The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a bitter reminder that there is no end to the horrific suffering that humans are sometimes willing to inflict on others.
Firearms have surpassed motor vehicles as the leading cause of death among children and adolescents in the United States, according to a new analysis of federal data.
I don’t believe we ever “master” the art of learning to communicate effectively. But we do get more skilled at witnessing ourselves and making new choices. One note of caution: Speaking your truth does not mean you always say everything you are thinking.
A common view is that students learn maths best when teachers give clear explanations of mathematical concepts, usually in isolation from other concepts, and students are then given opportunities to practise what they have been shown.
Common issues include finding time to prepare food, making nutritious food appeal to kids, budgeting with the climbing price of fresh food after natural disasters, feeding picky eaters, buying sustainably, and reducing food waste.
Some 99% of children aged three to 17 used the internet in 2021. YouTube was the most popular platform, with 89% of children using it. Meanwhile, half of kids used TikTok, a popular site which allows users to watch and share short videos.
Life is full of aversions—things we don’t like and would prefer to avoid. There are foods and beverages that just taste bad. There are buildings—ugly, decrepit, or garish—that you’d prefer not to see or enter.
All of us like to be right. We all have egos, some of us stronger than others. Of course, sometimes we are clearly right, and it may be important to stand up for what we know to be true. But other times we are not right.
Teens are more likely to report psychosomatic symptoms, a combination of physical and psychological complaints, if they exceed two hours of screen time and these effects were similar regardless of physical activity levels.
There’s no doubt many of us avoid giving feedback. It can feel awkward to tell somebody they have something in their teeth, or elsewhere.
Few things are more challenging than trying to vaccinate a terrified and uncooperative child.
People who tend to stay up late and wake up late in the morning are different in many important ways from early risers, new research shows. “Night owls, both males and females, are more likely to be single or in short-term romantic relationships versus long-term relationships.
When you were born, a doctor or clinician assigned you the “male” or “female” label based on a look at your genitalia. In the U.S., this has been standard practice for more than a century.
For 99.9% of human history, the way we lived was all about connection. What our hunter-gatherer ancestors prioritized above all things was our connection to ourselves, one another, and the Living World.
For 99.9% of human history, the way we lived was all about connection. What our hunter-gatherer ancestors prioritized above all things was our connection to ourselves, one another, and the Living World.
We’re carrying and reacting to a pre-programed template that is not even ours. Life itself throws us enough curveballs daily keeping us busy until we die. The last thing we need is the complication of carrying the unresolved ancestral issues of the past...
Working parents have been balancing their work and their children’s intermittent bouts of virtual learning, along with the many other parenting challenges.
Mothering during the pandemic has been covered extensively — from issues of economic hardship, to untenable caregiving responsibilities, acute and ongoing strains on maternal mental health
When people set personal fitness goals and establish their physical exercise routines, there’s a group of cuddly individuals that is often left out – infants!
It's hard to make any real progress on the journey of self-discovery, self-realization, self-empowerment and healing without telling the truth. We have to tell the truth to get the energy moving. We have to tell the truth for change to happen in our lives.
While we have been focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine mandates and related protests for much of the past two years, a wave of financial fraud has spread rapidly across Canada and around the world.
If you are a parent, grandparent, teacher or educator, you may ask yourself: Should I talk to kids about these world events?
It’s fairly common to see many claims or arguments end with a curt “do your research”. In some ways, it’s a bold call to action.