man pausing to look at his reflection in three  separate mirrors
Image by Gerd Altmann

Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

This week our theme is "pause"... The next two weeks, out of the whole year, may be when pausing is at its most difficult, and also at its most needed. Even this week's astrological insights, when discussing the December 21st solstice, are confirming the need for pausing:

"It is a time to cease action momentarily, to surrender to the stillness that resides within, to understand the cyclical nature of our earthly existence, and to reinforce our trust that all is in divine order." (from this week's Astrological Journal. See further below for the link.)

So remember to take some deep breaths, to stop and focus within, to think before you leap or speak, and to attain and retain inner peace amidst the times when you are not able to pause. Pausing is a healing and nurturing mechanism. Try it... you may like it! :-)

Please scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week. 

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"


Most featured articles are also in audio and video format.
Go to each article for the links.


How One Short Pause Holds The Potential for Profound Change

 Carl Greer PhD, PsyD
woman sitting at a table
Sometimes, one short pause holds potential for a big transformation. By not instantly reacting to a situation and instead, taking your time to be fully present with your feelings, you free yourself to shift perspective. That shift might be a profound one.

How One Short Pause Holds The Potential for Profound Change (Video)

How to Access Higher Wisdom and Inner Truth

 Marie T. Russell,
woman holding fireflies
While some people believe that only "special people" are psychic, we all have psychic capabilities and we all can access higher wisdom. It is like anything else...

innerself subscribe graphic

How to Access Higher Wisdom and Inner Truth (Video)

Love First: Broadcasting Love Into the World

 Will T. Wilkinson
male figure with hands upraised with light pouring forth and radiant heart on chest
George P. Shears was a retired American chiropractor who became something of a minor wellness celebrity in the 70’s with his invention of Love Casting. George could heal people in one-on-one real time sessions...

Love First: Broadcasting Love Into the World (Video)

How to (Re)Build Self Confidence

 Lara Sabanosh
a portion of a woman's face
As with nearly all trauma, there is a measure of healing to be gained in the sharing of my story — healing for myself, my daughters, and hopefully others who live in the shadow of domestic violence. Here is some insight into how I was finally able to rebuild my sense of self.

How to (Re)Build Self Confidence (Video)

How To Combat Dry Eyes Caused by Face Masks, Digital Screens and Winter

 William Ngo, University of Waterloo
woman's face, shaded blue, looking sad
Whether you’re sitting at home or in the office, you’re likely reading this on a digital device, and your eyes may be hot, scratchy, tired and dry.

Why People May Be Reluctant To Start A New Relationship Now

 Martin Graff, University of South Wales
woman sitting alone on a bench facing the water and a city skyline
Humans are social beings and need to facilitate and maintain intimate relationships with others, including to produce offspring.

How Christmas Can Be Harmful To Your Pets

 Jacqueline Boyd, Nottingham Trent University
a sad looking dog wearing a reindeer antler hat
Christmas is a wonderful time to relax with family and friends, both two and four legged. But it can be a scary and dangerous time for pets.

Look Tasty? Beware: Synthetic Dyes Can Kill You

 Lorne J. Hofseth, University of South Carolina
sugar cookies coated with brightly colored icing dyes
Early-onset colorectal cancer incidence among the young, defined as those under age 50, has been rising globally since the early 1990s.

Why The Fruitcake Is One Of The Oldest Kept Foods

 Jeffrey Miller, Colorado State Universityfruitcake is oldest kept food
Nothing says Christmas quite like a fruitcake – or, at the very least, a fruitcake joke.

Why Biden's "Build Back Better Plan" Won’t Make Inflation Worse

 Michael Klein, Tufts University
drop in the bucket
The question, then, is: Could an additional large spending increase cause inflation to accelerate further?

Why Plastic Needs To Be Used Very Sparingly

 ETH Zurich
plastic bottles lined up on a counter
Plastics are useful, cheap, and extremely popular. Global demand for them has quadrupled in the last forty years and is expected to continue to rise, with negative consequences for the environment and human health.

How Junk Food and The Brain May Contribute To Angry Rhetoric

 Bonnie Kaplan, University of Calgary and Julia J Rucklidge, University of Canterbury
a plate of mostly deep-fried foods
What’s going on? This escalation in angry rhetoric is sometimes attributed to social media. But are there other influences altering communication styles?

Why 8 Hours Of Sleep May Not Be Quite Right

 Greg Elder, Northumbria University, Newcastle
12 14 why 8 hours of sleep may not be quite right
A good night’s sleep is important for many reasons. It helps our body repair itself and function as it should, and is linked to better mental health and lower risk of many health conditions – including heart disease and diabetes.

America Is More Liberal Than Its Politics Would Make You Think

 James Devitt, New York University
 crowd of people marching with climate change signs and more
Consistently liberal results are surprising given conservatives' many wins in elections, legislation, and policy during this time...

Horoscope: Week of December 20 - 26, 2021

 Pam Younghans
Horoscope: Week of December 20 - 26, 2021
We now enter yet another pivotal week in this last month of 2021, another steep section in our final ascent of this transformational year. The main events on this week's calendar are the solstice on Tuesday (when the Sun enters Capricorn), the third Saturn-Uranus square on Thursday, and the second Venus-Pluto alignment on Saturday...


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