matter movements provided the requisite spark to raise awareness about toxic, masculine behavior.
Unpacking the Man Box: How to Face Your “Stuff” (Video)
Everybody Hurts Sometimes
Joyce Vissell, co-author of the book: Heartfullness
Do you ever find yourself looking at certain people and thinking to yourself, "Surely that person's life is totally incredible and they are not hurting like I am." This is something most people do; they look at others, compare themselves to them, and conclude that the other person's life is better.
Everybody Hurts Sometimes (Video)
The Subconscious Mind Is Your Creative Co-Conspirator
Evelyn C. Rysdyk, author of the book: Shamanic Creativity
The subconscious can be creative when you are sleeping. You can program your subconscious before you go to sleep, asking it to provide creative solutions through dreams.
The Subconscious Mind Is Your Creative Co-Conspirator (Video)
How To Live In Perfect Harmony
Marie T. Russell,
The word harmony has various meanings. It is used in music, in relationships, referring to inner peace, and as well as "working well together". In all of these definitions, the commonality is a blending of energies so that the whole is more pleasing than the part.
How To Live In Perfect Harmony (Video)
Choosing Your Crystal Friends
Kathryn Hudson, author of the book: Discover Your Crystal Family
Sometimes we choose crystals, but at other times it would appear that they choose us! The Universe sets things in motion that will ensure the “meeting”: of course, we still have the free will to accept the crystal’s invitation or not!
The Inner Lives of Plants May Surprise You
Sven Batke, Edge Hill University
To survive on land, plants had to protect themselves from UV radiation and develop spores and later seeds which allowed them to disperse more widely. These innovations helped plants become one of the most influential lifeforms on Earth.
These 3 Things Make People Want To Return to their Home Town
Rachel Cramer, Iowa State
People who return to their hometowns tend to be better positioned to create change and spur development because they already have connections and a better understanding of the community context. I think there's power in returning to a place where people know you...
‘Don’t Look Up’ Illustrates 5 Myths That Fuel Rejection of Science
Gale Sinatra, University of Southern California and Barbara K. Hofer, Middlebury
Every disaster movie seems to open with a scientist being ignored. “Don’t Look Up” is no exception – in fact, people ignoring or flat out denying scientific evidence is the point.
When Meeting New People: Why Cut The Small Talk and Dig A Little Deeper
Amit Kumar, University of Texas at Austin, et al.
Even before fears of a virus compelled most people to stay physically distant, our research suggests that people were already keeping too much social distance from one another.
These Are The Most Likely Ways To Catch Covid
Trish Greenhalgh, University of Oxford et al
Two years into the pandemic, most of us are fed up. COVID case rates are higher than they’ve ever been and hospitalisation rates are once again rising rapidly in many countries.
Never Learned To Swim? Here’s How To Get Started
Chris Zehntner, Southern Cross University
Swimming is one of the most popular physical activities, but a large number of people are poor swimmers or cannot swim at all.
Conservatives On The US Supreme Court Just Undermined People's Health
Debbie Kaminer, Baruch College, CUNY
The U.S. Supreme Court on Jan. 13, 2022, blocked the Biden administration’s vaccine-or-test mandate, which applied to virtually all private companies with 100 of more employees.
How Corporatism Is Destroying Americans' Right To Vote
Brett Wilkins, Common Dreams
We're old enough to remember a whole month ago when both Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin voted to make an exception to the filibuster for the debt ceiling, Public Citizen sardonically noted.
16 Colleges Accused of Price Fixing Against Low-income Students
Robert Massa, University of Southern California
Sixteen universities – including six in the Ivy League – are accused in a lawsuit of having engaged in price fixing and unfairly limiting financial aid by using a shared methodology to calculate the financial need of applicants.
American Healthcare vs The World
Robert Jennings,
Millions of Americans have no health insurance and even if they do they live in fear that one illness could bankrupt them.
Cast Normal to the Gutter: North Node in Taurus
Sarah Varcas, Astro-Awakenings
The Taurus North Node affirms it is time to lay the physical foundations of the new world as the old one crumbles to dust. It is time to act. To walk your talk or lose your way!
Cast Normal to the Gutter: North Node in Taurus (Video)
Horoscope: Week of January 17 - 23, 2022
Pam Younghans, NorthPoint Astrology
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
Horoscope: Week of January 17 - 23, 2022 (Video)
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