woman holding up a globe of the planet
Image by Jeyaratnam Caniceus 

Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

There's a lot going on "out there" in the world, and how we deal with it has to do with what's going on "in here" in our mind and heart. We always have a choice as how to react, and our reaction is based either in fear (which includes judgment, resentment, blame, etc.) or our reaction can be based on love. Now some people may interpret love to mean that we say "everything's fine" and sit back on the couch and eat potato chips.

Yet responding with love has nothing to do with apathy or burying our head in the sand. Responding with love has to do with searching within for a solution that is proactive, constructive, and is for the highest good. As you probably know from personal experience, no one likes to be judged and blamed. That just raises our hackles and sets us in a fight or flight mode. Blame, shaming and criticism will close doors, ears, and hearts to what you have to say and what needs to be done.

To effect change in the world around us, we first must look around us as well as within ourselves, and acknowledge what we are feeling, what has been buried beneath layers of "good behavior", politeness, societal control, and inertia. I'm reminded of the scene from the movie "Network" (1976) with its resounding cry of "I'm mad as hell, and I won't take it anymore". (See movie clip here.)

Tthe problems he enumerates in his "news rant" are the same problems we are facing today, 45 years later: guns, murders, depression, air unfit to breathe, food unfit to eat, etc. Does that mean there is nothing that can be done? Or rather does it simply mean that we haven't yet set our heart and minds to making change happen.

So if we're mad as hell and don't want to take it anymore, what do we do? The solution is not more of the same. We don't solve a problem by adding to it. So the solution is not more guns, more violence, more pollution (mental as well as physical). The solution is to do something different. As this famous quote attributed to Einstein states: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." Together, we can seek to discover and create steps to reach solutions and effect change based on a loving perspective and goal.

We start with effecting change within ourselves by changing our attitudes and our mindsets back to one of unconditional love and connection to our innate wisdom. We let go of blame and judgment, and instead look for solutions. We must pay attention to our intuition and inner guidance as to what steps to take.

Look inside yourself for your strength, your courage, your love for humanity as well as for our lovely Planet Earth, and see how you can make a difference -- doing so from love not hatred. More hatred is definitely not needed. It may be a cliché but it's also very true: What the world needs now, is love, sweet love.

What the world needs now is love, sweet love.
It's the only thing that there's just too little of.
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No not just for some but for everyone.
                                 . -- Dionne Warwick (1966)

Interesting fact: The song was first recorded by Jackie DeShannon.

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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week. 

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"


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Valuable Habits and Mindsets to Re-invent Your Life

 Ronald Alexander, author of the book "Core Creativity"

a person sitting outside on the grass writing in a notebook

To create change in your life and to make a better mark on the world, you will need to cultivate a new mindset.

Paying Attention to "Red Flags"

 Joyce Vissell. co-author of "Heartfullness: 52 Ways to Open to More Love"

Red danger flag flapping in the wind

Red flags can be internal as well as external. They can come from a strong intuition that something is not right.

If You Are A Highly Sensitive Person...

 Bertold Keinar, author of the book "Empowering Practices for the Highly Sensitive"

image of a young woman

There are many Highly Sensitive People (HSP) nowadays, walking around on our planet. Sensitivity is a complex situation that needs a complex approach.

Astrological Overview and Horoscope: July 4-10, 2022

 Pam Younghans, NorthPoint Astrology

Crescent moon setting over Stonehenge

As the Moon gradually waxes this week. leading up to the Full Moon on July 13, Comet K2 (PanSTARRS) is also nearing its closest pass of the Earth, set to occur on July 14. Comets are...

Astrological Overview and Horoscope: July 4-10, 2022 (Video)

What To Consider When Exercising During Pregnancy

 Dan Gordon and Matthew Slater, Anglia Ruskin University

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While exercise is often said to be safe to do while pregnant, with so much information out there, it can be hard to figure out just how much exercise you should do – and if there are certain exercises to avoid.

Your Body's Internal Clock Dictates When You Eat, Sleep

 Shogo Sato, Texas A&M University

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Anyone who has suffered from jet lag or struggled after turning the clock forward or back an hour for daylight saving time knows all about what researchers call your biological clock, or circadian rhythm...

4 Ways To Stop Thinking The Worst Will Happen

 Patricia Riddell, University of Reading

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Catastrophising is a tendency to assume the worst will happen when imagining a future situation – even if you have evidence that this is not the most likely outcome.

5 Ways To Support Children’s Early Literacy Skills and Build Family Connections

 Kimberly Hillier, University of Windsor

early childhood parenting skills 6 30 

With the end of the school year here, parents, caregivers and educators may find themselves reflecting on another turbulent year in education.

Supreme Court Ushers In The Wild West That Never Actually Existed

Robert Jennings, InnerSelf.com

the west that never exsisted 4 28

The Supreme Court has just, by all appearances, intentionally turned America into an armed camp.

Climate Crisis: Why Even Temporarily Overshooting 2°C Would Cause Permanent Damage

 Joanne Bentley, University of Cape Town, et al

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Now most grapple with the reality of trying to slow down catastrophic warming, and the difference between solutions and false hope.

5 Drawbacks to Following Your Passion

 Erin A. Cech, University of Michigan

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As a sociologist who examines workforce culture and inequalities, I interviewed college students and professional workers to learn what it really meant to pursue their dreams, which I will refer to here as the passion principle.

How To Save On Your Cooling Costs

 University of Oregon

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Passive cooling strategies can reduce the load on air conditioning by as much as 80%, report researchers.

Here’s What You Should Know About The Creator Economy’s Dark Side

 Nina Willment, University of York

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A 2019 poll found that children would rather be YouTubers than astronauts. It made headlines and led to plenty of grumbling about “kids these days”.

How To Save On Your Food Bill and Still Eat Tasty, Nutritious Meals

 Clare Collins and Megan Whatnall, University of Newcastle

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Grocery prices have taken a hike upwards for a host of reasons, including the rising costs of petrol, fertiliser and labour.

Should You Get A Covid-19 Booster Shot Now Or Wait Until Fall?

 Prakash Nagarkatti and Mitzi Nagarkatti, University of South Carolina

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While COVID-19 vaccines continue to be highly effective at preventing hospitalization and death, it has become clear that the protection offered by the current vaccines wanes over time.


At The Brink

While, we at InnerSelf, strive to present an inspiring and positive view of life and events, at times, an approach is needed that is a bit more harsh when the truths are glaring and need to be addressed. That is what this section At The Brink does: shed light on issues that are urgent for humanity and the planet. 

Russia Tightens Control Over Russians’ Online Lives Threatening The Global Internet

 Stanislav Budnitsky, Indiana University

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Since the start of Russia’s war on Ukraine in late February 2022, Russian internet users have experienced what has been dubbed the descent of a “digital iron curtain.”

Supreme Court Raises Second Amendment Rights To New Heights

 Morgan Marietta, UMass Lowell

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With its decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol v. Bruen on June 23, 2022, the Supreme Court has announced that the Second Amendment is not a second-class right. 

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