Image by Mark Frost
Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
This week we reflect on courage... Courage is not just about the physical mastery of a fear... like running into a burning building to rescue someone. Courage also has to do with personal transformation... having the courage to change, to take a new step in either behavior, attitude, as well as action. Also the courage to change a job, relationship, city, etc. Courage is a daily trait that we all have access to, whether we are facing internal dragons or external ones.
We start our journey into courage by looking at "One Survivor’s Strategies for Saying “No” to an Eating Disorder". It takes courage to fight one's demons and addictions. And it is an ongoing process, a continuous choice of living with integrity toward oneself, with the courage to hold on to a vision or a goal no matter the difficulty or temptation presented by our surroundings, or our own self.
One Survivor’s Strategies for Saying “No!” to an Eating Disorder
Faith Elicia, author of the book: Do You See What I See?
Saying no to ED should be a no-brainer — maybe to somebody not suffering from an eating disorder. My recovery journey has demonstrated that it’s a daily struggle, something I must fight one day at a time. It’s easy to forget that ED will bring me to my death if I don’t remain conscious of its presence.
Addiction is a powerful foe and we may need assistance from other sources to help us maintain the courage to defeat this internal enemy. In the 1950s, 5 hospitals in Saskatchewan, Canada, had the courage and innovation to use LSD in rapport to alcoholism (as well as other ailments). The program was subsequently shut down -- not due to failure, on the contrary,
Thomas Hatsis shares some of the history of that "LSD and alcoholism" experiment, and its potential for today's society. Perhaps we need to look at illness differently, and have the courage to step away from mainstream solutions and be open to other solutions.
Can LSD Cure the 'Spiritual Disease' of Alcoholism?
Thomas Hatsis, Author of the book: LSD The Wonder Child
Beginning in the late 1950s, five hospitals (in the province of Saskatchewan in Canada) offered a new kind of psychedelic therapy: treating alcoholism with LSD.
Fear is unfortunately a mainstay of our daily life... it seems that it is ever-present... from terrorism (whether homegrown or international), to biological-warfare-type of diseases, to fear of dying, fear of giving birth, fear of illness, pain, loneliness, etc. etc. Bailey Gaddis shares tips for pregnant women to release fear, and her advice can be applicable for all of us in other fearful situations.
Essential Tips for the Journey: Release Fear and Take Care of Yourself
Bailey Gaddis, author of the book: Asking for a Pregnant Friend
Suppressing fear-induced emotions infuses life into them, often causing a manifestation of depression or unpleasant physical symptoms. Here is a plan to liberate the emotions surrounding your fears so they can have their moment and then go bother someone else.
One of our greatest fears may be to risk becoming "more"... to step out of our "same-old same-old" comfort zone, and try something new... a new career, a move to a new location, a new relationship, a new project, doing something you've wanted to do for years but have been afraid to try. Peter
Ruppert presents several tools to step out of our comfort zone and create a better life, and a better world.
How To Develop Courage and Move Out of Your Comfort Zone
Peter Ruppert, author of the book: Limitless
Courage is not about being fearless in the face of a scary situation. It is the willingness to move forward or take action— despite your fear.
William Yang introduces some breathing meditations to access our divine self -- our inner bodhisattva or enlightened one. This too takes courage. To step beyond the "little me" and claim the full power of being on the path of Buddhahood or Christhood or enlightenment.
It takes courage to step beyond all our limitations, whether mental or physical, and access our full divinity. This may be the most courage we need at this point in time. The courage to leave behind the old patterns and addictions -- especially the addictions to consumerism, competition, fear, and "following the crowd". Only by empowering ourselves and "Being A Light unto this World" can we heal ourselves and the world.
Being A Light unto this World: Healing the World by Being Present
William Yang, author of the book: Yoga of Courage & Compassion
A bodhisattva brings healing into this world not out of fear of sickness and death, but out of bringing people back to their true nature, their original pureness: the inner light of their own soul, heart, and mind.
