InnerSelf Newsletter: December 6, 2020
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Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

It's time to change our attitude and to jump into the future we desire and that we know is possible. We've been months, or actually decades, decrying the state of the world... a lot of woe me and hand-wringing has been going on. But, enough is enough! It's time for a new attitude and new intentions.

What we focus on is what we see. If we constantly focus on the negative, the hurts, the "what is missing", we don't get to see and appreciate what we do have and what exists in our world. It's time to focus on what we wish to create and the steps needed to get there... and the good news is that this process is already underway, and has been for quite a while. It is not all doom-and-gloom.

It's time for us to turn on the light so we can see the wondrous people surrounding us and wonderful events taking place. In this week's "Astrological Journal", Pam Younghans shares: "What we desire and envision with clarity will eventually take form – it's just a matter of focus and intent and overcoming limiting beliefs." And also: "...accept the current moment of darkness as simply a step in the process of the coming light."

We start our featured articles this week with Will T. Wilkinson who tells us "Something Wonderful Is Happening". To quote from his article: "If we believed only what we read, heard, and watched on mainstream news and through social media, we’d become convinced that our world is in the worst shape it’s ever been and that human beings are a woeful species doomed to imminent demise." But since we all know at least one wonderful loving person, we also know that the negative projections are just not so.

Pierre Pradervand builds up on that theme and follows up by reminding us of the need for "Deep Trust In Troubled Times" and that "At every moment, we choose what we want to see."

Sarah Love shares her perspective and insights on the upcoming holiday season in "How Can We Foster Deeper Connection and Make Love-filled Memories during this Potentially Difficult Season?".

Eileen Workman encourages us to choose "A New Way of Belonging: Calling Forth the Best in Every Person" and Tur?ya informs us that "Enlightenment Is Our Natural State".

We round off this week's featured articles with a heart-warming and inspiring testimonial from Barry Vissell. "The Chain Around His Heart -- It's Time for Healing".

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Something Wonderful Is Happening

Written by Will T. Wilkinson

Something Wonderful Is Happening: What Can You Do?
News, by definition, is mostly bad. If we believed only what we read, heard, and watched on mainstream news and through social media, we’d become convinced that our world is in the worst shape it’s ever been and that human beings are a woeful species doomed to imminent demise.

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Deep Trust In Troubled Times

Written by Pierre Pradervand

Deep Trust In Troubled Times
To say the world is going through some challenges is the understatement of the year. Never in history have we ever collectively faced such a challenge on a world level, despite the November 9, 2020 discovery of a hopefully efficient vaccine.

How Can We Foster Deeper Connection and Make Love-filled Memories during this Potentially Difficult Season?

Written by Sarah Love McCoy

How Can We Foster Deeper Connection and Make Love-filled Memories during this Potentially Difficult Season?
We're headed into holidays in a year unlike any year we've ever known. We've got a mountain of challenges, with grief and disappointment making themselves at home in our hearts. Some of us feeling even more divided from our families than ever. Most of us longing to have loved ones gather. All of us navigating uncharted waters.

A New Way of Belonging: Calling Forth the Best in Every Person

Written by Eileen Workman

A New Way of Belonging
The level of hunger for “belonging” being expressed by a large number of white Americans today reflects a primary drive all people feel to belong to a family, a tribe, a social group, or a welcoming community system.

Enlightenment Is Our Natural State

Written by Tur?ya

Enlightenment Is Our Natural State 
Enlightenment does not mean everything in our lives works out. It doesn’t mean all money problems and relationship issues and health challenges suddenly disappear. What it does mean is the human drama does not block the unreasonable joy which is the play of existence.

The Chain Around His Heart -- It's Time for Healing

Written by Barry Vissell

The Chain Around His Heart
Two broken hearts ... and mending ten years later! This true story shows how the heart can be healed, no matter how much time has gone by.

