- By John Spencer
Explore the groundbreaking study on how talking to babies and toddlers impacts brain development. Learn about the influence of language input, myelin growth, and the benefits of contingent conversations.
Through repetitive patterns, you experience emotions that your ancestors might have experienced. Emotions are the connecting element between two worlds...
Vivek Murthy, the US surgeon general, warns that “being socially disconnected” has a similar effect on mortality as smoking up to 15 cigarettes daily.
Important conversations with teenagers are among the biggest challenges of parenting. They can feel like walking a tightrope.
I’m beginning to notice a few unexpected benefits from looking my age.
Male friendships are often presented in the media and popular culture as relatively superficial, competitive and lacking in emotional depth.
Overtly hostile behavior tends to diminish with age except for a minority of children who are at risk of later criminality. This makes childhood a critical time for steering those most in-need away from difficult life paths.
A key finding of our Australian Child Maltreatment Study, published in early 2023, is that emotional abuse is widespread and associated with similar harms as sexual abuse.
In the past two decades, children have become more obese and have developed obesity at a younger age. A 2020 report found that 14.7 million children and adolescents in the U.S. live with obesity.
In her book, Parenting on Earth, philosopher and mother Elizabeth Cripps argues that to do right by their kids, parents must also attempt to do something about the problems caused by climate change.
Being tired is a feeling we often experience. When we do certain activities – physical or mental – over a period of time, or even after experiencing intense emotional states, we feel tired, perhaps even exhausted.
In the eyes of the dominant culture, women, like nature, are deemed substandard. The feminine aspects of the world and in ourselves have been suppressed.
Occasional feelings of anxiety are normal, even in childhood – for example, a child may feel anxious about an approaching test at school. But if the anxiety is severe, long-lasting and interferes with a child’s daily life, it is called an anxiety disorder.
Research into relationships can help us understand why some people desire the approval of a parent who is abusive, insensitive or inconsistent in their love – or who rate high on what’s known as “dark trait” tendencies (narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism).
- By Brian Smith
Often, people don’t even notice that they’re talkers. It’s important, therefore, to observe your own behavior and read the body language of others to learn if you’re a talker.
- By Kris Marsh
Why is it seemingly OK to ask single people “Why are you single?” when married people are rarely asked “Why are you married?”
The greatest ailment in our modern world is separation. We have become disconnected from ourselves, from others, and from the world around us.
How our families express feelings, talk about feelings and react to feelings can have ripple effects into the next generation.
- By Yang Hu
Have you heard of “eldest daughter syndrome”? It’s the emotional burden eldest daughters tend to take on (and are encouraged to take on) in many families from a young age.
- By Sarah Leupen
Everyone has one, but you might not know much about it. Biologist Sarah Leupen explains the ins and outs of belly buttons.
Most of us have heard the one about if you cross your arms over your chest you’re feeling defensive or if you’re fiddling with your hair while talking you feel nervous – but is there really any truth to some of these body language stereotypes?
- By Aldert Vrij
Do you ever wonder if you could pass a lie detection test or imagine what it would be like to read people’s body language?
Partners who live together typically come to this significant place in their relationship in one of two ways – what some clinicians call “sliding versus deciding.”