Sarah Varcas speaks of the courage to be true to our self and to our vision of a better future. She writes:
"To be alive during the shift of the ages is deemed a great blessing although it can, at times, feel like an enormous curse!! ... And as we realise our ingenuity in the face of threat and our resilience in the face of fear, we blossom into a future that may be hard to envisage right now. But it is waiting for us, calling us, showing us the way. "
This is the ultimate courage... to be true to our highest vision of our self and of our world. It is easy to fall in with the fear and negativity and helplessness and hopelessness. It takes courage to keep a higher vision and a higher truth.
As we surround ourselves with people, tools, information, and insights that support our forward progress, we summon the courage to aim to the life we know is meant to be... not the life we have resigned ourselves to.
Fear Unceasing or Life Abundant? Blue Moon Cycle in Aquarius
Sarah Varcas, Intuitive Astrologer
The period beginning with this first full moon (24 July 2021) and ending with the blue moon (22 August 2021) offers everyone an opportunity for a mental ‘spring-clean’, clearing the mind of unnecessary mental clutter that prevents clear-seeing and wise discernment.
In this week's astrological journal Pam Younghans shares this insight:
"Deep emotions have been stirred up recently... These shadow emotions – perhaps anger, fear, confusion, worry, guilt, frustration, helplessness, or hopelessness – have arisen so that we will acknowledge, feel, allow, and accept them. As we let go of our resistance to feeling these emotions, and let go of the need to blame or label them as "good" or "bad," they are transmuted and released.
Our emotions can be frightening at times as we may be fearful of being overpowered by them, and of losing control. However, here again, courage is needed to face those emotions and the gifts they bring. Our emotions come with a message... some have been held back and repressed and releasing them will bring healing and provide clarity as to how to proceed forward.
Horoscope Week: July 26 - August 1, 2021
Pam Younghans, North Point Astrology
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
We are surrounded by challenges and gifts... sometimes they are one and the same. And, yes it takes courage to look our challenges in the eye and find the message and healing they offer. That process can be scary as we may not have any experience in traversing these challenges while conscious of our role in the past, and our role in shaping our future.
But the wonderful news is that we all have our own inner source of guidance which provides insights and thus armed, we can go out into the world around us with the courage to be true to our own self and to the better future we envision.
Please scroll down for the additional new articles that were added to the website during the week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, loving and courageous week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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An Omega-3 Supplement, DHA, May Reverse Effects of Stress In The Womb
Eric Maze, University of Missouri
We believe differences in metabolic requirements for male and female embryos as early as the first trimester, combined with dynamic differences in the way the male and female placenta reacts to environmental factors...
Daily Inspiration: July 25, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
Sometimes it just takes a change of attitude to make your current job more fulfilling. Listen to your heart.
How To Develop Courage and Move Out of Your Comfort Zone (Video)
Peter Ruppert, author of the book: Limitless
Courage is not about being fearless in the face of a scary situation. It is the willingness to move forward or take action— despite your fear.
Here's how to test your creativity potential
Frederique Mazerolle, McGill University
A simple exercise of naming unrelated words and then measuring the semantic distance between them could serve as an objective measure of creativity, according to a new study.
Empathy Starts Early: 5 Australian Picture Books That Celebrate Diversity
Ping Tian, University of Sydney and Helen Caple, UNSW
Early exposure to diverse story characters, including in ethnicity, gender and ability, helps young people develop a strong sense of identity and belonging. It is also crucial in cultivating compassion towards others.
Daily Inspiration: July 24, 2021
Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf
Eastern wisdom traditions teach that because our thoughts, feelings, and desires are constantly changing, we will never achieve enduring happiness or peace of mind through objects, relationships, or anything outside ourselves.
Can LSD Cure the 'Spiritual Disease' of Alcoholism? (Video)
Thomas Hatsis, Author of the book: LSD The Wonder Child
Beginning in the late 1950s, five hospitals (in the province of Saskatchewan in Canada) offered a new kind of psychedelic therapy: treating alcoholism with LSD.
What’s going on inside the veins of trees dying of thirst in a drought?
Daniel Johnson, Assistant Professor of Tree Physiology and Forest Ecology
Like humans, trees need water to survive on hot, dry days, and they can survive for only short times under extreme heat and dry conditions.
Can dentures help prevent dementia?
