Repeated storytelling is a key method for elders to communicate what they believe to be important to their children and loved ones.
- By Emily Farran
Do you struggle to visualise how to rotate your shoes so that they nest together in a shoe box? How are you with flat-packed furniture? Are you good at giving directions?These everyday activities require spatial thinking.
If you’re feeling lonely, you’re not alone. Loneliness is an increasingly common experience, and it can have severe consequences. People who feel lonely are at higher risk of serious health issues, including heart disease, immune deficiency and depression.
People’s first instinct when engaging with conspiracy believers is often to try and debunk their ideas with factual and authoritative information.
We are the ones who make the choices and convey the lessons—by word and deed, wittingly and unwittingly—that shape a young person’s ethics and values, point of view, and priorities.
Events like the riots in Brazil, the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection two years before it and the mass shooting at the Colorado LGBTQ nightclub each occurred after certain groups repeatedly directed dangerous rhetoric against others.
- By Emese Nagy
Music is the language of emotions, arousing and regulating our feelings. For example, research has shown that college students listen to music 37% of the time, and it fills them with happiness, elation or nostalgia during 64% of these sessions.
How is it possible to spend so much time with your parents and grandparents and not really know them?
All sibling relationships have their ups and downs, good times and bad. But in a family with abuse, addiction, and mental illness, the relationships are warped by a range of dysfunctional dynamics.
Having a true friend (or several) in your life is a true gift. Having someone who you can call and say, "I am not doing well. I need your love," is a huge blessing
Your psycho-spiritual-emotional health is the key to a successful legal divorce. Collaborative divorce is a divorce process that is fully legal and downright practical. It is practiced in every state in the United States and throughout the world.
Swearing was long assumed a sign of aggression, weak language proficiency or even low intelligence. We now have quite a lot of evidence that challenges this view, prompting us to reconsider the nature – and power – of swearing.
Friendship is a central part of the human experience. Our stories, our songs and our conversations are fabrics woven with threads of friendship.
- By Jude Bijou
I heard an interesting theory about egoism a while back... "Egoism is the root of all conflict in the world." Intuitively that makes perfect sense.
- By Perry Zurn
Kids are naturally curious. But various forces in the environment can dampen their curiosity over time.
- By Raian Ali
Teenagers are often accused of being addicted to their mobile devices, but new research shows they’re often just modelling their parents’ behaviour.
In conversations with strangers, people tend to think they should speak less than half the time to be likable but more than half the time to be interesting, according to new research
"Your relationship with your body is one of the most important relationships you’ll ever have. And since repairs are expensive and spare parts are hard to come by, it pays to make that relationship good. "
- By Ruth Ogden
As we approach the end of the school holidays, parents across the country are saying the same thing: “If I had a pound for every time I heard ‘are we nearly there yet?’, I’d be rich.”
We live in relationship. Even if we’re hermits on the top of a mountain we cannot help but relate to the blade of grass, the brook, the sun, and the stars.
Truth be told, the path of Self Love is not for the faint of heart. There's no destination or end to it.
Children raised in homes with abuse, addiction, mental illness, and other traumas typically live in a state of denial. They must continually tell themselves that the terrible things they’re seeing, hearing, and feeling aren’t really happening.