Social Values Held With Moral Conviction Can Be Used To Justify Violence
Social Values Held With Moral Conviction Can Be Used To Justify Violence

by Max Witynski

Psychologists have often studied the “bright side” of morality—its role in promoting cooperation, for example. But the…

Feeling Sore After Exercise? Here's What Science Suggests Helps And What Doesn't
Feeling Sore After Exercise? Here's What Science Suggests Helps And What Doesn't

by Andrea Mosler and Matthew Driller

Have you been hitting the gym again with COVID restrictions easing? Or getting back into running, cycling, or playing…

Climate Sceptic or Climate Denier? It's Not That Simple and Here's Why
Climate Sceptic or Climate Denier? It's Not That Simple and Here's Why

by Peter Ellerton

Climate change is now climate crisis and a climate sceptic now a climate denier, according to the recently updated…

Even If You're Asymptomatic, Why COVID-19 Can Harm Your Heart
Even If You're Asymptomatic, Why COVID-19 Can Harm Your Heart

by Partho Sengupta

COVID-19 can do some pretty scary things to the human heart. It can trigger blood clots in severe cases and cause…

As The Pandemic Rages, The US Could Use More "Samfundssind"
As The Pandemic Rages, The US Could Use More "Samfundssind"

by Marie Helweg-Larsen

In recent years, the English-speaking world has found two Danish concepts, “pyt” and “hygge,” useful for dealing with…

On Zoom, Men Don’t Like Feeling Watched and Judged -- But Women Are Used To It
On Zoom, Men Don’t Like Feeling Watched and Judged -- But Women Are Used To It

by Treena Orchard and Shauna Burke

In Lewis Carroll’s Victorian classic Through the Looking-Glass, Alice steps through a mirror into a world that is a…

I'm An Astronomer and I Think Aliens May Be Out There – But UFO Sightings Aren't Persuasive
I'm An Astronomer and I Think Aliens May Be Out There – But UFO Sightings Aren't Persuasive

by Chris Impey

Surveys show that nearly half of Americans believe that aliens have visited the Earth, either in the ancient past or…

Humans Have Used Drugs With Sex For Millennia and The Reasons Are Much Broader Than You Think
Humans Have Used Drugs With Sex For Millennia and The Reasons Are Much Broader Than You Think

by Ian Hamilton and Alex Aldridge

On their own, sex and drugs are cultural taboos. Combining them only adds to our reluctance to talk about them. Despite…

Don't Say Goodbye To Zoom Yet: Most People Want To Get Back To The Office, But Not For The Full Week
Don't Say Goodbye To Zoom Yet: Most People Want To Get Back To The Office, But Not For The Full Week

by Abigail Marks et al

As more and more good news about vaccines has come pouring in, Zoom has watched its shares tumble. Contrary to nervous…

Some Got The 'Hillbilly Elegy' Book Wrong – and They're Getting The Movie Wrong, Too
Some Got The 'Hillbilly Elegy' Book Wrong – and They're Getting The Movie Wrong, Too

by Lisa R. Pruitt

Film critics have had nary a good word to say about Netflix’s new movie “Hillbilly Elegy.” Reviewers varyingly called…

Why Nursing Home Aides Exposed to COVID-19 Aren’t Taking Sick Leave
Why Nursing Home Aides Exposed to COVID-19 Aren’t Taking Sick Leave

by Shefali Milczarek-Desai and Tara Sklar

The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated America’s nursing homes, but the reasons aren’t as simple as people might think.

Why Concussion Can Accelerate Ageing of the Brain
Why Concussion Can Accelerate Ageing of the Brain

by Tom Owens et al

The serious harm caused by concussion in sport first became apparent among the “punch-drunk” boxers who suffered…

How COVID-19 Might Increase Risk of Memory Loss and Cognitive Decline
How COVID-19 Might Increase Risk of Memory Loss and Cognitive Decline

by Natalie C. Tronson

Of all frightening ways that the SARS-COV-2 virus affects the body, one of the more insidious is the effect of COVID-19…

