Image by Edict William
Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
Throughout our lives, we may have felt powerless -- as children, our parents and teachers were the authority in our lives. As young adults, our employers and often "the Joneses" were the ones who "decided" what we would do. However, all of that was an illusion. We've always had the power to make our own choices, but we were often not aware of that choice and that power.
This week we look at how we can evolve and build the better life we can envision by waking up from our dream (or nightmare) and realizing it's time to regain our power through our heart and vision of a better future for ourselves and for the generations to come. The ball is in our court. We are the ones who must fix the broken world we are living in. We must be willing to admit there is a problem, and then do what it takes to make amends, and take charge of the next step, and the next, and the next.
We are not powerless. We have immense potential and power, and in order to attain that dream of a better world, we must get up, stand up, and do what our heart tells us is the next right thing to do -- and keep on doing that every day and every moment. And when we fall, we reflect on what has happened and why, and we get up and take the next step towards the better future we envision.
It's up to us to make it happen -- each and every one of us is a power in our own life, in our own reality. Our time has come to wake up and be who we are meant to be - the creators and co-creators of our present and the future of our children and our children's children.
Scroll down for the new articles that were added to the website this week.
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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
Some of the featured articles are also in audio and video format.
Go to each article for the links.
Evolve You, Evolve The Planet
Mara Branscombe
As humans, we feel joy when we relate to others with love. We receive life-force energy when we spend time in nature’s beauty.
Build the Life You Want to Live In
Allison Carmen
Regardless of the landscape around us, we must find a wholeness from within to have the strength, resilience, insight, and innovation to create new structures that support our evolution.
Waking from a Dream of Covid-19
Paul Levy
Freud called dreams “the royal road” to the unconscious. When we get out of balance, off-center, or one-sided, the unconscious sends us dreams to help us reconnect with the part of ourselves we’ve lost touch with.
It's Time To Step Into Our Heart and Come Home
Natureza Gabriel Kram
A Native American Elder once said to me: The farthest distance in the world is the eighteen inches from the human head to the human heart.
Visualizing A New Economy and a New Way of Living
Eileen Workman
A new economic model would need to be win/win, far different from the win/lose paradigm under which we’ve been operating.
How Community Organizing Helps People Build Something Better In Challenging Times
Stephanie Malin and Meghan Elizabeth Kallman
In a time of unprecedented division, rising inequality and intensifying climate change, it’s easy to feel that progress is impossible.
Why Are Some People Mosquito Magnets and Others Unbothered?
Jonathan Day
Mosquitoes need to feed on blood in order to reproduce. But how do they choose whom to feed on?
Why Purpose and Gratitude Boost Academic Engagement
Mariya Yukhymenko
When it comes to academic success for college students, having a sense of purpose and gratitude makes a significant difference.
Meditation Has Potential To Treat Children Suffering From Traumas, Difficult Diagnoses or Stress
Hilary A. Marusak
Children actively meditating experience lower activity in parts of the brain involved in rumination, mind-wandering and depression, our team found in the first brain-imaging study of young people under 18 years old.
5 Virus Families That Can Cause A Pandemic
Allen Cheng et al
Viruses and their hosts across the five most concerning virus families could fuel the next pandemic. We asked leading experts about the diseases they can cause...
Why You Should Speak Up In Conversations with Strangers
Quinn Hirschi
In conversations with strangers, people tend to think they should speak less than half the time to be likable but more than half the time to be interesting, according to new research
How Heat Pumps Can Cut Your Energy Costs Up to 90%
Alan Pears
Heat pumps are becoming all the rage around a world that has to slash carbon emissions rapidly while cutting energy costs. In buildings, they replace space heating and water heating – and provide cooling as a bonus.
Why News Consumers Experience Crisis Fatigue
Rebecca Rozelle-Stone
Being attentive to realities like war is often painful, and people are not well-equipped to keep a sustained focus on ongoing or traumatic occurrences.
How To Spend Time Wisely
Boróka Bó
For many young people, retirement is a blip on the radar, if not a total unknown. This is particularly true during our cost of living crisis, when investing and contributing more to your pension might fall down the priority list behind paying rent.
4 Ways To Tell If Your Cat Loves You
Emily Blackwell
Even the most devoted cat owners wonder at some point whether their cat really loves them.
Here’s How To Do Raw Meat For Pets Safely
Veronika Bulochova and Ellen W. Evans
Feeding pets raw meat and fish is a growing trend, popularised by pet breeders, pet-health influencers and holistic veterinarians.
Why Western Diets Should Contain More Sea Vegetables
Rochelle Embling and Laura Wilkinson
Edible seaweeds and algae - or sea vegetables - are a group of aquatic plants that are found in the ocean. Kelp, dulse, wakame and sea grapes are all types of seaweeds that are used in seaweed-based dishes.
At The Brink
As of today we are going to drop our normal At The Brink series on InnerSelf as the topics are now being covered adequately in many other venues. For instance, we have been covering climate change rather extensively for nearly 20 years. We have published 3-4000 articles on the subject. We have also published many articles that would have qualified for At The Brink. As you know many of these topics are finally now being covered extensively in many outlets.
We are going to replace At The Brink with an original commentary each week until the 2022 election. While this may seem rather US centric, authoritarianism has been on the rise world-wide from Hong Kong to Hungary, Brazil, and yes, the United States. But these topics will be for every freedom-loving person regardless of country. We have 3 pivotal US elections: 2020 which we got right and we have 2022 and 2024 to go. Failure in both would be simply catastrophic not only for the US, but for the world.
There will be 8 normal weekly editions and one very special issue on the morning of November 8th, 2022, election day. We will be opening those commentaries for your comments, suggestions, criticisms and we will respond to each of you. Please join us each week so that each of us can make the difference we need on November 8th. See you next week. It will be your turn!
This Week's Astrological Overview
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: September 12 - 18, 2022
Pam Younghans
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: September 12 - 18, 2022 (Video)
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