We know based on previous research that sleeping next to someone can help you sleep better – but this is the first study to look at how the type of relationship you’re in might impact your sleep.
During the pandemic, many of us have felt our stress levels rise every time we hear the word “virus”. But few people realise that just the sound of the word virus alone is likely to raise the blood pressure
- By Jude Bijou
Relationships wax and wane, stretch and grow, shift and evolve. We are always changing and any relationships we have, are always changing too. Sometimes there are bumps in the road on the journey.
- By Jude Bijou
Relationships wax and wane, stretch and grow, shift and evolve. We are always changing and any relationships we have, are always changing too. Sometimes there are bumps in the road on the journey.
You’ve probably heard people at work say something that was racist, sexist, demeaning, or offensive, even if it wasn’t directed at you. You may not have said anything or done anything about it, because, when it comes to work, it can be hard to speak up.
In Roman culture, Cupid was the child of the goddess Venus, popularly known today as the goddess of love, and Mars, the god of war.
For anyone aware of someone – a friend, a colleague, a family member – experiencing abuse and violence at home, one of the biggest questions is often why don’t they just walk away?
For more than a decade we’ve been deeply immersed in a love affair with social media. And the thought of ending things can be painful.
You’ve probably heard people at work say something that was racist, sexist, demeaning, or offensive, even if it wasn’t directed at you. You may not have said anything or done anything about it, because, when it comes to work, it can be hard to speak up.
When who you are as a person expands, you enhance your competence and capabilities and increase your ability to meet new challenges and accomplish new goals.
Our latest research uses brain scans to show how simply watching news coverage of disasters can raise childen’s anxiety and trigger responses in their brains that put them at risk of post-traumatic stress symptoms.
Smoking is prevalent in lower socio-economic groups whose characteristics (such as lower IQ and poorer motivation on average) are correlated with lower academic scores and more behavioural issues in children.
Research from around the world has examined the extent that COVID-19 restrictions have had on children and their levels of physical activity.
Even before fears of a virus compelled most people to stay physically distant, our research suggests that people were already keeping too much social distance from one another.
The holiday season is usually a joyous occasion, but many people feel “blah” soon after the celebrations. What is it about Christmas that makes people feel this way?
Your stress – and how you manage it – is catching. Your stress can spread around, particularly to your loved ones.
What do wireless speakers, streaming music subscriptions, smartphones and customized game controllers have in common?
Anyone whose experiences don’t live up to the holiday hype may find this difficult or disappointing, but those feelings may be felt even more acutely among those involved in family rifts
Humans are social beings and need to facilitate and maintain intimate relationships with others, including to produce offspring.
Children are capable of discerning an insincere apology, and insincere apologies are not conducive to encouraging forgiveness. The apology needs to make clear that someone understands why what they did was wrong. This, in turn, makes other kids more likely to give them a second chance.
It’s possible to curb online hate speech by inducing empathy for those affected, research on “counterspeech” finds.
Political polarization has been an increasing topic of concern for people in many areas of their lives, rearing its head in everything from family get-togethers to workplace relationships and election campaigns.
Women's capacity for orgasm seems almost limitless. Why is it then that many women are frustrated rather than satisfied? Why is it that for so many loving couples, the female orgasm remains an elusive dream; one in which she's perhaps become resigned to sex that's..