We are all connected and everything that takes place touches us.
We must open our eyes to see the truth - both the light and the shadow - that surrounds us. The more we learn about our world, about ourselves, and about the living beings that surround us, the more we can...
Our world and our life is filled with stereotypes, phobias, and many more attitudes and behaviors that have become the norm. Yet, in all of this we always remain the ones who hold the power of choice.
This week, as usual, we bring you articles to support you in your daily life... physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Our inner eye or third eye, which represents our intuition and inner guidance, is the calm space in the middle of whatever chaotic forces may be swirling around us.
Life is made up of many choices and many details -- though, of course, the best choices are the ones made through the eyes of Love. The articles this week...
The words "I am grateful" are a powerful mantra and healing balm. Even in the midst of a stressful life...
Our life, each day, is basically a blank page of paper. Whatever was written yesterday, or before, is another page, one that can no longer be changed. However, every morning we are presented with a blank page...
As I looked at the featured articles this week, I noticed that the first articles on the list start with the following words: Revitalize... Uplift... Commit... Dreaming... Sounds like a great life plan to me!
Our goal at InnerSelf is to help empower you to access your True Self and discover and activate your role in the future of us all.
As the song goes, "Some days are diamonds, some days are stone". As we go along in this time of life on earth, we may seem to boomerang from...
Perhaps one of the shortcomings of humans, and humanity as a whole, is our shortsightedness. We only see what we know, we tend to only believe what we have been taught, and we usually...
It might be nice if life came with a manual. This "manual of life" would provide the specifications of the human body and mind, as well as advice on...
This week we look at healing... healing ourselves, our family patterns, our beliefs, our physical body, and every single part of us whether physical, emotional, or spiritual.
This week, our selected articles focus on choices we can make and how they open the door for the future we desire.
This week we bring you articles to assist you in your quest for inner peace and outer balance... in yourself, your relationships, and in life itself.
The only constant is change. And that is wonderful news as it gives us the opportunity, constantly, to reinvent ourselves and our world.
As humans we sometimes have a tendency to take things to extremes.
The greatest ailment in our modern world is separation...
As we open our hands and our heart, we can connect with others (and with the whole world) in a more open and loving manner.
This week we focus on community, collaboration, cooperation, connection. One thing that is becoming clear is that we are all connected.
There's a reason why fairy tales and fantasies are appealing. They make life seem so easy! You wave a magic wand, and Voilà! It's taken care of, fixed, healed, completed. Except...
Perhaps our highest goal in life could be to let our spirit soar, to let it rise up free for all to see.