Image by Arek Socha
Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
One thing we humans seem to be very good at is to complicate things. And often, ironically, it's with the purpose of simplifying them. I've had to make several calls to various internet companies, car insurance, medical appointments, governmental agencies, etc. within the past few months, and was faced with choice after choice of press 1, or press 2, then a next menu with again more choices, etc. Or you have the voice activated responses which means if you have any other conversation going on around you, your choices get all confused. The computer hears it all and picks an answer for you. This is supposed to simplify our lives? It doesn't seem to.
And then we have numerous appliances to do all these separate tasks...again with the purpose of simplifying. And we end up with a houseful of gadgets that we rarely, or maybe never, use. We thought we were making our life more simple with these additional gadgets and ended up making it more complicated. In many cases, our technological world has not made our life easier as we now have myriad logins, passwords, security codes, etc. Simplicity anyone?
So this week we look at some simple things we can do to make our life run more smoothly, more peacefully, and more lovingly. These things have nothing to do with telecommunications or appliances, but more with attitudinal perspectives that we can nurture within ourselves and towards others.
Scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.
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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
Some of the featured articles are also in audio and video format.
Go to each article for the links.
A Few Simple Things I’ve Learned Along The Way
Peter Ruppert, author of Limitless: Nine Steps to Launch Your One Extraordinary Life
Sometimes, when we are laser-focused on our goals and making our mark on the world, the relentless activity can become all-encompassing. In pursuit of a good life, we can sometimes forget to enjoy what is right in front of us.
The Accumulation-Happiness Myth Is Fueled by False Beliefs
Lawrence Doochin, author of A Book on Fear
When we are taught that we should have something or achieve a certain thing and we aren't yet there, this will automatically engender fear and anxiety in us until we believe we reach these goals.
Simple, Simple, Simple …. and Essential
Pierre Pradervand, author of 365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World
It is a great platitude to say that the world is getting more and more complicated and complex. Many of our seniors are hopelessly lost with a system that is changing and evolving almost daily.
Another Way To Know What’s Too Old To Eat
Jill Roberts
Avoiding unseen food hazards is the reason people often check the dates on food packaging. And printed with the month and year is often one of a dizzying array of phrases: “best by,” “use by,” “best if used before,” “best if used by,” “guaranteed fresh until,” “freeze by” and even a “born on” label applied to some beer.
What Really Drives Anti-Abortion Beliefs?
Jaimie Arona Krems and Martie Haselton
Many people have strong opinions about abortion – especially in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, revoking a constitutional right previously held by more than 165 million Americans. But what really drives people’s abortion attitudes?
7 Tips For Exercising Safely During A Heatwave
Ash Willmott, Justin Roberts and Oliver Gibson
When summer temperatures soar, the idea of working out might be the furthest thing from your mind. But just because it’s hot doesn’t mean you can’t still squeeze a workout in if you want to, though there are a few adjustments you may need to make to your normal routine.
10 Uplifting Quotes For Dark Times
AJ Earley
Unfortunately, life isn’t all sunshine and daisies. Here are some great thoughts from some great people for those times when life seems more like a kerfuffle with quicksand than a day at the beach.
What The Bible Actually Says About Abortion May Surprise You
Melanie A. Howard
Abortions were known and practiced in biblical times, although the methods differed significantly from modern ones.
This Week's Astrological Overview
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: July 25-31, 2022
Pam Younghans, NorthPoint Astrology
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: July 25-31, 2022 (Video)
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