Image by Rama Krishna Karumanchi
Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
It's an ongoing process... making choices, choosing a direction, deciding on the next step to take. That's the plus (and sometimes the minus) side of free will. We have choices to make. Even 'not making a choice' is a choice... the decision to remain where we are, in stasis, in the status quo.
Of course, at InnerSelf we champion choices made from the heart in conjunction with the well-informed mind. They are meant to work together, not separately. One is not to overpower the other, but they are to work in partnership, with the highest good as their intention and goal.
This week our authors share various methods to help us set our feet in the "right" direction. Sometimes that is to retreat into the quiet space of silence and the healing vibration of nature. At other times it is in setting intentions and taking actions that propel us in the direction of our dreams of a better future.
Scroll down for the new articles that were added to the website this week.
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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
Some of the featured articles are also in audio and video format.
Go to each article for the links.
A Place of Rest from Ever-Accelerating Change
Pierre Pradervand
For eons we lived in a world where change was so slow that a snails’ pace would by comparison seem like a racing car from the famous Le Mans car race. Stability was the name of the game...
Learning Self-Care—Saying No and Using Love as the Ultimate Healing Tool
Eileen Day McKusick
"Your relationship with your body is one of the most important relationships you’ll ever have. And since repairs are expensive and spare parts are hard to come by, it pays to make that relationship good. "
But We Are Afraid...
Rabbi Wayne Dosick
So why don’t we go for it? Why don’t we reach out for what we really want? Why don’t we strive to...
Intention and the Moment of Choice
Matthew McKay, PhD.
All significant choices move us toward or away from love. And the most important thing we learn in life is recognizing the choices and actions that bring us closer or farther from love. Each day is full of...
Spontaneity and Gratitude as Creative Playgrounds
Evelyn C. Rysdyk
Great ideas can strike when you are fully involved in another task. When an idea strikes, stop what you are doing as soon as you are able and write down whatever arose from your creative mind.
The Importance of Being Outside
Joyce Vissell
Our connection with nature, with the out of doors, is absolutely important to our physical and mental health. Being outside helps bring peace and quiet to our minds.
If Not Closure for People Who Are Grieving, Then What Else?
Nancy Berns
From the breakup of a relationship to losing a loved one, people are often told to find “closure” after traumatic things happen.
The Most Cost-Effective Energy Efficiency Investments You Can Make
Jasmina Burek
Energy efficiency can save homeowners and renters hundreds of dollars a year, and the new Inflation Reduction Act includes a wealth of home improvement rebates and tax incentives to help Americans secure those saving.
Can You Safely Reheat Food More Than Once?
Enzo Palombo and Sarah McLean
Preparing meals in bulk and reheating is a great way to save time in the kitchen and can also help to reduce food waste.
What Survey Data Says About Spiritual Americans’ Political Behavior
Evan Stewart and Jaime Kucinskas
Historically, religious Americans have been civically engaged. Through churches and other faith-based organizations, congregants volunteer, engage in local and national civic organizations and pursue political goals.
Does Welfare Reduce Crime?
University of Chicago
A new study examines one program’s impact on employment and incarceration.
Creative Skills Will Be Crucial To The Future Of Work
Esther Anatolitis
There is much to be learned from the creative industries when it comes to understanding the future of work.
Why People Probably Don't Always Get Happier As They Age
David Bartram
The so-called U-shaped curve of happiness is reassuring but, unfortunately, probably not true.
At The Brink
While, we at InnerSelf, strive to present an inspiring and positive view of life and events, at times, an approach is needed that is a bit more harsh when the truths are glaring and need to be addressed. That is what this section At The Brink does: shed light on issues that are urgent for humanity and the planet.
The Cost of Living Crisis Has Been Many Years In The Making
Kevin Albertson and Stevienna de Saille
We are actually living through a slow-motion crisis which has been decades in the making and is set to continue. Understanding what is really happening is a vital first step to finding a way out.
Rivers Worldwide Are Running Dry and Here’s Why and What We Can Do About It
Catherine E. Russell
Rivers around the world have been drying up recently. The Loire in France broke records in mid-August for its low water levels, while photos circulating online show the mighty Danube, Rhine, Yangtze and Colorado rivers all but reduced to trickles.
This Week's Astrological Overview
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: Sept. 5 - 11, 2022
Pam Younghans
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: September 5 - 11, 2022 (Video)
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