Rachel Harrison-NYU
Tooth loss is a risk factor for cognitive impairment and dementia—and with each tooth lost, the risk of cognitive decline grows, according to a new analysis.
Daily Inspiration: July 23, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
Occasional temporary feelings of sadness are a natural part of life. However if you frequently feel this way, or if the feelings are excessive, you may be suffering from depression.
Being A Light unto this World: Healing the World by Being Present (Video)
William Yang, author of the book: Yoga of Courage & Compassion
A bodhisattva brings healing into this world not out of fear of sickness and death, but out of bringing people back to their true nature, their original pureness: the inner light of their own soul, heart, and mind.
Your bed probably isn’t as clean as you think
Manal Mohammed, Lecturer, Medical Microbiology, University of Westminster
There’s nothing quite like crawling into bed, wrapping up in your blankets, and nestling your head into your pillow.
Mindfulness meditation can make some more selfish and less generous
Michael J. Poulin, Associate Professor of Psychology
A cultural tradition that has changed across time and place is the practice of mindfulness. Mindfulness is a nonjudgmental expansive awareness of one’s experiences, often cultivated through meditation. A range of studies have found mindfulness to be beneficial for the people who practice it in a number of ways.
Daily Inspiration: July 22, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
We've been told to "be in the present" and to "live in the now". But actually, we are always living in the present, there is no other option really.
Fear Unceasing or Life Abundant? Blue Moon Cycle in Aquarius (Video)
Sarah Varcas, Intuitive Astrologer
The period beginning with this first full moon (24 July 2021) and ending with the blue moon (22 August 2021) offers everyone an opportunity for a mental ‘spring-clean’, clearing the mind of unnecessary mental clutter that prevents clear-seeing and wise discernment.
What do police actions do to community health?
Jake Ellison-U. Washington
A new conceptual model depicts the complex relationship between policing and population health.
One Survivor’s Strategies for Saying “No!” to an Eating Disorder (Video)
Faith Elicia, author of the book: Do You See What I See?
Saying no to ED should be a no-brainer — maybe to somebody not suffering from an eating disorder. My recovery journey has demonstrated that it’s a daily struggle, something I must fight one day at a time. It’s easy to forget that ED will bring me to my death if I don’t remain conscious of its presence.
DIY tracker counts burned calories better than a smartwatch
Taylor Kubota, Stanford University
A system made with two inexpensive sensors is more accurate than smartwatches for tracking calories burned during activity, researchers report...
Daily Inspiration: July 21, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
Our society needs to recognize the beneficial effects touch has on the nervous system with the same readiness as it today pops tranquilizers and sleeping pills.
When did humans start experimenting with alcohol and drugs?
Nicholas R. Longrich, Senior Lecturer in Evolutionary Biology and Paleontology, University of Bath
Humans constantly alter the world. We fire fields, turn forests into farms, and breed plants and animals. But humans don’t just reshape our external world – we engineer our internal worlds, and reshape our minds.
Team finds footprint of coronavirus outbreak from 20K years ago
Daniel Stolte, University of Arizona
A coronavirus epidemic broke out in the East Asia region more than 20,000 years ago, researchers report.
Daily Inspiration: July 20, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
The person who is not a victim may have lost battles in the past, but realizes that life is a step-by-step process. Though he or she may not have liked the experience of losing, this individual has learned what could be learned from it.
3 tips for preventing heat stroke
Gabriel Neal, Clinical Associate Professor of Family Medicine
As a primary care physician who often treats patients with heat-related illnesses, I know all too well how heat waves create spikes in hospitalizations and deaths related to “severe nonexertional hyperthermia,” or what most people call “heat stroke.”
Teens with secure family relationships pay it forward with empathy for friends
Jessica Stern, Postdoctoral Research Fellow of Psychology, University of Virginia
Teens with more secure family relationships get a head start on developing empathy, according to my colleagues’ and my new study tracking adolescents into adulthood.
This new pesticide-free clothing prevents 100% of mosquito bites
Laura Oleniacz, NC State
New insecticide-free, mosquito-resistant clothing is made from materials researchers have confirmed to be bite-proof in experiments with live mosquitoes.
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