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Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
This week we take a look at one of the building blocks of life... change. It is both a great tool and a great challenge. It can lead to empowerment and freedom. It can be our greatest friend. Our authors shed light on its various uses and purpose.
Please scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
Most featured articles are also in audio and video format.
Go to each article for the links.
From Rigidity to Change
Marie T. Russell,
In order for things, or people, to change they need to be flexible. A willow tree bends in the wind while the branches of a more solid tree like an oak can be broken by a strong wind. The river flows around obstacles that stand in its way.
From Rigidity to Change (Video)
How To Experience A Mystical State of Consciousness
Ora Nadrich
Whatever it is we seek pleasure from, relying on external things to give us the high or a feeling of euphoria, we run the risk of deluding ourselves that we’re in control when we’re not.
How To Experience A Mystical State of Consciousness (Video)
The 3 Things You Can Control in Life and How To Use Them
Paola Knecht
I have good news: There’s a way to recalibrate your focus and take control of your busy life. It all comes down to paying attention to the three things you do have control over.
The 3 Things You Can Control in Life and How To Use Them (Video)
Does Your Neighborhood Have Greater Diabetes Risk?
Sasha Walek
Living in a neighborhood with higher availability of fast-food outlets across all regions of the United States is associated with higher subsequent risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a new study shows.
Communicating with ICU Staff When Your Loved One Is a Patient
Lara Goitein, MD
If your family member has just been admitted to the ICU, you may be overwhelmed by the number of people coming and going. Just who are all these people — and who’s in charge?
Can Plants Can Treat Pain and Diarrhea?
UC Irvine
New research offers a molecular view of how plants with a long history of use by Native Americans worked to treat pain and diarrhea.
Why Some People Are Doomed To Be Unhappy
Jolanta Burke, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences
The rates of anxiety, depression and self-harm continue to soar worldwide. So are we doomed to be unhappy...
How To Reduce Brain Inflammation and Protect Yourself From The Disease
Áine Kelly, Trinity College Dublin
Though researchers have known about the protective effect of exercise for many years, exactly why it has this effect on the brain has remained a mystery.
What Foods Risk Heart Disease From Saturated Fats?
Marinka Steur and Nita Forouhi, University of Cambridge
One diet change commonly recommended by experts is to eat fewer saturated fats – and instead consume polyunsaturated fats...
How Uncertainty Clouds Our Rational Decisions
Barbara Jacquelyn Sahakian and Aleya Aziz Marzuki, University of Cambridge
Why we tend to struggle when faced with decisions that have uncertain outcomes...
How to Manage the Stress of a Polarized Situation
Fiona MacDonald, University of Northern British Columbia
Political polarization has been an increasing topic of concern for people in many areas of their lives, rearing its head in everything from family get-togethers to workplace relationships and election campaigns.
Which Is Better for Weight Loss? Grazing, Gorging or Skipping?
Adam Collins, University of Surrey
When it comes to diet and health, especially losing weight, most of the focus has been on what you eat and how much you’re eating. While eating fewer calories than you’re taking in is key to weight loss, another important factor is...
Horoscope: Week of December 6 - 12, 2021
Pam Younghans
Time is a blur in this last month of 2021. We are moving through yet another powerfully transformational stage in our "final ascent" journey. Each week of December provides yet another significant impulse of energy, each working in its own way to move us forward...
Horoscope: Week of December 6 - 12, 2021 (Video)
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