- By Amy Rand
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), also known as ‘forever chemicals’ are used as ingredients that can make products waterproof, long-lasting and help them spread smoothly across skin.
Exposure to even moderate levels of airplane noise may disrupt sleep, researchers report.
For most of us, staying in a hotel room is either something of a necessity – think business travel – or something to look forward to as part of a holiday or wider excursion.
- By Mark Michaud
"For more than a century, TCE has threatened workers, polluted the air we breathe—outside and inside—and contaminated the water we drink. Global use is waxing, not waning," researchers say in a new report.
Skin does repair itself, but how long does that take? If you hit the beach for half an hour, then retreat to the shade for a while, then go back out, will the damage have gone back to baseline? Or are you accumulating it?
Wheat provides 19% of the calories and 21% of the protein consumed by humans globally. But a fungal disease called fusarium head blight (FHB), which can infect wheat crops and contaminate the grain with toxins, is on the rise.
To arrive at this conclusion, the researchers combined health and mortality data for seven million Canadians gathered over a 25-year period with information about the levels of outdoor PM2.5 concentrations across the country.
As the production of chemicals continues to boom, how exactly are they impacting our health? To answer this question, new tools have been developed to identify and monitor hazardous substances.
Heartland virus is circulating in lone star ticks in Georgia, scientists find, confirming active transmission of the virus within the state.
One in every nine people in Australia has asthma. It is a health burden for many children, and expensive for families because of medication, hospital and out-of-hospital expenses.
The most toxic substances that we identified actually came after the bottle had been in the dishwasher—presumably because washing wears down the plastic and thereby increases leaching
Beating the bite of mosquitoes this spring and summer could hinge on your attire and your skin, a new study shows.
Stopping mosquito bites is key to avoiding itchy bumps and mosquito-borne disease. Thankfully, there are several methods can you try – and some things to avoid – for a mozzie bite-free summer.
Children raised in areas with more atmospheric lead pollution grew up to have less...
As North America enters its peak summer growing season, gardeners are planting and weeding, and groundskeepers are mowing parks and playing fields. Many are using the popular weed killer Roundup, which is...
Researchers have found an unexpectedly high number of potentially concerning chemicals intentionally used in everyday plastic products.
While the hazardous air quality is certainly cause for alarm, there are precautionary measures people can take to protect their health during wildfire season. Here, experts talk about four key problems associated with wildfire smoke, and offer some practical tips about how to stay safe.
Exposure to a chemical found in the weed killer Roundup and other glyphosate-based herbicides is significantly associated with preterm births, according to a new study.
Fracking is associated with increased acute myocardial infarction hospitalization rates among middle-aged men, older men, and older women, as well as with increased heart attack-related mortality among middle-aged men
Coronavirus vaccines have been developed and deployed in record time, but as global rollout has progressed, too few doses have been made available in low-income countries. It’s a stark reminder that when it comes to infectious diseases, the world’s poorest often get left behind.
Airborne contaminants, dirty toilet seats, mould and mildew: long before the coronavirus pandemic came around, the hygiene-focused among us knew public washrooms are grimy places.
New research finds that, when schools practice mandatory masking, social distancing, and frequent hand-washing, COVID-19 transmission is rare
Some people just aren’t bothered by the cold, no matter how low the temperature dips. And the reason for this may be in a person’s genes.