Socialism Is A Trigger Word On Social Media But Real Discussion Is Going On Amid The Screaming
Socialism Is A Trigger Word On Social Media But Real Discussion Is Going On Amid The Screaming

by Robert Kozinets

The word “socialism” has become a trigger word in U.S. politics, with both positive and negative perceptions of it…

A Philosophical Idea That Can Help Us Understand Why Time Seems To Be Moving Slowly
A Philosophical Idea That Can Help Us Understand Why Time Seems To Be Moving Slowly

by Matyáš Moravec

Many people feel that their experience of time has been a bit off this year. Even though the clocks are ticking as they…

The 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season Was A Record-Breaker, and It's Raising More Concerns About Climate Change
The 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season Was A Record-Breaker, and It's Raising More Concerns About Climate Change

by James H. Ruppert Jr. and Allison Wing

We’re looking back at a trail of broken records, and the storms may still not be over even though the season officially…

Following a T-Shirt From Cotton Field to Landfill Shows The True Cost of Fast Fashion
Following a T-Shirt From Cotton Field to Landfill Shows The True Cost of Fast Fashion

by Mark Sumner

With many shops closed due to pandemic restrictions, Black Friday 2020 might have looked different from the frantic…

Newly Discovered Ghostly Circles In The Sky Can't Be Explained By Current Theories
Newly Discovered Ghostly Circles In The Sky Can't Be Explained By Current Theories

by Ray Norris

In September 2019, my colleague Anna Kapinska gave a presentation showing interesting objects she’d found while…

When Are You Most Infectious If You Have COVID-19?
When Are You Most Infectious If You Have COVID-19?

by Müge Çevik and Antonia Ho

A close friend – let’s call him John – recently called, asking for advice. He woke up with severe muscle aches and…

The Morality of Canceling Student Debt
The Morality of Canceling Student Debt

by Kate Padgett Walsh

There are those who question the idea of debt forgiveness and call it unfair to those who never took out student debt…

8 Facts To Know About Eggs
8 Facts To Know About Eggs

by Hazel Flight

One of life’s true miracles, the humble egg is maybe one of the most versatile foodstuffs on the planet. It’s formed in…

Fences Have Big Effects On Land and Wildlife Around The World That Are Rarely Measured
Fences Have Big Effects On Land and Wildlife Around The World That Are Rarely Measured

by Alex McInturff et al

What is the most common form of human infrastructure in the world? It may well be the fence. If our planet’s fences…

Dangers of a Sedentary Inactivity Can Take A Toll On Health In Just Two Weeks
Dangers of a Sedentary Inactivity Can Take A Toll On Health In Just Two Weeks

by James McKendry

As the world digs in for another wave of COVID-19, flu season and winter, people also face a serious risk from reduced…

How Anger, Sadness and Fear Crept Into Our Dreams During Lockdown
How Anger, Sadness and Fear Crept Into Our Dreams During Lockdown

by Mark Blagrove

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed nearly every aspect of our lives. Our dreams are no different. Soon after the first…

Why Suburbs Are Becoming Increasingly Diverse
Why Suburbs Are Becoming Increasingly Diverse

by Bilge Serin and Annette Hastings

Historically, suburbs have been considered as places which are less diverse than cities, particularly with regard to…

How To Teach Saving and Spending to Kids As Young As 3 Years Old
How To Teach Saving and Spending to Kids As Young As 3 Years Old

by Tessa Mazachowsky and Caitlin Mahy

Planning for the holidays will look a different this year in the face of COVID-19. Beyond gathering restrictions, many…

Your Brain's Built-in Biases Insulate Your Beliefs From Contradictory Facts
Your Brain's Built-in Biases Insulate Your Beliefs From Contradictory Facts

by Jay Maddock

There are several well-known mechanisms in human psychology that enable people to continue to hold tight to beliefs…

Planning A Road Trip In A Pandemic? 11 Tips For Before You Leave, On The Road And When You Arrive
Planning A Road Trip In A Pandemic? 11 Tips For Before You Leave, On The Road And When You Arrive

by Thea van de Mortel

As restrictions ease around the country and the prospect of travel beckons, many of us will be planning road trips for…

The Challenges and Benefits of Outdoor Recreation During Coronavirus Lockdown
The Challenges and Benefits of Outdoor Recreation During Coronavirus Lockdown

by Holly Thorpe

For many people, outdoor recreation activities are part of their coping strategy during times of high stress.…

PTSD and Psychoactive Drugs: MDMA Treatment Shows Potential
PTSD and Psychoactive Drugs: MDMA Treatment Shows Potential

by Tracey Varker

Can psychoactive drugs be used to treat mental health problems? The idea has been around for years, and recently…

7 Tips To Make Speaking In Online Classes and Meetings Easier
7 Tips To Make Speaking In Online Classes and Meetings Easier

by Lesley Irvine

Many parents and students are engaged in a daily routine of speaking to people via a camera on a computer, tablet or…

It's Not Just The Isolation. Working From Home Has Surprising Downsides
It's Not Just The Isolation. Working From Home Has Surprising Downsides

by Libby (Elizabeth) Sander

What if you never had to return to work? Never had to return to work at the office, that is. You’d be able to juggle…

How Climate Change and Pesticides Could Conspire To Crash Fish Populations
How Climate Change and Pesticides Could Conspire To Crash Fish Populations

by William Feeney and Marc Besson

Australia barely had time to recover from record breaking fires at the start of 2020 before the Great Barrier Reef…

4 Ways To Teach You're (sic) Kids About Grammar So They Actually Care
4 Ways To Teach You're (sic) Kids About Grammar So They Actually Care

by Brett Healey

A child with a broad repertoire of grammatical knowledge can skilfully choose how to phrase what they want to say.…

5 Ways To Spend With More Social Purpose This Christmas
5 Ways To Spend With More Social Purpose This Christmas

by Danielle Logue

It’s the season of giving – and spending. While the common adage is that money can’t buy happiness, others have…

Why Have Mass Shootings In The US Risen So Sharply In 2020?
Why Have Mass Shootings In The US Risen So Sharply In 2020?

by Craig Jackson

Despite the US response to the coronavirus pandemic using sporadic stay-at-home orders and lockdowns, as at November 26…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Astrological Journal for the Week

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


Understanding and Applying the Three Keys to Success
Understanding and Applying The 3 Keys to Success

by J.R. Parrish

I can tell you that learning effective human-relations skills completely changed and dramatically improved my life.…

Putting Our Values to the Test in the Workplace --- If Not Now, When?
Putting Our Values to the Test in the Workplace --- If Not Now, When?

by Lenedra J. Carroll

An understanding of values is essential in business operation: not as a semantic discussion about the difference…

7 Hermetic Principles and 7 Paths to Free Your Imprisoned Splendor
7 Hermetic Principles and 7 Paths to Free Your Imprisoned Splendor

by John Randolph Price

Between 2500 and 1500 B.C. (the dates vary), Hermes Trismegistus, the 'scribe of the gods,' came on the world stage to…

7 Steps to Focus Your Intention and Attention to Heal Yourself and Others
7 Steps to Focus Your Intention and Attention to Heal Yourself and Others

by José Stevens, Ph.D.

It is important to realize that all healing techniques whether they be physical, energetic, mental, or emotional are an…

How To Use Intuition As A Tool For Self-Healing
How To Use Intuition As A Tool For Self-Healing

by Carol Ritberger, Ph.D.

We are so conditioned to using our five physical senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell), that we expect…

25 Principles of Visionary Business to Transform the World
25 Principles of Visionary Business to Transform the World

by Marc Allen

The ultimate purpose of visionary business if to transform the world, by doing what we love to do, into an ecologically…

Expanding Meditation Into Your Life with Kinhin, Walking Meditation
Expanding Meditation Into Your Life with Kinhin, Walking Meditation

by Franz Metcalf

Perhaps you envision meditation as something completely peaceful and still. Not always. Meditation is a tool for…


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